Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The hostility bug[]

Ada acted normally when taken to Graygarden to help defend against an attack. No hostility was noted between her and the resident robots. On XBox One. Unkgeog66 (talk) 07:00, March 29, 2016 (UTC)

Also tested Graygarden and Goodneighbor, and didn't get any hostility. For those who do have this issue, is there some specific robot mod which might be causing it? I tested one of the usual culprits, i.e. wearing power armor with the targeting HUD mod, but that didn't make any difference. Aya42 (talk) 07:57, March 29, 2016 (UTC)

Unusual and Kind Dialogue[]

I have resurrected and companionized Nora in my game, all the other companions just ignore her, only moving around her when they do notice.. except Ada.. Ada actually spoke to her. Ada said to her 'Please, mind the radiation, ma'am.'. I was so surprised. I play as a male and all three of us had wiped the whole place out, I had gotten lost going round in circles, the floor was 6 inches deep in radioactive water; and from behind I hear Ada caringly and softly talking to Nora. thats all i can say.. so surprised!

Dava4444 (talk) 03:33, March 30, 2016 (UTC)

It could be she's registering Nora as the female Sole Survivor. I use a mod called "Ties that Bind" in Fallout 3 (actually, I use it in A Tale of Two Wastelands for New Vegas but that's irrelevant), which gives the Lone Wanderer a rather immersive older sister (I recommend looking this mod up if you're playing either of the above games). Most NPCs will ignore Amanda, but Wadsworth will exclaim "It's good to see you're alive and well, madame!" whenever we go home to Megaton. I can only assume it's because Amanda shares flags with a female Lone Wanderer (I play as a male usually in TTW) but I still like the sentiment.

I also like Ada, but I wish there was more to her; at the very least, it'd be nice if there were perks you could take to give her buffs, or a mod that let you have her and another companion. I wish there was more dialogue for her, especially between her and Codsworth or Nick. There's so much lost potential for the character, I feel. --Godzillafan93 02:04, January 21, 2017 (UTC)
