Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Where is a picture of this weapon?

Beats me but somebody must of read or heard about it somewhere to have made the article, at least I know what the gun looks like from the hyperlink.


How do we even know this weapon exists? I haven't heard reference to it anywhere.

It is from a preview. Woot 21:14, June 13, 2010 (UTC)


Well.....I guess it COULD of been made up or it could not of been....should we delete the article?

Hey guys, there used to be a scan from the Game Informer magazine, but they all gots deleted. Spoon Say Hi! 20:46, June 13, 2010 (UTC)

Delete It[]

I say delete the article.

I say no. It's on page 66 of issue 206 of GameInformer. Gears of War 3 was the cover story. The weapon is used by a character wearing the new NCR uniform and wearing a cowboy hat. Nitty Tok. 23:41, June 13, 2010 (UTC)

Thank you, as I was hoping it was real.

Ok, I just looked at the picture and I disagree with the description of it. It only some what resembles the Vector, and I doubt they are at all related. Aka Vacuum 18:48, June 14, 2010 (UTC)

I somewhat agree, but really the vektor is the only gun I know of that resembles it at all. It appears to be an entirely unique design. 03:27, June 15, 2010 (UTC)

propely af uniq weapon

It's probably not unique in that sense. I named it a little more on the silly side because it was the best I could come up with; the old article title was just 'SMG (Fallout: New Vegas)'. Nitty Tok. 21:45, July 8, 2010 (UTC)


Well, given the odd shape of the weapon, it reminds me of the weapons used in Ghost in the Shell :). Nukey (talk) 16:44, September 18, 2010 (UTC)

Either that or that, or the bolter rifles prominently featured in "Warhammer 40'000". I don't know what that trapezoidal thing in on the bottom of the gun is though.AryeonosWhat!? 06:13, October 31, 2010 (UTC)


Does anyone think this might be 12.7mm, an SMG companion to the 12.7mm pistol? It sort of has a similar aesthetic, and the magazine well looks big enough to accommodate it.


Check this out: it lists a 12.7mm SMG. I think that must be what that is.--Resplendant Securitron 02:19, October 12, 2010 (UTC)

since when...[]

does the fucking Kriss look like this? This almost looks like a weapon the Tollan would use in SG-1. The Kriss and the Cyberpunk SMG look nothing alike. And if it is based upon the Kriss, I want a source. YuriKaslov-M1911 small Yuri Kaslov 02:30, September 24, 2010 (UTC)

Is cyberpunk a play on steampunk?[]

Just wondering. YuriKaslov-M1911 small Yuri Kaslov 03:49, September 30, 2010 (UTC)

Cyberpunk is sort of like steampunk, but whereas Steampunk refers to universes which are stuck in the Victorian age and rely on steam power for everything, Cyberpunk refers to a very high tech universe where everything relies on computerization and the internet to function. Think like Ghost in the Shell, or if you've never seen that, System Shock, or if you've never played that, Deus Ex, or if you've never played that... uhhh... Johnny Mnemonic? Everyone's seen that. With Keanu Reeves and that dolphin that's hooked up to a computer? No? Ok, well if you haven't heard of any of those look them up and it will give you some understanding as to what Cyberpunk is. As for what "punk" fallout is? I'd call it "Retro-Futuristic NukePunk" or maybe "50's RadPunk".--Resplendant Securitron 02:39, October 2, 2010 (UTC)
Ah, I see. YuriKaslov-M1911 small Yuri Kaslov 02:43, October 2, 2010 (UTC)

Somebody mentioned Ghost in the Shell!!! Nukey (talk) 01:01, October 12, 2010 (UTC)

Hence the name. :D Nitty Tok. 01:03, October 12, 2010 (UTC)

Answering your first question, no, steampunk is not cyber punk, they are not related in any way. secondly, it's not just steampower, it can be diesel, clockwork, tesla, as long as it resembles the victorian era. fact or fiction

I was asking if cyberpunk is a PUN. Jesus. YuriKaslov-M1911 small Yuri Kaslov 16:36, October 26, 2010 (UTC)
Aw! You young people! It's adorable! No, it's the other way round! "Cyberpunk", the word, was first coined in the 1980s in scifi, made popular in particular by the work of William Gibson (Neuromancer etc). It's popularity really grew in the 1990s, and what with the Internet becoming more well-known through the 90s, the word cropped up more and more. Steampunk is an aesthetic a lot like Cyberpunk would have been 100 years earlier, steam-age Cyberpunk. It's really cute and silly that someone would think Steampunk was the original word! Since then there's been clockwork-punk, dieselpunk, and other spinoffs. 06:08, February 8, 2015 (UTC)

Why've i never spotted these 12.7 weapons?[]

I've got like 40ish hours clocked on my character, i'm level 30, i explore every chance i get. Still not spotted the pistol nor the SMG, and i've had the silencer mod in my inventory since about level 10. I know the article lists places to find them, but why aren't they regularly used by enemies? Or are they, and i've just completely missed them? -EllEzDee 16:23, October 28, 2010 (UTC)

I just gunned down everyone in The Fort. There were two 12.7 SMG users.-- 17:26, November 15, 2010 (UTC)

An homage to the Warhammer 40k Bolter?[]

After looking at a picture of the weapon for a while, it suddenly occured to me that it looks a lot like a bolter from Warhammer 40k. Just imagine the 12.7mm SMG without that thing at the bottom connected to the entire weapon and you'll see what I mean. Makes sense to me considering that a Ripper is basically a 40k Chainsword, and there are always 40k fans who want their characters to be 40k Space Marines. Well, now they have the power armor, the sword, and the gun to do something close to it. --Desert Ranger 11:02, October 30, 2010 (UTC)

Pretty much yeah, that's what I thought when I saw it. It also has a paint job that matches regular T-51b power armour. Don't forget power fists, those are also direct parallels to the WH40K ones.AryeonosWhat!? 06:15, October 31, 2010 (UTC)

You are reading too much into it. The 12.7mm SMG actually shares very little with the Warhammer 40k bolter. The idea of powered infantry armor has been around since the 30s, and the ripper... seriously? You're both just speculating. YuriKaslov-M1911 small Yuri Kaslov 20:53, October 31, 2010 (UTC)

i have to agree with the above post, i mean ive seen weapons similar to this in other games like hellgate:london as well. the reality is there are only so many ways to make guns, melee weapons, and armor look. eventually you will always find ones that remind you of other games.

regardless, if you like SMGs this thing is a beast.

Comparing the 12.7mm SMG to the Bolter is an insult, anyone who knows anything about W40K universe knows that the Bolter fires a monstrous .75cal high explosive round with an armor piercing tip (and that's just the standard issue round) and would probably have enough power to reduce a human torso to a pile of mince meat, bone fragments and bloody bits with a single shot, of course this is all just speculation on my part.--BattleBen 07:34, November 19, 2010 (UTC)

It's actually .99 cal, .49 inches larger than the 12.7mm, the sights, snub barrel, covered mechanics, and foregrip are all very similar to a bolter, plus, it doesn't matter! Unless the developers of the game specifically state, it's all a bunch of speculation. Anyways, this thread isn't conducive to the article so I'm archiving it.AryeonosWhat!? 08:11, November 22, 2010 (UTC)


Shouldn't this be moved to 12.7mm SMG? -- TikiTantrum 03:07, November 8, 2010 (UTC)

Slightly off topic[]

I noticed in the picture in the bottom of the page of the courier shooting a super mutant with this gun. Hes wearing some kind of black coat armor that I haven't seen in the entire game(I'm 80 hours+ in and also a nerd so it's hard for things like this to get by me) can anyone find out what it is?

that is the 1st Recon assault armor and it is only available to Craig Boone.

best pair for a sniper[]

i think this is probably best paired with a sniper rifle, as its only effective at short range due to spread, and its one of the few weapons with a silencer attachment.

get a silencer for a standard sniper and this, and you have a pretty well rounded weapon load out for the stealthy type player. able to peg things at extreme range, or unleash hell at point blank range.

the only drawbacks to this weapon is it only does 36 damage per shot, and when you start fighting targets with high DT that wont seem very good, even though its as good or better than most weapons.

on the plus side 12.7 ammo doesnt weigh very much and keeping a couple hundred rounds on you only weighs a couple pounds, which kind of offsets the lower damage per shot.

also it boasts dps that cant be beat by anything but the most powerful heavy weapons in the game... even though DPS is a very deceptive number in this game because it doesnt take DT into account, you arnt going to get a more powerful automatic weapon unless you take a weighty heavy weapon.

Not really an SMG?[]

It would seem that this is an SMG in name only. Given the fact that all the other SMGs in Fallout NV are one handed weapons, and holster on the hip like a pistol. The other (earlier) name for an SMG in real life is a 'machine pistol'. Today, line is very blurred in real life, and in NV it seems the 12.7mm SMG also blurs the line a little. The top mounted magazine resembles the FN P90 SMG. The P90 however uses a very small caliber (5.7mm) and the top mounted magazine enables extremely high capacity(50 rounds in military and law enforcement models). I wonder which perks apply to this weapon. Run 'n' Gun, Commando, Gunslinger, etc.7h1s 23:24, November 15, 2010 (UTC)

The Tommy Gun is classified as a SMG, but is two-handed. Ingame, that applies to the Silenced .22 SMG as well. --Kris User Hola 23:31, November 15, 2010 (UTC)

Very delayed replyt (but someone else may come here to read this). The term submachine gun refers to them using pistol rounds, and not because they are one handed or hip holsteredMrsuperhappy (talk) 13:34, August 2, 2017 (UTC)

the spread is ridicilous[]

it's even worse than shotguns, half of the shots misses beyond melee range, but the dps still makes me drool.... 07:01, November 21, 2010 (UTC)

Maximum value[]

A hidden note in the main page info box for this weapon says "The 12.7mm SMG is worth exactly 5089 caps at 100%! Check for yourself before changing!"

On my PS3 I just repaired three 12.7mm SMGs to a value of 5096, from 4118, 4082 and 3941, using 269 value items.

OK, I checked for myself. Did I somehow manage to increase the condition to over 100%, using my awesome 80 repair skill? Or is there something else going on? Or is the info box value incorrect?

Who decides? Tharnhelm 16:41, May 10, 2011 (UTC)


Is it just me, or does this look like a WH40k Bolter?

That said, I'm getting one.

I don't really think so... It's not a bolter without the magazine. Scar: "Say 'ello to my little friend!" 08:39, August 6, 2011 (UTC)
Yeah, it's just you. It doesn't look anything like a Bolter. Parsecboy 13:41, August 29, 2011 (UTC)