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Suggs' garage terminal entries are a series of entries found on a terminal at Suggs' garage as Creation Club content in the Fallout 4 next-gen update.


Open for business[]


Moving the shop to Cambridge was a good idea. There's a little less heat compared to the military base. The sirens there tend to attract ferals like shit on a molerat. At least raiders are a bit more predictable.

Using the Chinese grenade launcher we salvaged at the training yard, I've developed schematics for some prototype pipe versions. Marvin's offered up some additional ideas, but they're a bit on the impractical side.

I probably shouldn't have laughed when he mentioned partnering up though. I should apologize later.

Marvin's gone[]


Marvin's gone missing, and so have my schematics for the pipe version of the grenade launcher. I've been paying the raiders for protection so I don't think it's a kidnapping.

I'm kind of worried about him, to be honest. We didn't leave on the best terms.

Weapons Dealer in Monsignor Plaza[]


Word is there's another merchant working out of Monsignor Plaza selling grenade launchers to the raiders. But not just any launchers. Pipe ones.

That's way too soon to be a coincidence. I'd bet my last Rad-Away they've got my schematics. Bastards are trying to put me out of business with my own product.

Hopefully Marvin's safe, that's the most important thing. Still, it'd be nice to find out what happened to both him and my work, so I can salvage my deal with the weapons traders downtown.

Customer Orders[]

Invoice #228701 - Chinese Grenade Launcher[]


Client: Anonymous

Item: Grenade Launchers

Price: 750 caps

Notes: I have a Ghoul client, claims to be ex-military, who used to tell me about these grenade launchers the Chinese had in Anchorage. Supposedly they made a frag gun that could punch through Power Armor like a wet bag.

I doubted him at first. Sounded like a bunch of hocus pocus from the wrong end of a brahmin. But then we found this confiscated weapons cache at the training yard, and we've been in the launcher business ever since.

A lot of this is all reverse engineering, but what we've made ought to satisfy the buyer. We've also got several new prototypes, but I'll keep my plans close to the vest. Nobody save Marvin has to know.

Invoice #228702 - Baseball Launcher[]


Client: Moe Cronin

Item: Baseball Launcher

Price: 750 caps

Notes: Moe asked if I can make him an authentic baseball launcher, the kind a "designated hurler," or DH, used to kill swatters and armed hecklers.

If it was designed to kill spectators, I'll need to calculate the launch angles based on how high the upper stands are. That should give me a ballpark figure on how much range it had.

Invoice #228703 - Pipe Grenade Launcher[]


Client: Raiders

Item: Pipe Grenade Launcher

Price: Protection

Notes: I've got a deal worked out with the local raiders. I build them some weapons, they keep the store safe. Hopefully their demands won't get too out of line. Weapons are fine, but if they start asking for caps, I'm gonna have to push back a little.

Invoice #228700 - Nail Gun [COMPLETED][]


Client: Raiders

Item: Nail Gun

Price: Protection

Notes: I've modified the Nail Gun's velocity so it has more range and works better as a weapon. Call me cynical, but I sincerely doubt the raider gangs want to use it to put up wood paneling.

Invoice #228701 - Saw Blade Launcher [COMPLETED][]


Client: Raiders

Item: Saw Blade Launcher

Price: Protection

Notes: First a Nail Gun, now a Saw Blade Launcher? I asked one of the raiders if they used to work in construction, but the guy just gave me this confused look like his brain was bent into a pretzel.

So yeah, it's pretty clear they have no idea what these tools were originally designed for. It's like one of those tests old world shrinks give out, where you show someone a picture and they tell you what they think it is. I bet if you showed them a pillow, they'd say it was a weapon to smother people with.

Shit, I shouldn't give them any ideas. If my next order is for a Pillow Launcher, I've got no one to blame but myself.
