Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Skig was the leader of a raider gang that attacked and occupied Haven Church during the 2077-78 winter.


Skig and his gang decided to attack Haven Church in December 2077, under the advice of Brock, who claimed the survivors in the church would have a lot of supplies to steal. Another member of the gang, Cal, massacred the church survivors before they could be interrogated for the location of any hidden supplies.

By January 20, 2078, Skig and his raiders took out a rival gang and hit several caravans. Though Cal kept the group well-stocked with food from hunting parties, Skig notes they were running out of alcohol.

Late at night on February 1, Skig was awoken by the church's organ playing music. Though the rest of the gang initially believed him to be hallucinating, within several days the rest of the gang heard it. Skig believed it was a sign from those killed in the church to move on.

On February 23, the church was attacked by feral ghouls. The next day, Skig decided to leave the area, unlike Cal, who decided to stay and dig in and "fight for what's ours."[1] Skig's fate afterwards is unknown.


Skig is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

