Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Cal was a member of the raider gang that attacked and occupied Haven Church during the winter of 2077-78.


Cal was a member of the gang led by Skig that decided to attack Haven Church in December 2077 after hearing from Brock that the survivors in the church had plenty of supplies. However, before the gang could interrogate anyone in the church about the location of hidden supplies, Cal gunned down every survivor in the church.

By January 20, 2078, he set up regular hunting missions to keep the gang well-stocked in food.

The following February, after initially believing Skig was hallucinating about hearing music in the night, Cal and the rest of the gang began hearing the noises. Cal determined the sound was coming from the church's organ.

The music began to attract unwanted attention, and on February 23, the raiders were attacked by feral ghouls. Skig wanted to abandon the church, but Cal wanted to stay put, dig in, and "fight for what's ours."[1] Since he can not be found at the church, it is likely he and other members of the gang eventually lost the siege and perished.


Cal is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

