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Fallout Wiki

The Haven Church terminal entries are a series of entries found on a terminal in Haven Church in Fallout 76.

Skig's terminal[]

FO76 Haven Church Skigs Terminal

Note: This desk terminal is located on a table in an office, just across from the side entrance with the white door. It is locked and requires Hacker rank 1.


SKIG RULES!!!!!!!!!

Piss OFF

Entry 12.14.77[]


Man, this place was a total bust. Brock said the idiots that were holed up here would have tons of good stuff, but they didn't have shit.

We were going to ask the people where they stashed everything, but Cal went crazy and mowed them all down. We tossed the bodies out back, and then started setting up camp.

I hope this spot is worth all the trouble.



Entry 01.20.78[]


We've been here a few weeks now and things are looking good.

We scored a couple of caravans and took apart a rival gang that tried to push us out of the church. I figure if we keep this up, we'll be sitting on a nice pile of loot by mid-year. That will give us plenty to trade with when we start running low on ammunition.

Cal's got us out hunting for game like the old days, so we're eating well. I wish we had more liquor, but everything around here is bone dry.



Entry 02.02.78[]


Woke up in the middle of the night hearing some kind of weird music playing.

I thought someone got drunk and was playing a holotape, but everyone was sound asleep. I checked around the outside of the church and couldn't hear it anymore, so I gave up. When I asked around in the morning, everybody just said I was probably drunk or just being stupid.

I sure hope these idiots aren't screwing with me because it's not funny to ruin a man's sleep.



Entry 02.12.78[]


The rest of the gang are starting to hear music from the church now. This place is starting to creep me out.

Cal said it was music from something called an organ, but the only organs I know are the kind you get when you gut a deer. I think he's full of crap.

If you ask me, the folks that got killed in this place are trying to send us a message to move on. Maybe we should listen.



Entry 02.24.78[]


First the creepy music, and now we have crazy people stalking the church. They swarmed the place last night. Weirdos looked like they were burnt and they smelled awful.

I don't know what the hell they wanted, but Cal was dug in and said we needed to fight for what's ours. We shot a few of them, but they kept coming until they were all dead. What the hell were those things, and will there be more?

I'm not sticking around to find out.


