Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Silas was a founder and chef at The General's Steakhouse.


Silas had a close friendship with Milo, another founder of the restaurant. Silas eventually left the steakhouse because he didn't want to deal with the refugees following the Great War, apologizing to Milo in the process.[1]


Silas is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

Silas possibly hailed from New York,[2] based on the script notes provided to the voice actor for Milo, Silas' business partner. The note may also be describing a voice archetype, as it does not specifically say the character is from New York. Script notes are not considered canonical text by Bethesda.[Non-game 1]


  1. Goodbye
  2. Goodbye script notes: "tough new york chef, calling it quits on your friend... things are too crazy, you gotta go."

