Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Milo was the proprietor, chef, and a founder of the General's Steakhouse.[1]


Milo had a close friendship with Silas and went out on scavenging trips following the Great War to support refugees staying in the restaurant.[2] Silas eventually left the steakhouse because he didn't want to deal with the refugees, apologizing to Milo in the process.[3]


Milo is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

Milo possibly hailed from New York, based on the script notes provided to the voice actor.[4] The note may also be describing a voice archetype, as it does not specifically say the character is from New York. Script notes are not considered canonical text by Bethesda.[Non-game 1]


  1. Five-star General
  2. Gone scrounging
  3. Goodbye
  4. Gone scrounging script notes: "tough new york chef, telling your friend and business partner you are going to be gone."

