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Fallout Wiki

The Sierra Madra Casino & Resort terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals inside the Sierra Madre Casino & Resort of the Sierra Madre in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.


Receptionist terminal[]

The terminal is located in the Sierra Madre lobby, on a desk to the right when entering.


Sierra Madre Control Network

Activate Holographic Security[]


> Activation code required.

Activate Holographic Greeter[]


> Activating greeter...

Activate Holographic Security[]


> Activating lobby security...

Access Music Controls[]

Succesfully retrieving these tracks grants the Vera Keyes' "Begin Again" song, Vera Keyes' "Let the Bright Tomorrow in" song and Vera Keyes' "Go to the Faraway" song holodisks.

Retrieve Theater Ambient Track[]

> Theater control inaccessible.

Retrieve Theater Ambient Track[]
Retrieve Restaurant Ambient Track[]

> Restaurant control inaccessible.

Retrieve Restaurant Ambient Track[]
Retrieve Suites Ambient Track[]

> Suites control inaccessible.

Retrieve Suites Ambient Track[]


Security Management Control terminal[]

Terminal is located in the room up the stairs from the cashier's back room, on the desk.


Sierra Madre Security Network

Check Hologram Status[]


> Currently guarding Electrical Switch Room.

Set Behavior: Cashier's Counter Patrol[]


> Uploading new behavior pattern...

Set Behavior: Guard Switch Room[]


> Uploading new behavior pattern...

Unlock Electrical Closet Door[]


> Unlocking...

Security Log 1[]


Complaint: Mrs. Purvis/Drunk and Disorderly
Sierra Madre Security Log: 11:02PM
Guard on Call: Morris, Tyler

Describe the Incident: 10PM, received complaints about noise in upper bar, then emergency call from the main floor cashier cage who reported (quote) "old bat on ceiling." Investigating, found guests cheering Mrs. Millicent Purvis, 72, who had climbed over the upper bar railing and was walking on the support beams, indicating loudly that she was (quote), "going to join the circus." She had already tripped over one Holo-Emitter (unhurt), and was inviting guests out on the beams so we could "use them like monkey bars."

Climbed after her, cornered her near the rafter over the cashier's area, then brought Mrs. Purvis to holding and called her daughter to come escort her to her room. No damage done to rafters or the emitter. Mrs. Purvis's daughter was visibly agitated by the incident and too embarrassed to take any legal action saying that she (quote), "didn't want to cause any more trouble for Mr. Sinclair." Need to gate off the rafter area to prevent repeat incidents.


> Displaying log...

Security Log 2[]


Complaint: Lost and Found
Sierra Madre Security Log: 8:07AM
Guard on Call: Morris, Tyler
Describe the Incident: Mrs. Purvis daughter called down to ask if we happened to find her mother's purse, which she may have dropped during last night's "stroll." We found the purse on the main floor. None of the valuables were inside, may have been taken when the purse dropped, or Mrs. Purvis may have emptied the purse contents during last night's incident.


> Displaying log...

Security Office terminal[]

Location: down west hallway from Security Management control terminal, in the room on the right (north).

Security Measure Meeting[]


Since you missed it, Sinclair outlined security measures today. Wasn't blind to what was happening in the news, wanted to take steps if the Chinese got a foothold on American soil. Ran us through the added functionality of the holograms, then explained the construction of the casino, its emergency protocols, and the broadcast signal we're using for the Gala Event. Guy's a nut job, still, seems to have the bases covered. Guess the isolation of the casino was intentional. Not sure what he's hoping to protect, sure seems obsessed with it.

Security Office terminal[]

Terminal location is in the office next to Auto-Doc room, at the top of the stairs from the Casino cashier cage, the upper bar area, and down the hall room from the Cantina Madrid kitchen.

Notes on Emergency Protocols[]

Reading this entry counts towards the History's Sake challenge.


Been reading this over: "In the event of a fire, chemical leak, nuclear attack, or other threat to the casino, the interior and exterior doors will hermetically seal to prevent harm coming to the guests. During this time, Holograms will be deployed and assume threat status until the lockdown is ended."

Guess you can't be too careful these days. Still, what if there was another leak at the switching station? Not to mention the gas valves in the kitchen. If those got hit, the casino's a torch.

Hologram: Service Protocols 2.3[]


Holograms are programmed with service protocols and security protocols.

Service protocol holograms preform a specific function - greeters, simple vendors, or in the case of the Sierra Madre casino itself, even monitoring gambling tables. These service holograms follow simple routines, and are incapable of preforming any security function.

Holograms cannot move beyond range of their emitters and are best when used for a simple, localized function.

Cashier's terminal[]

Average locked terminal in the cashiers back office room, on the desk. Opens the floor safe.


Sierra Madre Security Network

Unlock Safe[]


> Unlocking...

Hologram control (casino floor)[]

Note: Wall terminal, located directly to the right upon entering the Sierra Madre casino.


Sierra Madre Security Network

Check Security Hologram Status[]


> Currently guarding Bar Stairs.

Set Behavior: Casino Floor West Wing[]


> Uploading new behavior pattern...

Set Behavior: Bar Stairs Patrol[]


> Uploading new behavior pattern...

Set Behavior: Bar Stairs Guard[]


> Uploading new behavior pattern...

Security Memo[]


Security Memo

Sierra Madre Employees,

At the request of Mr. Sinclair, please refrain from tampering with or destroying the Security Hologram emitters. Remember the Holograms keep us - and our guests - safe.


Sierra Madre Management


> Displaying log...

Hologram control (security office)[]

This terminal is located on the wall, in the office next to the, Auto-Doc room. At the top of the stairs from the Casino cashier cage, the upper bar area, and down the hall room from the Cantina Madrid kitchen.


Sierra Madre Security Network

Check Security Hologram Status[]


> Currently patrolling Security Office.

Check Security Hologram Status[]


> Currently patrolling Personnel Office.

Check Security Hologram Status[]


> Currently patrolling Personnel Office.

Set Behavior: Bar Door Guard[]


> Uploading new behavior pattern...

Set Behavior: Personnel Office Patrol[]


> Uploading new behavior pattern...

Set Behavior: Security Office Patrol[]


> Uploading new behavior pattern...

Security Memo[]


Security Memo

Sierra Madre Employees,

At the request of Mr. Sinclair, please refrain from tampering with or destroying the Security Hologram emitters. Remember the Holograms keep us - and our guests - safe.


Sierra Madre Management


> Displaying log...


Tampico's front desk terminal[]

Easly locked terminal on the desk in The Tampico's reception area. Can be accessed with the Tampico's front desk terminal password.

The Tampico's Show List[]


The Sierra Madre opens its doors to the world!

The opening of our great Casino & Resort will feature a unique Gala, showcasing artists of world-renown!

Miss Vera Keyes.

Mr. Dean Domino.

Joey Baxter.

And, Wilfred the Wizard.
Come join us at the grandest event in the history of the West.

We welcome you to the best time of your life!

The Sierra Madre's Management.

The Tampico's Performance Protocols[]


The Tampico's Performances Scheduling:

- Performance Preparations:
  - Doors to Tempico's Stage Open.
  - Hologram Sentries On.
  - Ambient Audio System On.
  - Stage Audio System Off.

- Performance In Progress:
  - Doors to Tempico's Stage Closed.
  - Hologram Sentries Off.
  - Ambient Audio System Off.
  - Stage Audio System On.

In case of emergency, see the Stage's Manager to override Security Protocols.

Sierra Madre Management

Sierra Madre's Lobby Security Code[]


> Retrieving security code information...

Urgent Message for Mrs. E. Sainz[]


From: John K. Lester: "I'm on my way!"

I'll be right there, Eve!

Just hide until I get there. Do whatever you need to, understand!?

I'm not going to let anything happen to you.

From: Evelyn A. Sainz: "John, Help!"

Everything exploded! There's smoke. Holograms are firing at people! We can't get out, John!


Ambient Audio Control[]

This terminal is located on the wall in The Tampico's backstage area, next to the stage door.


Sierra Madre Theater Network

Power Off Ambient Audio System[]


> Powering down ambient audio system...

Status Report[]


*** Power Status ***

Non-Essential Systems
    * Audio: Powered


> Checking status...

Status Report[]


*** Power Status ***

Non-Essential Systems
    * Audio: Offline


> Checking status...

The Tampico's stage terminal[]

This terminal is located on the wall behind Dean, up the theater's stairs. The entries however, can't be seen as the required passcode was cut from the add-on.


Sierra Madre Control Network

Theater Controls[]


Accessing theater controls

Open Theater Doors[]

Unlocking theater doors...

Activate Hologram Security Protocols[]

System Error...

Stage Controls[]


System Error...

Cantina Madrid[]

Cafe Madrid terminal[]

The terminal in the Cantina Madrid kitchen.


Sierra Madre Maintenance Network

<Download Starlet Hologram Code Snippet>[]


> Download Complete.

Another Shipment?[]


Another (!) shipment of kitchen knives for the Cantina Madrid came in today, with their new "space age" alloy polymer material. We've got way more than we need for the Gala Event, even if everyone had 3 steak knives! But it's always the best for Sinclair, always, always, always, always, he insists everything must be perfect.

These Knives![]


These knives are sharp, too sharp! One of the chefs almost lost their thumb when dicing vegetables, and were losing cutting boards at the rate of at least one per day. The knives just slice right through them! Running out of dishrags to mop up the blood.

Executive suites[]

Emergency network terminal[]

This terminal is located in the maintenance room, on the table with the desk lamp.


Sierra Madre Maintenance Network

Override Emergency Door Seal[]


> Emergency Door Seal Released.

Notes on Emergency Protocols[]


Been reading this over: "In the event of a fire, chemical leak, nuclear attack, or other threat to the casino, the interior and exterior doors will hermetically seal to prevent harm coming to the guests. During this time, Holograms will be deployed and assume threat status until the lockdown is ended."

Guess can't be too careful these days. Still, what if there was another leak at the switching station? Not to mention the gas valves in the kitchen. If those got hit, the whole casino's a torch.


> Displaying log...

Security Control Panel[]

This terminal is located in the security room in the northwest area of the suites, on the desk.


Sierra Madre Security Network

Unlock Security Closet[]


> Unlocking security closet...

Recalibrate Hologram IFF[]


> Reprogramming security hologram IFF...

Maintenance network terminal[]

This terminal is located in the maintenance room, on the table in the corner.


Sierra Madre Maintenance Network

Disable Hallway Speakers[]


> Hallway Speakers Disabled.

Download Starlet Hologram Code Snippet[]


> Starlet Hologram Code Downloaded.

Download Recipe: Super-Heated Knife![]


Played around with this the other day, and:

1 Cosmic Piece-of-Shit Knife
1 Pilot Light
1 Hot Plate
Something to hold the damn thing to cook evenly

Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees
Take 1 Knife, leave on stove!
Let simmer for 5 minutes
Watch as Knife glows red-hot
Put Knife on table, melts table
Sue scientist who made damn thing
Give it to the military?

Status Report[]


*** Power Status ***

Non-Essential Systems
    * Loudspeakers: Offline


> Checking status...

Vera's computer terminal[]

This terminal is located in Vera Keyes' room, on the wall behind the chemistry set on the counter.


Sierra Madre Host Services Network

Unlock Security Door[]


> Checking status...
