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Fallout Wiki

Hologram emitters are world objects in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money. They are used to project holograms at select locations in the Sierra Madre.


The memory cells in hologram emitters can only perceive their environment in a cone in front of the hologram they project, but they can change the direction that the projection faces as needed to scan the environment for unauthorized activity.[1] Hologram emitters are constructed to theoretically hold a charge for several hundred years, however, without proper maintenance internal damage can occur and the circuits are likely to erode over time.[2] As the range of the emitters is limited,[3] they are usually found attached to walls or floors within the proximity of the holograms they are projecting.

Hologram emitters are sturdy, but they can be either destroyed or disabled, in which case the holograms simply vanish. To disable an emitter, varying levels (25/50/75/100) of the Repair skill might be required. In addition, some terminals can be utilized to manipulate the emitters, by changing a hologram's patrol route or by changing their stance towards the Courier to friendly.


Hologram emitters are frequently found in the Sierra Madre Villa and the Sierra Madre Casino & Resort:

  • Two in the casino, one atop a beam jutting out from the bar floor and one on the floor near the electrical closet.
  • Several in the Casino suites.
  • Three in the Casino vault.


