Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Security act 9837-334-27A is a legal act passed by the Enclave under the provisions of which the PMV Valdez was anchored in the San Francisco harbor and disabled by sealing off the navigational computer room after removing its crucial parts. The FOB used to gain access to the room was relocated to Navarro and stored in the base commander's locker.[1]


Security act 9837-334-27A is mentioned only in Fallout 2.


  1. โ†‘ Central computer for Navarro: "{130}{}{How can I get there?}" (The Chosen One)
    "{131}{}{Searching... Accessing transportation directory... Data acquired. Transportation files indicate that 1,257 methods can be used to reach Enclave headquarters. However, records also indicate that only 2 of these methods are currently available. Vertibird transportation can be acquired at Navarro outpost. Ship transportation can be acquired at San Francisco harbor. Please note that ship transportation has been flagged as inaccessible due to security act 9837-334-27A. Ship has been disabled and a passkey is required for reactivation. Base commander, Navarro outpost, currently holds the passkey.}"
Enclave Symbol (FO3)