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Fallout Wiki

So? That's just one of our crimes! We're depraved, stone-cold degenerates, you know? You don't want to mess with us!

Sammy Wins is an "up-and coming criminal" living with his partner Pauline Wins at their hideout in 2281.


He and Pauline previously robbed the Vikki and Vance Casino, taking Vance's lucky hat, Vikki's bonnet and Vance's 9mm submachine gun. After Primm Slim caught them, Pauline distracted and hacked Primm Slim while Sammy took all the loot. Afterward, they returned to their shack near Westside, where they began to devise a plan to rob all of the Strip's casinos.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.




  • There is no Karma or reputation loss for killing either of them and taking their hats, but they do not drop the key or code to the safe when they die. The Courier must either pass the Speech check of 55 or pick the Very Hard lock that requires 100 Lockpick if they wish to open the safe and retrieve Vance's 9mm submachine gun.
  • Asking Sammy about their plan will prompt him to tell the player character to ask Pauline stating that she's "the brains of our operation," and he's "the muscle."
  • Sammy is taller than average non-player characters and the player character.
  • Regardless of the fact that both he and Pauline state the only gun they possess is Vance's gun, if he becomes hostile to the Courier, he will equip a regular 9mm SMG.
  • Pauline refers to Sammy as Vance twice while speaking to her.[1][2]
  • If one convinces the duo not to proceed with their plan, upon speaking with Sammy again, he will express relief and let the Courier know that he is now beginning a project to write a novel.[3]

Notable quotes[]


Sammy Wins appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.



  1. Pauline Wins: "You'd best not try any funny business, stranger. One word from me, and Vance will plant you in the ground!"
    (Pauline Wins' dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "I know the two of you stole Vance's gun down in Primm."
    Pauline Wins: "Why would I deny it? I was the one that hacked that Cowboy Robot while Vance kept him busy. Ain't the first thing we stole. Won't be the last."
    (Pauline Wins' dialogue)
  3. Sammy Wins: "Thanks for talking us out of our evil ways. I'm starting on that novel soon. Pauline is so happy. You are a nice person! Hurray!"
    (Sammy Wins' dialogue)