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Fallout Wiki

Revelation John, or just Revelation,[1] is a Mormon nightkin living in New Canaan's Union Station in 2253.


John is a super mutant who used to be in the nightkin division of the Master's Army. Though that was many, many years ago, John still remembers much of it. Unfortunately, he also remembers a lot of stuff that never happened. John's mind has been adversely affected by prolonged usage of Stealth Boys. His brain chemistry has been permanently altered, resulting in schizophrenia. John now sees visions often.

Though he has not officially converted to Mormonism, he respects the beliefs and rules of Jeremiah. Unfortunately, some of the Mormons believe that John may be a prophet. John isn't sure what's going on, but it makes him very nervous.[2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Diagnose John: With a high Medic skill the Prisoner can diagnose that John is schizophrenic, and recommend things he can do to lessen his symptoms.[2]

Effects of player's actions[]

Diagnosing John instills even more doubt in the people of New Canaan about the legitimacy of Jeremiah. Even Jeremiah becomes more skeptical of his own abilities.[2]


Revelation John was to appear only in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.

