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New Canaan town is a district of New Canaan.


New Canaan town[]

VB DD10b map New Canaan Town
  1. Mormon Church: The church of the Mormon community in New Canaan. Jeremiah Rigdon, Apostle Matthew, and Apostle Jude can be found here during the day. Most of the Mormons of New Canaan can be found here on Sunday.
  2. Sheriff's office: General-purpose sheriff's office/jail. Sheriff O'Connor can be found here with one deputy during the day (except in the early evening, when he is with Jeremiah in the outskirts).
  3. Bishop Mordecai's place: Bishop Mordecai, the leader of a failed departure from New Canaan, lives here. He is bitter and old, but will not hesitate to complain to anyone about how wrong Jeremiah Rigdon is.
  4. Jeremiah's place: Jeremiah lives here in a small house. It is typically unguarded and is the "ideal" place for a stealth assassination attempt.
  5. Apostles' place: The apostles Matthew and Jude live here. Jude is married and has two children, but it is convenient for Matthew to live with them.
  6. Sheriff O'Connor's place: Sheriff Mike O'Connor lives here with his wife and three children.
  7. Pablo's place: Pablo is an "outsider" who falsely converted to Mormonism live here. He enjoys increased access to food and water and greater safety. However, Pablo is a Mentat addict who is transporting narcotics in through the pump house. Pablo is also the main agriculturist in New Canaan.
  8. Doc Angela's place: Doc Angela, a former doctor/mortician for NCR, lives here with her husband, Ty, a former NCR Ranger. She and her husband are a good source of information on NCR, Coleridge, Huxley, and New Canaan. Of course, Angela can also provide the Prisoner with a lot of medical attention and equipment.
  9. Gabriel's market: Gabriel Smith, an older Mormon gentleman, runs this establishment. He sells all sorts of legitimate goods and items but does not traffic drugs, weapons, or ammunition.
  10. Graveyard: This is the New Canaan graveyard. All sorts of people are buried here. The names on the gravestones should reflect how tightly-knit the community is.
  11. Mormon home: Each of these homes is occupied by a Mormon family. It is typically a husband with one or two wives and between two and four children. Females outnumber males.
  12. Destroyed home garden: These houses have burned down to the foundation and are now used for the storage or growing of crops. They have no roofs. Not all rows are filled at first. This can be changed by an optimization of the Jericho water plant.
  13. Garden: These are gardens for growing crops. Not all rows are filled at first. This can be changed by an optimization of the Jericho water plant.

Union Station[]

VB DD10b map New Canaan Union Station
  1. Jacob's scrapheap: Jacob, a Mormon of questionable integrity but unquestionable lineage, sells bits and pieces of technology here. He sells almost nothing that's a completed item, but he does sell components to a lot of other stuff.
  2. Daniel's place: Daniel, the prisoner who is initially found in Denver, can be found here if he is set free. He has two wives and a whopping five children. He will not come to the prison willingly, so he either has to be killed or forced out by Jeremiah (by telling Jeremiah that Daniel is a big, fat liar).
  3. "Revelation" John's place: A super mutant named John (nicknamed "Revelation") lives here. He is suffering from hallucinations, but no one has diagnosed him yet. Angela hasn't examined him, but she is suspicious. He is called "Revelation" because he thinks that god is talking to him.
  4. Marshall's place: The glowing ghoul Mormon named Marshall can be found here. Marshall is dangerous not because he is violent, but because he is highly radioactive. Apostle Jude comes here once a day to talk to Marshall, who is slowly dying.
  5. Mormon ghoul places: Three ghouls live in these two houses.
  6. Destroyed home gardens: These are destroyed homes that have gardens planted in the foundations. All rows are not full, but this can be changed by fixing/optimizing the Jericho water plant.
  7. Gate: Two deputies stand guard at this gate. They are usually not very attentive because no one tries to come in this way. However, as with the other guards, they will take all weapons and drugs before anyone can enter.
  8. Train tracks: These train tracks skirt the edge of New Canaan and mark the approach to Ogden's Union station. This location, specifically, is where the disembarking point was located. It is the main visual feature of the map and also where the train comes to rest if the Prisoner takes it here.
  9. Entrance: This is the entrance to the New Canaan Union station map from the south. This is also where the Prisoner's car rests if he or she drives it here.


New Canaan town and the Union Station were to appear in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.
