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R. Wiggins was an Appalachian Enclave scientist.


Wiggins was one of the researchers located in the hidden Enclave research facility under Transmission station 1AT-U03. She was also somewhat knowledgeable on deathclaws, at least to the point where her colleagues would ask her where they could find more information on the beasts.[1] At one point, she asked for the lights to be turned back on in the living quarters, which SODUS complied with.[2]

Later, Wiggins asked SODUS to lockdown Cell Block B, though whether through maleficence or simply a programming oversight, SODUS did not recognize the term "lockdown" and thus refused to follow out the order.[3] In addition, the sequence of events in the holding cell terminal suggest it was in fact SODUS who opened the cells in the first place. Regardless, it is likely that Wiggins, as well as most if not all other Enclave members located in the research facility, perished due to SODUS's actions.[4]


R. Wiggins is mentioned in Fallout 76, introduced in the Steel Dawn update.


  1. ↑ Enclave research facility terminal entries; Cell block C console, Subject C-01
  2. ↑ SODUS: "Task 151978, R. Wiggins. Turn on the god-damn lights in the living quarters. Task complete. Please verify."
    Note: This quote is an announcement made by SODUS over the intercom system.
  3. ↑ Enclave research facility terminal entries; Holding cell console, 02-09-2084 :: 01:33 :: R. Wiggins
  4. ↑ Lost data
Enclave Symbol (FO3)