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Spirits of the water desert you.

Primitive Tribe was the name of a planned village in Fallout 2, which was ultimately cut from the game. Sulik was one of the tribal people who lived here. The village was to appear on the Pacific coast (called "Great Salt Water" by the tribe members) in New California, "two moons from Klamath."[1] It would have been located around Arroyo in 2241. In the final game, the tribe is only mentioned in random encounters and Sulik's dialogue.


Before 2241, Kurisu, with some other member of the Primitive Tribe, wanted to start trading with another village, but during the journey, she and the other members of the group were killed or kidnapped by a mysterious group. Only one survivor returned to the village and said that "evil warriors came with magic torches. A fire would lick tribe warriors and they'd go to the spirit. The evil warriors tied up the rest and took off." Sometime later, Vic the trader came to the Primitive Tribe's village to talk about the group (thinking it was the Slaver's Guild of Metzger) who kidnapped the group of Kurisu and say to Sulik, the brother of Kurisu, to come to Klamath for more information. But Vic was taken prisoner by Metzger, and when Sulik finally went to Klamath and saw that Vic was not there, he stopped in the Buckner House. Immerged by "spirits of anger and chaos", he drank and destroyed the establishment, linking him to Maida Buckner the owner until his debt of 500 NCR dollars is paid for the damages. After that, in 2241, the Primitive Tribe are extremely wary about strangers, not hesitating to insult them to make them leave. Despite this, their demeanor is not hostile.


They are extreme believers in the here-after and revere many spirits, certain that they are the tribe's spirits. Their principals are connected to the classical elements: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. The main, wisest and strongest of them is Grampy Bone,[2] that appears to be the only unique spirit and not come from other spirits group. It is only in contact with Sulik, an honor for him, which can be found through his nose's bone.[3] The known Primitive Tribe's spirits are:

  • Bonespirits
  • Dark-spirits
  • Evil spirits
  • Grampy Bone
  • Spirits of anger
  • Spirits of lust
  • Spirits of chaos
  • Spirits of fire
  • Spirits of poison
  • Spirits of wrath
  • Spirits of the earth
  • Spirits of the sky
  • Spirits of the water
  • Spirits of the wind
  • Spirits walking
  • Strong spirits
  • Stupid spirits

For them, spirits are omnipresent, and can, and often do, travel with people and can guide them, such as a stupid person carries "stupid spirits," while an evil person has "evil spirits." The members of the Primitive Tribe also have a large bone driven through their noses, allowing them to connect to spirits and be able to speak with them, give advice and talk about the future, but "spirits see and say different," so their words are sometimes hard to understand.[4]

Interactions with the player character[]

Primitive Tribe members can sometimes be met by the Chosen One in random encounters around the sea south of Arroyo. They are armed with sharpened spears and sharpened poles.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Tribal outfit Sharpened spear
x3 or x4 sharpened pole
Some gold dollars -


  • The description given by Sulik on the kidnapping of Kurisu's group is extremely similar to that given by Hakunin after the devastation of Arroyo. This means that the Enclave most likely kidnapped Kurisu's group, but for reasons unknown.
  • Even if Sulik and Vic meet, Vic in fact thought it was the Slaver's Guild of Metzger who kidnapped Kurisu, while this is not the case.
  • The reactions of the Primitive Tribals do not change if Sulik is in the group, and he doesn't turn hostile if they are attacked.

Notable quotes[]


The Primitive Tribe appears only in Fallout 2. Their village was cut from the final version of the game, so the Primitive Tribe only appear in random encounters (under the name "a war party"). Sulik, a tribal companion in-game, is from this tribe.



  1. {771}KCSULIK.MSG {slk45}{The tribe's home is next to Great Salt Water. Two moons from here, fren.}
  2. The Chosen One: "{793}{}{I hope so. In any case it will be nice to travel with you, and, uh, your Grandfather's bone.}"
    Sulik: "{794}{slk53}{Not just Grampy Bone, all tribe's spirits. Grampy Bone just wiser and stronger than the rest. Let's ease on down.}"
    (Sulik's dialogue)
  3. The Chosen One: " {152}{}{Who's Grampy Bone?}"
    Sulik: "{190}{slk6f}{Him strong spirit. Much honor carrying him.}"
    The Chosen One: "{191}{}{Wait. You mean that bone in your nose?}"
    Sulik: "{200}{slk6g}{Keep him close. Easier to touch his spirit. That's why he talk the most.}"
    (Sulik's dialogue)
  4. The Chosen One: "{3070}{}{Sulik, can you consult the spirits for me?}"
    Sulik: "{321}{slk26b}{The spirits are sometimes hard to understand. They see things you and we can't.}"
    (Sulik's dialogue)