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Fallout Wiki

Fair enough. All right, last question - What animal is on the NCR's flag - a two-headed bear, an eagle, a two-headed snake, or a two-tailed lion?

The missionaries are two agents of the New California Republic in Freeside in 2281.


The missionaries are working under Major Elizabeth Kieran of the New California Republic Army supply corps in order to find NCR citizens who are squatting in Freeside so that they can provide them with food and water. Because they have had trouble with non-NCR locals claiming to be citizens in order to receive free food, they are administering a "citizenship test" of sorts to make sure they are only aiding NCR citizens.[1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


G.I. Blues: The King gives the player character an optional objective to investigate the NCR squatters in Freeside in order to find out more about the people who attacked his men. One way to do so is to find either of the missionaries, one in each squatter camp. If spoken to, they will ask if the Courier is an NCR citizen, and will quiz them with three questions as proof:

If the test is failed the first time, it can be retaken (though the missionaries will be somewhat doubtful). The test can also be skipped via a Speech 50 check or a Barter 70 check to bribe with 100 caps, depending on the missionary. Any of these methods will give access to the Freeside squatter camp note, which provides the password needed to peacefully enter the ruined store where Major Elizabeth Kieran is located (the missionaries will also provide directions to the store). The note can also be pickpocketed or taken after killing the missionaries.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Merc cruiser outfit and
Merc adventurer oufit
9mm pistol
Hunting rifle (During the shootout with Pacer)
Freeside squatter camp note


  • Killing the missionaries will result in NCR infamy, even if the act is not witnessed.
  • The two NCR troopers guarding the ruined store are identical in appearance to the two missionaries, respectively.


These missionaries appear only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. Missionary: "Hello, don't think I've seen your face before. Are you a citizen of the NCR?"
    The Courier: "Yes."
    Missionary: "Ordinarily I'd take your word on that, but lately I've had several people lie and claim to be citizens just to take advantage of our program. But I've come up with a fairly simple way to tell who's lying. You up to taking a little test?"
    (Missionary's dialogue)