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Fallout Wiki

The Middle Mountain Pitstop terminal entries are a series of terminal entries found at the Middle Mountain Pitstop in Fallout 76, introduced in the Once in a Blue Moon update.

Repeller control terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
WARNING -- For Use Of Blue Ridge Staff Only



       Speakers: OK

       Circuit Breakers: OK

       Frequency: 25khz

       Status: GOOD



       Speakers: OK

       Circuit Breakers: ERROR

       Frequency: UNKNOWN

       Status: ERROR

General store terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
-== General Store Terminal ==-


^^ ^^
                  (. >_<..>______/`
                 (__) (__) |
      v \ _ _____ | v v
 v v v \|\| ww\\| v v
   v v - - -- v v

A New Start![]


Finally got this place all set up and to myself.

And even got my own terminal!

Though reading through the old logs... sounds like folk from before had it rough. Wonder if the manager was that skeleton we found in the shed? We gave him a burial all proper like, along with the rest of the poor folks raiders got to. Took a while removing their junk I hear.

Anyways, this is it! Soon I'll be a real caravanner!

I'll finally get to see all the old pitstops my Daddy used to visit. All I gotta do is work out where to go from here, and before you know it I can get some souvenirs or a picture to send back to him.

After all, he could sure do with a pick me up since Mamma passed.

Hoping that seeing places they used to visit together way back before the bombs will help. Here's to a new start!

Busy Days[]


Been here a while now, and I'm always so busy minding the shop or looking after the cattle.

Kept forgetting their names so I gave them new ones, heck they even started responding to them! Did try using hats to help tell them apart too, but the glue never would hold... On the plus side they look great on the Boozin Brahmin sign! Clyde didn't say anything, but I'm sure he just loves it.

Folks have been passing through every now and then using the Sleepstop, buying supplies here or just getting a drink at the Boozin Brahmin. Luca is a pretty nice guy, always asking me to give Moona Lisa a tune up when he visits, and of course there's Grahm.

Still surprised there's a friendly big green feller, and one that takes such good care of their Brahmin "Chally the Moo-Moo". He's always looking to trade whenever passing through.

I do worry sometimes though, because we've had the odd critter wander in after the Brahmin, but luckily Clyde always deals with them.

That Aries feller who visits Clyde sometimes said he's gonna get some guys to set up some Repeller gizmo to ward them off.

Said some fancy talk about them using all sorts of sounds that they'll hate... like a dog whistle, I guess.

Good thing too, some passer-bys mentioned seeing some kinda huge creature stalking them in the woods one night...

I'm sure once the speaker contraption is all set up and this place is safer, I can maybe see about finally journeying out a bit to get some pictures or souvenirs to send back to my Daddy.

What Should I Do?[]


Those dadgum speakers didn't do the trick at all! Made it worse even. We got attacked by something real big... Like real, real big. Knew this crazy plan was too good to be true.

Ah shoot, this job isn't what I expected at all! But I can't just give up and let Daddy down like that...

He even just sent a letter saying he's expecting me to reply with stories of my travels... and I just don't know what to do. The longer I leave it, the more he'll worry, and I just can't abandon this place to travel out there. Not that I'd last alone if I did.

I should go talk to Clyde later, he's a great listener.

Stupid Repellers![]


I still can't believe we almost lost the Pitstop all thanks to Aries and his stupid doohickies malfunctioning!

To think the speaker tower actually attracted the critters instead of scaring them away!

If it weren't for those Vault Dwellers passing through, we'd have had to abandon the place and face Vinny.

I guess I should get back to cleaning up the remains of those critters. On the upside, maybe I could salvage some bits to sell? Silver linings and all!

Sent The Letter Finally!!![]


So I finally did it, I sent the letter to my Daddy, along with those pitstop photos that nice Vault Dweller got for me.

I'm a little worried Daddy will be disappointed I didn't travel to those places myself, but the Vault Dweller was right, sending those photos back should be about him, not me.

After all, the reason I wanted to do this in the first place was to bring his spirits back up, on account of him feeling pretty low ever since Momma passed. I'm hoping seeing those photos will help him heal.

Finally Sent The Letter[]


So I finally did it! I sent the letter to my Daddy, along with those pitstop photos that nice Vault Dweller got for me.

I'm feeling a little guilty about lying in the letter, and I'm hoping I didn't go overboard with the part about the Yaogaui and the clown...

Anyways, I'm sure it's fine. Like the Vault Dweller said, he has no reason to think I'm lying... and besides, I'll get out there for real one day, so this little lie doesn't matter, right?

After all, the reason I wanted to do this in the first place was to bring his spirits back up, on account of him feeling pretty low ever since Momma passed.

I'm hoping seeing those photos will help him heal.

So a little lie is worth that... right?

Sent The Letter Finally![]


So I finally did it, I sent the letter to my Daddy, telling him the truth about getting stuck here and all.

Hoping he won't be disappointed in me, but the Vault Dweller was right, it was the right thing to do, and keeping the photos as a memento has added a nice change of scenery to the shop.

You know I find myself staring intently at the photos every now and then, just wondering what these places were like before all the damage.

Like the Ferris wheel, always wanted to ride on one of those... Reckon I could scrounge up enough caps to maybe bribe Aries to build me one here some day.

Or the Bed and Breakfast, did they serve food while you sat in bed? Maybe we can try that...

Oh and the Creamery, people really went all that way for frozen dairy? We've got Brahmin, we can do that! Now only question is, where to get one of them freezing guns?

I Made Up My Mind[]


After that pep talk the nice Vault Dweller gave me, they're right.

I'm no cheater, I just need to finally get out there and get those pictures myself. No more excuses.

Burned the photos they got for me earlier to strengthen my resolve, no going back now. Okay, so I just need to march right on over to Clyde and not take no for an answer this time when I ask him to escort me. Then I just need to contact Big Bend to request the time off so someone can cover our shifts.

Besides, Daddy can wait just a little longer for my reply, where I'll finally have my own pictures and travel stories to tell him. It will be worth the wait, I'm sure of it!

I Give Up...[]


That Vault Dweller may have been harsh, but they're right...

What was I thinking sending them out there to get pictures I didn't even take, just so my Daddy wouldn't know how much of a coward I am for never leaving this place.

Finally sent the letter back to him... I just feel ashamed that I left it so long. I just hope he'll understand the situation I'm in and won't be disappointed in me.

I'm not made for this... I guess I should be happy this is my lot in life and focus on raising the cattle here.

Archived Data[]


Remember: Service With A Smile!

Maintenance Log 091576[]


We've finally had a weekend where no guests are booked into the hunting cabins, so I've spent the day getting them all ready for winter. Luckily, they didn't need too much work - just a bit of waterproofing and making sure there's plenty of firewood at the ready.

I've sent George into town to pick up food for his silly "welcome baskets." I don't know why he keeps insisting on giving these away. I have yet to meet a hunter with a pressing need for three types of flavored honey and a dresser sachet.

Maintenance Log 102076[]


Had an early snowfall last night, so George and I broke out the shovels and dug paths to the road and the outhouse. Despite the weather, it looks like plenty of deer and elk are roaming the area, so our guests should have an excellent day hunting.

I'm not sure what keeps this area so well stocked with the animals, but we're pleased we picked the right spot when we built Middle Mountain. Going to head out to Cabin C and fix a broken glass pane. I wish our guests would be more careful, but that's the way it goes.

Maintenance Log 021577[]


This could be the first year we've booked all three cabins solid through February and March. I'm starting to guess that as things get worse overseas, people want to get away from it all and forget their worries.

Most of the hunters we're getting lately are looking to spend time outdoors and away from the real world. In fact, I've recently had George remove the radios from the cabins after getting complaints that guests playing music are disrupting the serenity of the place.

Maintenance Log 062777[]


With the unrest overseas starting to come to a head, George and I have discussed shuttering the cabins to guests and moving up here permanently. These cabins are secluded enough to make an excellent retreat in case things go south and our homeland gets invaded by Commies.

For the time being, I think we'll keep Middle Mountain running normally, but maybe we'll start stockpiling some supplies around here. Just in case.

Maintenance Log 103077[]


It's been a few days - or maybe a week since the damn Commies attacked our great country. I thought we'd be safe up here at the cabins, but I think the radiation from the nearby bomb strikes has moved through our neck of the woods.

First it was just some of the dead deer we found in the woods nearby, but now it seems to have affected George and I. We had some doses of anti-radiation medicine, but I don't think it's enough. George is too sick to travel, but I've decided to hunt for supplies.

Maintenance Log 110277[]


I came back from my scavenging trip to find George dead and all the supplies I stockpiled gone.

The few things that I gathered on my hunt won't even last me a week up here. After I bury George, I think I'll move on and see what I can find in Huntersville or Charleston. This will be my last entry - if anyone finds this message, feel free to use these cabins as shelter. Just remember to say a quick prayer for the folks like poor George who died thanks to this new hell on earth.

Boozin Brahmin terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
-== Boozin Brahmin Terminal ==-


                       | |
                       | | .~~~~~.
       .~~~~~. / \ [=====]___
      _[=====] |---. | |00000| \
-----/-|00000|-------| . |-----------|00000|---/---
     \_|00000| |--- | |00000|__/
       `-----' '-----' `-----'

My First Customer[]


Finally got the bar set up the other night and this kid comes waltzing in.

Looked like he'd been dragged through the brush backwards, and stank almost as bad as a feral, but turns out he's just a drifting drunk. All been there, I guess.

Says he was the only survivor of some Mutant attack on an outpost Foundation was building. After hearing his story, sounds more like a deserter than a hero. Trying to drown out the memory, he says. He's more likely to drown himself at the rate he's going.

Poor kid. The world these days, surviving only gets you more ghosts of the past haunting ya.

This world's gone crazy, but you gotta make a choice. Am I gonna let these memories drive me loco, or am I gonna accept them for what they are and keep going?

Would've loved to tell that to the kid...

Times like this that I start feeling like a lousy bartender.

Gonna Need A New Door[]


Had to deal with a barfight recently.

Some raider pendajosIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar coming in to spend their ill-gotten caps on some booze. Let's be honest though, they were just scouting out the place to rob us.

Well, idiots got themselves a little too drunk. Started arguing with each other over who was paying the tab. At first, I just kept me head down and my nose outta it - let them sort it.

Punches got thrown. One picked up a stool and started whacking the other with it. But then the other pulled a knife. Now I ain't gonna sit back and let a drunk maniac go on a killing spree on my watch. So, I pulled out my shotgun.

Of course, the cabrone comes rushing at me. He took a slug to the chest, and that was that. Freaking out, the other one starts bolting for the door. Yanks the handle so hard the thing falls off its hinges! Haven't seen the guy since, but I'll be ready when I do.

Reminds me of my days back with the old gang... Shit was extreme, even for raiders.

Glad I got in one piece. Mostly.

Bad Juju[]


Some freak came into the bar last night.

Didn't even see him come through the door - just looked up from cleaning the counter and there he was. Grinning from ear to ear, wider than should be possible.

He didn't greet me, in fact he said nothing at all the whole time he was here. He put exactly 10 caps on the counter, one at a time. Well, that's how much a drink costs, so, I handed him a beer.

He took the bottle and sat by the fire. For hours. Didn't speak, didn't move, didn't even drink the beer the ungrateful bastard. Only sound I heard him make was a faint chuckle under his breath. Freaked me the fuck out.

Gonna keep my shotgun real close from now on...

1-N-8-H-B-U-O 8-G-F-Y-L[]


New Code: 8-6-W-F-Y
Old Code: 24-15-2-23-22

Whatever. Just fix the repellers, pendejo.

That Dweller[]


That Dweller has been doing the rounds for us at Blue Ridge recently.

Covered our asses when the repellers went loco, and even saved the boss's nephew from some crazies out in the bog.

Most importantly, they stopped the chica yammering on about her padre's letter. Total bad-ass.

I'm kind of jealous. Reminds me of myself back in the day. If I weren't indebted to that bitter old bastard, I'd probably be right out there with them.

Archived Data[]

Note: This entry is displayed on Thursdays.


Today's event: Conservation Day!


Expedition Leader: Unknown
Lead Scout: Pompy

Participating Crews:
Harper's Ferry Crew #303
Harper's Ferry Crew #328
Harper's Ferry Crew #388

Note: This entry is displayed on Mondays.


Today's Event: Fishing Contest!


The regular Fishing Contest has been canceled due to an Emergency Alert issued by the Marshall.

Note: This entry is displayed on Tuesdays.


Today's Event: Pie-Eating Contest!


The regular Pie-Eating Contest has been canceled due to an Emergency Alert issued by the Marshall.

Note: This entry is displayed on Wednesdays.


Today's Event: Charity River Run!


The regular Charity River Run has been canceled due to an Emergency Alert issued by the Marshall.

Note: This entry is displayed on Fridays.


Today's Event: Dog Show!


The regular Dog Show has been canceled due to an Emergency Alert issued by the Marshall.

Note: This entry is displayed on Saturdays.


Today's Event: Costume Contest!


The regular Costume Contest has been canceled due to an Emergency Alert issued by the Marshall.

Note: This entry is displayed on Sundays.


Today's Event: Canned Goods Collection!


The regular Canned Goods Collection has been canceled due to an Emergency Alert issued by the Marshall.

View Calendar[]


Fishing Contest: CANCELED
Pie-Eating Contest: CANCELED
Charity River Run: CANCELED
Car Washing for Charity: CANCELED
Conservation Day: CANCELED
Costume Contest: CANCELED
Canned Goods Collection: CANCELED

Marshall's Newsletters[]


Archived Newsletters are sent out to every Scout at the end of every month. Only the most recent year will be archived at this terminal. For additional archives, visit the Pioneer Scout library terminals.

Newsletter: Jan 2077[]

You all know how important Conservation Day is. We all know how lovely it is to sit down to a big birthday deer roast, or have a steaming bowl of fish stew in the winter. So we need to make sure our deer are as healthy as possible, because that makes us healthy, too.

Please make sure your Crews sign up for Conservation Day, for West Virginia today and tomorrow.

Ever Upwards!
-Marshall Cassidy

Newsletter: Feb 2077[]

Some of you may have noticed that we've added robots to the Lake Lodge picnic area. They are designed to fully embrace the Pioneer Scout way of life, and to encourage and support young Scouts.

Right now they will be considered "Scout Guides" in terms of their structure, which is like an honorary member of the organization. We'll see how it goes.

Ever Upwards!
-Marshall Cassidy

Newsletter: Mar 2077[]

As most of you are aware, we nearly lost a great Lead Scout this month. While on an expedition with his Crew, Ricky Stevens was attacked by an unusually aggressive bear. Thankfully, Scout Guide Pompy was nearby and promptly destroyed the deranged beast.

Ricky will be in the hospital in Charleston for quite a while, so we'll have an election this month to fill his position temporarily.

Ever Upwards!
-Marshall Cassidy

Newsletter: Apr 2077[]

Sometimes it's best to ignore real politics and focus on politics that we can actually influence! Don't forget to vote for the next Lead Scout. Votes are due on the 20th.

- Betsy "Bee Sting" Lewis, Pioneer Scout of 12 years
- Garry "the Dragon" Wilkins, Pioneer Scout of 7 years
- Pompy, the Mr. Handy

Ever Upwards!
-Marshall Cassidy

Newsletter: May 2077[]

Remember Scouts, we are the embodiment of exploration -- the spirit of America. Exploration is not only physical, it's social too. It is our goal to embrace everyone, and yes, that absolutely includes robots. One day when we're all long gone, these robots will still be functional and they will carry our memories and spirit into the great future.

It is with great pride that I announce our newest Lead Scout -- Pompy!

Ever Upwards!
-Marshall Cassidy

Newsletter: Jun 2077[]

Scouts, the usual fishing contest is going to be canceled this summer due to some disturbances in the water quality. We are discussing having an impromptu Conservation Day instead.

Ever Upwards!
-Mashall Cassidy

Newsletter: Jul 2077[]

Since Lead Scout Pompy has been such a success, we are adding several other robots to the Pioneer Scouts. They will serve primarily to protect Scouts and organize activities since most of the non-robot staff is currently participating in political organizations and movements right now.

Ever Upwards!
-Marshall Cassidy

Newsletter: Aug 2077[]

Scouts, if you ever need help, you can always turn to one of our robot Scouts. We have several in different ranks now, in order to fill out missing positions.

We're also organizing a safety seminar on the 17th that will instruct you on the proper care and handling of firearms and food preservation.

Ever Upwards!
-Marshall Cassidy

Newsletter: Sep 2077[]

Scouts, after the incidents in Clarksburg we have decided to discontinue some of the events on our calendar this year. Some events will remain in the hands of automated robots for now, until things are different.

At times like this, we need to remember that the Scouts represent more than just fun wilderness adventures. When we say "Ever Upwards!" we are committing ourselves to ever improving our skills as humans to be compassionate, to survive, to explore.

Never forget that as a Scout, you are the embodiment of the American spirit.

Ever Upwards!
-Marshall Cassidy

Pioneer Scout Advice[]

Note: These Fun Facts rotate every 5 seconds.


Fun Fact #1!

Since the inception of HELP, -2147483648 Scouts have become seriously injured in Appalachia. Help keep that number as low as possible!


Fun Fact #2!

Our newest Wildlife Conservation program, "Care about our Bears!", has been a great success for our state. We introduced four full grown breeding pairs of bears to the wilderness areas.

While that won't be enough to produce a fully genetically diverse population, we hope to bring in several more breeding pairs in the near future!


Fun Fact #3!

Acid rain is a byproduct of mining, and it causes our groundwater to become undrinkable for humans and for animals.

Vault-Tec University has stepped in to help us monitor the groundwater in our state to make sure you and your prey are always drinking the freshest spring waters!


Fun Fact #4!

The lowest recorded temperature is -70 degrees Fahrenheit, and the highest recorded temperature in beautiful Appalachia is 540,032 degrees Fahrenheit! Take that, California!


Fun Fact #5!

Remember: If you need it dead, shoot it in the head!


Fun Fact #6!

Carrying a weapon that weighs more than 25% of your body weight is bad for your back. Kids should restrict themselves to weapons that are 10% of their body weight - they're still growing, and their muscles are still developing.


Fun Fact #7!

Don't modify a weapon just because it's functional - modifications say something about who you are as a Scout. Make a statement!


Fun Fact #8!

If your parents are too intoxicated to aim properly, don't make fun of them! Remind them to use V.A.T.S. That's what it's there for!


Fun Fact #9!

If you ever suspect you're being followed in the wilderness, you probably are. Go with your guts. Shoot first, wonder why later. Stay safe, kids!


Fun Fact #10!

If your ammo gets wet, put them in a bag of rice overnight.


Fun Fact #11!

Guns mounted on dog companions, while popular and useful, cause hip problems for many breeds of canines. Cats do not seem to have the same problems, but they work better with melee weapons.


Fun Fact #12!

When joining a Pioneer Scout hunting team, be prepared to hear: Ammo, Camo, or Cramo. This is a traditional requesst to know whether you can craft ammunition, camouflage or armored gear, or just regular foodstuffs.

They need to know what YOU can contribute to the team! Tell them!
