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Fallout Wiki
FO3 purified water

The end product of purified water

Mass purified water is a crafting recipe in Fallout: New Vegas.


This recipe essentially simulates the use of a makeshift still in order to produce a larger quantity of purified water from radiation-contaminated water than normal.


Mass purified water cannot be bought and must be created.

Creation requirements

Mass purified water (4)
Ā¹ Materials are not consumed and are returned to the player character after use.


  • Every "unit" of mass purified water generates 4 individual samples of purified water when created.
  • There is no corresponding recipe for purifying irradiated water.
  • Prior to patch, this recipe called for one unit of RadAway, a pressure cooker, three glass pitchers, and three pieces of surgical tubing, as well as 30 bottles of dirty water. The recipe yielded 30 bottles of purified water, but only those bottles of water; it did not return any of the items used in the process, requiring the player character to seek out another set of pressure cookers, surgical tubing, and glass pitchers.

See also[]
