Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Lewis was the owner of Lewis & Sons Farming Supply in Appalachia prior to the Great War.


Lewis was the owner of the farming supply. He and his family did not survive the Great War. In 2103, Lewis' cousin George Putnam and the Putnam family would return to Appalachia, and use the familial tie to claim rightful ownership of the farm supply.[1][2]


Lewis is mentioned only in Fallout 76 and its update Steel Dawn.


  1. ↑ Notice: New owners
  2. ↑ A Vault Dweller: "This is your farm? The signs outside said "Lewis & Sons.""
    Carol Putnam: "Might not be Lewis, or Sons, but this here's ours."
    George Putnam: "Lewis was a cousin o' mine, back in the day, God rest his soul. He and his family didn't make it when the bombs fell. We were looking a good place to put down roots when we heard it was safe to come back to West Virginia. I told Carol we ought to see if this place was still here."
    Carol Putnam: "Even after all these years, there was enough salvageable tools and such to make starting a farm easier here than your average homestead. Didn't see any point in updating the sign."
    (Carol Putnam's and George Putnam's dialogue)