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This is a transcript for dialogue with Carol Putnam.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005DC0F2 005DC15A What brings you back here? More Brotherhood business?
2 005DC15B Back again, are you? I hope you're not here to haul off another one of my sons.
3 005DC15C Careful, stranger. Walking into people's homes uninvited is a good way to get yourself hurt.
17 005DC0F9 005DC12F Discipline would probably do Marty good. He's not going to have his little brother picking up his chores anymore.
18 Let him know I'm not mad at him, though. He's still my brother.
63 005DC115 005DC130 Don't let it happen again.
64 005DC117 005DC150 You're still standing and you're not bleeding, despite entering my family's home uninvited.
65 This is me being polite.
66 005DC119 005DC140 Curiosity can be a fatal illness, stranger.
67 I'm not looking to be rude, but this is our home and I'm asking you politely to move along.
68 005DC11B 005DC134 Long enough to be ready to defend it against strangers looking to take what's not theirs, if you get my meaning.
69 005DC11D 005DC158 It's our farm, at least as much as we've got set up so far. Not that it's any of your business.
70 005DC11F 005DC143 Fine by me.
71 005DC121 005DC136 Nothing needing your attention, no.
72 Just the usual farm pests and the occasional scavenger mistaking this for a place to look for scrap.
73 005DC123 005DC131 You had your chance.
74 No, I don't think you'll be doing any recruiting around these parts this time.
75 You try it, and George's shotgun might have words.
76 005DC132 You already got one. Take care of him, and I'll pretend like you didn't just ask me that.
77 005DC125 005DC155 There's always more work to be done.
78 There's more trade these days, though, which helps. With the ghouls cleared out it's safer to travel the road to Flatwoods.
79 Thanks for that.
80 005DC156 We're managing, thanks for nothing. We're small enough an operation to get by, and the bots Colin fixed up help pick up the slack.
81 Still no substitute for an extra set of hands, though.
82 With the ghouls gone, there's more trade coming past Flatwoods, though. Thanks for that, at least.
83 005DC127 005DC166 I'm his mother. Of course I miss him.
84 Still, I hope you won't think me too unsentimental when I say I don't miss cleaning up after him.
85 I know the world already ended, but I've never seen a messier kid. Your problem now.
86 Doesn't mean I don't still love him, though.
87 005DC167 He'll always be my baby, even if he comes back in a suit of power armor one day.
88 I try to be proud of what he's doing, happy that he's finally getting a chance to learn something special.
89 Can't say I succeed all the time, but it helps.
90 005DC129 005DC145 Well, I hope you're keeping an eye on him. I'll consider you responsible if anything bad happens.
91 005DC146 He always was a keen on studying. You'd best be looking after him; it was your call to take him with you, so it's on you if he gets hurt.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
4 005CEF97 005CF01C No way! I didn't come out here to chicken out!
5 I'll prove to you I can handle this. Just you wait.
9 005CEFA1 005CF01F Right on! Let's go! I'm on your six! That's what you say, right?
72 005CEFD7 005D203D You need to be more careful waltzing into people's homes. It's a good way to end up with more lead in you than's healthy.
83 005DD659 More questions, or is luring one of my boys off to danger enough?
133 005D1FB9 005D2036 Who do you think you are, barging in here? George!
135 005D1FBC 005D2041 The Brotherhood? Again?
137 005D1FC0 005D2000 Pretty sure that's my line, buster. I'm not the one busting in uninvited. Get over here and start talking before George puts some new holes in you.
138 005D1FC2 005D2024 A mission to get your head blown off? George, put it down. All right, stranger, come over here and let's find out what's going on.
139 005D1FC4 005D2010 I'm Carol Putnam. This is my husband George. Now, why don't you tell us why you're barging in here and maybe we can all be friendly when you're done.
140 005D1FC6 005D2039 Those'd be the military types in the heavy armor that came through here recently, right? I'm the one that told them about the attacks.
141 005D1FC8 005D2017 Might not be Lewis, or Sons, but this here's ours.
142 005D1FCA 005D2044 Not all, just the ones that waltz in unannounced looking like trouble.
146 005D1FCF 005D2009 Settle down, boys, the adults are talking.
147 You wanted to know about the ghouls?
148 005D1FD0 005D202C Even after all these years, there was enough salvageable tools and such to make starting a farm easier here than your average homestead.
149 Didn't see any point in updating the sign.
150 005D1FD2 005D200D Can't say for certain. We've got a suspicion, though.
151 005D1FD4 005D2035 Don't get them started.
154 005DB130 I'm not happy about it, but I can see he's got his heart set on it. I gave permission, and now I have to live with it.
155 Get my baby boy hurt, though...well. For your own safety, keep him safe.
156 005D1FD6 005D2013 Me, George, and the boys. Marty's the overeager one; Colin's the quiet one. I hope I don't need to remind you we're not defenseless.
157 005D1FD8 005D2040 We're getting to be self-sufficient soon. Greenhouse is getting there. George wants to restore the house, but we're fine in here.
159 005D1FDC 005D2023 Only thing out that way is what's left of the Orwell Orchards. Could be the source of the things. You going to wipe them out when you find them?
163 005D1FE0 005D2016 George!
168 005D1FE5 005D2008 So, us, the robots, and the dogs, I guess. And enough firepower to discourage pests. "discourage pests" is a "don't mess with us" warning, but without hostility behind it
170 005D1FE7 005D200C We've got other work needs doing first. If I can put up with your snoring for twenty years, I can deal with them.
171 005D1FE9 005D2034 Good to hear.
172 005D1FEB 005D2012 Aren't you on a mission from the Brotherhood? You're doing it for them, not for us.
173 005D1FED 005D203F Not sure. More than a few, less than an army, from what folks have said.
174 If you're going in alone, even a few can swarm you before you realize what's happening. Be careful.
175 005D1FEF 005D201A All right, then.
176 005D1FF0 005D1FFE Safe roads mean safer traders, good for everyone. The Brotherhood would definitely be making friends if you pull this off.
179 005D1FF3 005D2006 I don't like it, but they're adults - or close enough, I guess - and I know they're bound to want to do their own thing.
180 But the farm needs work, and we can't do it alone.
181 If one of them wants to go, George and I will have to live with it. You're not taking both my boys, though.
182 005D1FF5 005D2028 Careful, George. This is an "I'm warning you", but not harsh or mean
183 005D2029 Go ahead, George. I'm curious, too. Playful yet serious, kind of a "let's see what kind of hole you dig for yourself"
184 005D1FF7 005D2037 I'd prefer you kept it that way, then.
185 005D1FF9 005D2015 Fine by me.
324 005EF715 005D201B Just try not to startle us if you drop by again. George has a hair trigger with that shotgun.
325 005D202E Lower the gun, George. All right, why don't you come over here and we'll try to do this like civilized folks.
326 005DB12E Something else you needed?