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This is a transcript for dialogue with George Putnam.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
4 005DC0F2 005DC15D Fancy seeing you again.
5 005DC15E How's my boy doing with the Brotherhood?
6 005DC15F If you've got business, best bring it to my wife, Carol. She's the shot-caller around here.
46 005DC10B 005DC138 Take care of yourself.
47 005DC10D 005DC12D That I do, yep.
48 She's smarter than me. Tougher, too. And I trust her judgment.
49 If I disagreed and it mattered, I'd say so. You can save the macho posturing for those Raider dopes.
50 005DC10F 005DC14B Nothing much. With the ghouls cleaned up, trade's doing better, which is good for us.
51 Thanks again for the help.
52 005DC111 005DC13B Each day's much the same as the next. Finish one thing, another needs doing.
53 Got one of the bots working on the old house, despite Carol's complaints.
54 She lets me have a win every now and again to keep things interesting.
55 005DC13C Pretty much the same. A bit more work with one less set of hands, but we make do.
56 Carol okayed putting one of the bots to work on the old house, so maybe we'll be able to move in there eventually.
57 Won't need as much room, now, of course.
58 005DC113 005DC14D Marty always liked playing soldier. He liked those old "Armor Ace" toys, that kind of thing.
59 He's a hard worker if you can get him to stay interested. Take care of him, please.
60 005DC14E Scribe? Is that like a librarian or something?
61 Well, he was always one for books. He'd read anything he could get his hands on, like he was trying to suck the world in through words.
62 I know he's not the toughest around, but he'll make you proud, I'm sure of it.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
61 005CEFD7 005CF02A You're gonna want to talk to Carol, she makes the calls here.
81 005DD657 Be safe out there. Good luck to you.
82 005DD658 You take care of my boy, understand?
130 005D1FB6 005D202D I've received a report from Knight Shin detailing your assistance in his duties. He has given his approval to your consideration as an Initiate.
131 Word around the Fort is that you've been working with Scribe Valdez as well.
134 005D1FBA 005D2014 Hold it, stranger. No funny moves.
158 005D1FDB 005D1FFF A lot of the sightings and attacks have been from folks traveling the highway to Flatwoods. They come out of the hills northwest of the old Creamery.
162 005D1FDF 005D2038 I can pay you to get these two out of my hair. stage whisper, jovial
164 005D1FE1 005D2043 I'm just kidding! You boys know we love you.
167 005D1FE4 005D2025 Boys, knock it off.
177 005D1FF1 005D2022 She's right, of course, but that doesn't mean we're not grateful for the risk you're taking.
178 Here. Wherever you find ghouls, you're gonna find radiation. We can spare this.
188 005D1FFC 005D2001 Let it be, boys.
189 005D94D0 005D94D7 You'd be doing everybody in the area a favor, that's for sure.
190 005D94D1 005D94D5 Oh, yeah! The lasers! The power armor! They're the coolest thing I've ever seen!
191 005D94D2 005D94D8 Lewis was a cousin o' mine, back in the day, God rest his soul. He and his family didn't make it when the bombs fell.
192 We were looking a good place to put down roots when we heard it was safe to come back to West Virginia.
193 I told Carol we ought to see if this place was still here.
195 005D9505 005D950C They're grown, I suppose, and it might be a good opportunity for them.
196 We can't spare them on the farm, though, too much work to do. One, maybe, long as you swear to look out for him.
197 Reckon you'd best ask the wife, though.
198 005D9506 005D950B You heard the wife. If she says one of them can go, then one can go, I suppose.