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Fallout Wiki

Lew Palmest was a robotics technician who worked at The Whitespring Resort.


Lew was responsible for maintaining and updating the large number of robots used to assist in running the Whitespring Resort. After the announcement of the "Ironclad Service" program, Lew was exempt from termination because of his position handling the robots that would replace his coworkers. However, this also made him feel guilty for his role in his coworkers' terminations. He felt particularly sorry for candy shop clerk Joyce Easton after hearing her story over lunch, so he attempted to find a way to preserve her job, at least for a little while.[1] This culminated in an incident where Nibs, the robot due to take over Joyce's position, "malfunctioned" and caused a mess in the shop; Lew used this to force the resort manager James Wilcox to give Joyce a two-week job extension.[2][3] Lew's maintenance logs for the weeks before and after the incident show that Nibs was given a "special firmware update" just before the incident, which was subsequently removed afterwards.[4][5]

Following the Great War, Lew was one of only four staff who remained at the resort, continuing to work on the robots and also supporting Joyce as the leader of the survivors at the resort. He handled many technical tasks to protect the resort, including instating Joyce as the resort's Acting Assistant Manager and retooling the robots to be combat-ready.[6] He also worked with anyone who would assist him in attempting to prevent the robots from carrying out the scheduled renovation of the resort on January 1, 2079, or at least override the parts of the program which would evict all of the guests. He was suspicious of many parts of the resort's operations, including the resort's robot fabrication systems and high number of robots given the resort's poor financial status, and the location of the central mainframe, not shown on any blueprints. He even found the location of the hidden door to the the Whitespring bunker, but did not realize what it was.[7] Ultimately, his attempts were unsuccessful.[8]

When the Modern Heritage renovations began, he chose to stay at the resort, moving to the Whitespring Golf Club with fellow staff member Robert Mitchell and several guests, including Ted, Zack, Phil, and Mark. When they initially sighted feral ghouls approaching, they did not think much of them and used them for target practice. However, as more and more ghouls surrounded them and their group was gradually whittled down to just three people, Lew broke down in terror, realizing they were doomed.[9]


Lew Palmest is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

