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Joyce Easton was an employee of the Whitespring Resort before the Great War.


Joyce Easton worked as a clerk at the Whitespring Resort's Candy Shoppe, one of the human employees that experienced work displacement as the resort rolled out the "Ironclad Service" arm of the 2080 Initiative. This initiative aimed to replace all the employees with robots, following the trend of large Appalachian corporations automating their workforce.[1][2] Like many of her colleagues, Joyce scrambled to find other employment but failed to secure even an interview despite a three month job search. With both her and her husband, Dave, out of work, they planned to take out another mortgage on their house, if only to pay for their daughters' college tuitions and keep their family going until Christmas.[3]

When Joyce was up for replacement, Nibs, the robot slated to take her position, malfunctioned, extending her employment for two weeks while the bot was being serviced.[4] Secretly, this was the result of outside intervention. The resort's technician, Lew Palmest, felt sympathetic and guilty over her plight and sabotaged the robot so that the resort's manager would be forced to maintain Joyce's employment.[1]

The two-week extension meant that Joyce was one of the few human employees still at the resort when the bombs fell. Although many of her coworkers chose to flee, Joyce remained at the resort, as the rest of her family were out of town and she had no one to go home to.[5] With no management left behind and being the most senior employee left on the payroll,[6] Joyce was chosen as leader by the four staff, 92 guests and 500 robots who were left at the resort.[7] She took her responsibilities seriously, organizing the remaining employees and guests to take inventory of their supplies, secure the grounds, reprogram the robots and, above all, maintain the standards which the Whitespring was known for.[6] Everything went well for about a year until the survivors at the resort discovered that the planned Modern Heritage remodel of the resort would still go ahead on January 1, 2079. The Modern Heritage initiative would lock the survivors out of their rooms and reprogram the robots to escort any "vagrants" off the premises while the remodel took place.[8][9]

Joyce, along with the rest of the survivors, prepared for the eventuality of leaving the resort as best she could, including organizing wilderness survival classes from the Artisan's Corner bots, taking shooting courses from the sportsmen among the guests, and distributing out all of the resort's remaining supplies. Although Joyce believed that their group should stick together, there was no consensus as to what their plan after leaving should have been.[10] Joyce set out for Charleston with Paula Hamilton and a caravan of other survivors,[10] leaving behind a holotape for her husband to find in case he had survived and came looking for her.[11]

Related holotapes[]


Joyce Easton is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

