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Fallout Wiki

Legal notice is a paper note in Fallout 4.


The note can be found lying on the desk next to a Fishing tournament ad, in a monitoring station at Lake Quannapowitt.



July 19th, 2077
To: All Employees
From: J. Richard Thorndike, City Attorney
Re: Legal Directive to Preserve Documents

Pursuant to the litigation filed on 7/16 by the survivors and families of the Lake Quannapowitt boating incident (the ACCIDENT), all records and communications pertaining to the July 4th Bass Fishing Tournament (the EVENT) are to be retained until further notice.

While we believe this suit to be baseless and without merit, the City Attorney's office is committed to a fair and impartial legal process. We extend our condolences to the victims of this terrible tragedy.

Wipe the terminal. -J.T.

