Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Jake was a resident of Vault 76.


Jake was a lawyer prior to the Great War and became well known to the security team during his stay in Vault 76, with the majority of the security members wanting to strangle him. He filed an assault claim against E. Jefferson, stating that Jefferson had shoved them with intent to cause injury, however after the responding security officer (Nakamura) investigated, she found that he had been lightly pushed aside while verbally haranguing Jefferson about being an "ineffectual ass." Despite the security team's request to nail Jake for filing a false report, it was denied by the security chief, stating that he had technically been assaulted.[1]

Jake would later demand a theft be investigated. Nakamura was again sent in response, as she was the only one who could tolerate him. Upon finding that the stolen item in question was simply a box of Sugar Bombs, Nakamura was told to drop the investigation.


Jake is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

