Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Internal Revenue Service was an agency of the United States Treasury Department, responsible for the collection of taxes and administration of tax codes.


Any resident of Appalachia who won the Great Appalachian Sweepstakes were required to pay a gift tax. Failure to do so ran the risk of being reported to the IRS.[1]

By 2105, the post-War municipal government of Atlantic City operated its own municipal tax agency, which was also named the Internal Revenue Service.


The Internal Revenue Service is mentioned only in Fallout 76, as well as in the Vault Seller's Survival Guide episode "Welcome Home!," a promotional video for the Fallout TV series.


  1. Mr Prize-bot: "The Great Appalachian Sweepstakes is not responsible for paying the required gift tax. Failure to do so may be reported to the IRS. Enjoy your prize!"
    (Mr Prize-bot's dialogue)