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Fallout Wiki

The Hub 360 terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals in the Hub 360 in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Captain Cosmos" and "Noir Penthouse."

Captain Cosmos redemption machine[]


Welcome to RobCo Industries (TM) Termlink
Captain Cosmos Redemption Machine

Redeem your Captain Cosmos toy boxes here for special prizes!

Mystery Prize | 3 Boxes[]

Captain Cosmos Poster | 5 Boxes[]

Jangles the Moon Monkey | 8 Boxes[]

Captain Cosmos CC-00 Figurine | 10 Boxes[]

CC-00 Power Armor Piece | 15 Boxes[]

Captain Cosmos Space Suit | 20 Boxes[]

Captain Cosmos Cosmic Cannon | 20 Boxes[]

Reception terminal[]


Welcome to RobCo Industries (TM) Termlink
Hubris Studios - Reception Terminal

Internal Mail Relay
<User "D.Kobric" signed in>

[R.Ward] USSA Equipment Delivery[]


From: Roy Ward, Director
To: Darcy Kobrick, Reception
Date: October 20, 2077

Hey Darcy, General Tucker from the United States Air Force and a team from the United States Space Administration (USSA) are going to be delivering some very special equipment for the Captain Cosmos season finale this week. Please give them production and studio floor access ID cards when they arrive, and let the special effects team know they're going to be working with some technicians from the USSA. Also, please make sure the Captain Cosmos Redemption Machine has been loaded with prizes for the wrap party!

Here is a list of the delivery contents:

- Captain Cosmos' Cosmic Cannon
- New Captain Cosmos Space Suits
- CC-00 Power Armor Sets

Again, don't forget to load up the vending machine! You're the best!

[R.Stoddard] Wrap party date?[]


From: Rod Stoddard, Captain Cosmos
To: Darcy Kobrick, Reception
Date: October 22, 2077

Hello there Darcy! I didn't hear back from you yet, so I wanted to ask you again (for the third time...) if you'd like to be my date to the wrap party tomorrow night. You'd be crazy to pass up the opportunity. But I'm sure you know that.

By the way, I have a huge stack of these autographed Captain Cosmos posters that need to be mailed out, so if you could please come down to my dressing room to pick them up immediately that would be spectacular.

While you're down here, I can show you my new weightlifting routine. I know, I know - it's hard to improve on all this. But apparently there are muscles called "quads," and I'll be damned if mine aren't the best in this galaxy or any other.

Cosmos out!

[R.Ward] Accident on set[]


From: Roy Ward, Director
To: Darcy Kobrick, Reception
Date: October 23, 2077

Darcy, there was just an accident while we were filming, and Johnny Morton is hurt pretty bad. Someone screwed up, the weapon from the USSA is using live-fire ammunition!

Please send out a company-wide message letting everyone know the explosions and screams they may have heard are nothing to worry about, and that we all still have our jobs to do. We can't miss this shoot deadline, so just make it sound like it was no big deal, OK?

Writer's terminal[]


Welcome to RobCo Industries (TM) Termlink
Hubris Studios - Writer's Terminal

Internal Mail Relay
<User "M.Nichols" signed in>

[D.Kobrick] "You-know-who" bothering me[]


From: Darcy Kobrick, Reception
To: Mary Nichols, Lead Writer
Date: October 22, 2077

I really don't know how you deal with Rod every day. I'm counting down the hours until I no longer have to deal with him asking me out on a date every ten minutes! Just because he's Captain Cosmos doesn't mean he gets to have everything he wants! He's too old for me anyway, and he always smells like that monkey he carries around all the time. He just doesn't get the hint!

Only one more day until our production break, I can't wait. What are your plans?

[G.Bennett] Season Finale Script[]


From: Gary Bennett, Writer
To: Mary Nichols, Lead Writer
Date: October 19, 2077

I read your notes about your problems with the script for the finale, and I completely agree. "Captain Cosmos vs. the Giant Cockroach from Mars?" - are you kidding me? A giant deadly cockroach? That doesn't seem believable at all. Why couldn't we go with Little Green Men? Or better yet, another Silver Shroud crossover?

This new director is going to run the show into the ground. We should update our resumes.

[R.Stoddard] Script Changes[]


From: Rod Stoddard, Captain Cosmos
To: Mary Nichols, Lead Writer
Date: October 18, 2077

Hey Mary, I was just looking over the script here, and I really don't think I have enough lines in the season finale episode. I know it's supposed to be action-packed, but what did you think of the monologues I sent over? Particularly the one titled "American Space Justice"?

I know the director already said no, but maybe he needs to be reminded who's really in control around here. So please just slip in my monologue and we'll see what happens. I have no doubt everyone will be amazed!

Cosmos out!

[D.Kobrick] EMERGENCY[]


From: Darcy Kobrick, Reception
To: Hubris Studios - All
Date: October 23, 2077

ATTENTION: Don't panic, but the news has just reported multiple nuclear explosions in New York and Pennsylvania. It is not yet confirmed if this is a hoax, or some sort of mistake, but we all need to do as we were trained, get down into the Studio Floor basement, and seal all of the doors immediately.

The concrete walls are thick enough that we should all be safe. The Eat-O-Tronic was just restocked too, so we should have plenty of food to hold us over until we find out what happened! Please descend in a single file line down the stairwells, do not take the elevators.

Conference terminal[]


Welcome to RobCo Industries (TM) Termlink
Hubris Studios - Conference terminal

Internal Mail Relay
<User "F.Marsh" signed in>

[R.Ward] USSA / Cpt. Cosmos Promo[]


From: Roy Ward, Director
To: Frank Marsh, Producer
Date: October 17, 2077

I met with General Tucker like you asked. They were excited to have their new equipment featured in the season finale, and even offered to have some technicians on-site during the shoot. It's going to save us a bundle on production costs!

He said they need all the good press they can get after that whole incident at ArcJet with the reporter, and if this helps get the Mars Shot project back on track they'll buy up all of our commercial airtime! I smell a bonus in the air for both of us. Come down and have a drink with me to celebrate!

[R.Ward] Accident[]


From: Roy Ward, Director
To: Frank Marsh, Producer
Date: October 23, 2077

Frank! Rod shot Johnny with the weapon from the USSA during a scene and it was somehow using live fire! I thought this weapon was supposed to be a prop?! Call General Tucker immediately and sort this out! Heads are going to roll over this, and it better not be mine! This is going to be terrible for my career!

We're supposed to wrap filming today, so we might have to get someone to take Johnny's place and edit his lines in. Carl the delivery clerk might work as a stand-in if we put him in a space suit. What a mess!

Some crew members are bringing Johnny upstairs to the Conference room to wait for the paramedics, can you PLEASE talk to him (if he's conscious) and make sure he does not plan on suing us?

[D.Kobrick] EMERGENCY[]


From: Darcy Kobrick, Reception
To: Hubris Studios - All
Date: October 23, 2077

ATTENTION: Don't panic, but the news has just reported multiple nuclear explosions in New York and Pennsylvania. It is not yet confirmed if this is a hoax, or some sort of mistake, but we all need to do as we were trained, get down into the Studio Floor basement, and seal all of the doors immediately.

The concrete walls are thick enough that we should all be safe. The Eat-O-Tronic was just restocked too, so we should have plenty of food to hold us over until we find out what happened! Please descend in a single file line down the stairwells, do not take the elevators.

Director's terminal[]


Welcome to RobCo Industries (TM) Termlink
Hubris Studios - Director's terminal

Internal Mail Relay
<User "R.Ward" signed in>

[D.Kobrick] USSA Equipment Delivery[]


From: Darcy Kobrick, Reception
To: Roy Ward, Director
Date: October 21, 2077

Mr. Ward, General Tucker and his team from the USSA are here with the equipment. I've given them production and studio access cards like you asked, and they're on their way down to the production offices to meet with you now. I also refilled the redemption machines.

Here is the list of equipment in the delivery:

- Captain Cosmos' Cosmic Cannon
- New Captain Cosmos Space Suits
- CC-00 Power Armor Sets

[R.Stoddard] Dressing Rooms[]


From: Rod Stoddard, Captain Cosmos
To: Roy Ward, Director
Date: October 21, 2077

Roy, we're both professionals, and I think we can agree that I'm the true star of Captain Cosmos, so why did Jangles get a bigger dressing room than me? I like monkeys as much as the next guy, but I think his trainer was pulling your leg when he said Jangles needed the bigger room for all that jungle gym equipment.

My strict calisthenics regimen demands that I have ample space to maneuver. Plus, I'm running out of wall area for all my mirrors and fan letters! Can't we discuss this?

Cosmos out!

[D.Kobrick] EMERGENCY[]


From: Darcy Kobrick, Reception
To: Hubris Studios - All
Date: October 23, 2077

ATTENTION: Don't panic, but the news has just reported multiple nuclear explosions in New York and Pennsylvania. It is not yet confirmed if this is a hoax, or some sort of mistake, but we all need to do as we were trained, get down into the Studio Floor basement, and seal all of the doors immediately.

The concrete walls are thick enough that we should all be safe. The Eat-O-Tronic was just restocked too, so we should have plenty of food to hold us over until we find out what happened! Please descend in a single file line down the stairwells, do not take the elevators.

Film set access terminal[]

This terminal is Novice locked.


Welcome to RobCo Industries (TM) Termlink
Studio Door Control Interface

Override Studio Door Lock[]


Accessing Door...

Captain Cosmos' terminal[]


Welcome to RobCo Industries (TM) Termlink
Hubris Studios - Captain Cosmos' Terminal

Internal Mail Relay
<User "R.Stoddard" signed in>

[R.Ward] Re: Dressing Rooms[]


From: Roy Ward, Director
To: Rod Stoddard, Captain Cosmos
Date: October 21, 2077

>> Why did Jangles get a bigger dressing room than me?

Rod, we talked about this twice already. You know Jangles is happier when he has his jungle gym nearby. I know you're the star of the show, but everybody really loves the monkey! If the Captain Cosmos playsets start to outsell the Jangles toys we can talk again.

[B.Hughes] Re: Auditions[]


From: Brian Hughes, Agent
To: Rod Stoddard, Captain Cosmos
Date: October 22, 2077

>> These working conditions are getting out of hand! Have we had any calls back for my theatre auditions?

Rod, I understand that you are, as you worded it "a very gifted thespian with talent beyond compare", but I think you should work out your differences with the director and stick it out. This TV show is still a huge hit, and it put your name on the map. Besides, is it really so bad working with Jangles? I love that little monkey!

[D.Kobrick] EMERGENCY[]


From: Darcy Kobrick, Reception
To: Hubris Studios - All
Date: October 23, 2077

ATTENTION: Don't panic, but the news has just reported multiple nuclear explosions in New York and Pennsylvania. It is not yet confirmed if this is a hoax, or some sort of mistake, but we all need to do as we were trained, get down into the Studio Floor basement, and seal all of the doors immediately.

The concrete walls are thick enough that we should all be safe. The Eat-O-Tronic was just restocked too, so we should have plenty of food to hold us over until we find out what happened! Please descend in a single file line down the stairwells, do not take the elevators.

Production terminal[]


Welcome to RobCo Industries (TM) Termlink
Hubris Studios - Production Log

New Equipment[]


October 20, 2077

Sounds like the Air Force or Space Administration is going to be doing a cross-promotion with the show to try and get some good PR around their Mars Shot project. After all their screw-ups they need all the help they can get! They're also going to send some technicians to work with us on the shoot. They better not get in the way, we run a tight ship around here!

Shoot status[]


October 22, 2077

Things are going pretty good so far, and we're on schedule to wrap shooting the season finale. Although, these technicians the USSA sent over are star-struck. They spend more time chatting up Captain Cosmos and playing with Jangles than they do with safety training. We only have 2 days left to shoot and haven't even gone over the weapon prop they brought yet!

Injury on set[]


October 23, 2077

I can't believe it, the weapon the USSA delivered to us wasn't a prop, it was a live weapon! Our guest star Johnny Morton was wounded pretty bad during one of the fight scenes a few minutes ago. People are freaking out, and they're taking him upstairs to wait for the paramedics. We were told to put Carl into a space suit and try to shoot the rest of Johnny's scenes with him as a stand-in. Yikes.

Nuclear war?![]


October 23, 2077

We just heard over the loudspeaker that the facility is going on lock down because there are reports of nuclear detonations across the country. Everyone is scrambling to get down here and seal up the doors.

Can this day get any worse?!

It's all over[]


October 28, 2077

Well that was it. The end of the world. Everything is gone. We've been locked down here for 5 days and have already run out of food. I don't know what we're going to do now. All radio signals went dead a couple hours after we got down here.

Everyone is starting to get sick, too. I think the air ventilation system might not have been sealed off properly. All we can do is cover up the vents and hope for the best.

I feel sick, I'm going to go lie down.



Accessing Door...

Terminal (Noir penthouse)[]


B-263 Journal

[!][Penthouse Cleared[]


$ENCKEY: Yq3t6w9z$C&F)J@N


B-263 - The Penthouse location has been verified clear of any monitoring devices. Terminal-based communications and data storage may resume.


[!][Suspend Communications[]


$ENCKEY: Yq3t6w9z$C&F)J@N


B-263 - Communications from this location must cease immediately. We have reason to believe that Institute communications are being intercepted, so all surface locations must be inspected and cleared before communications can proceed.

Please log additional information to holotape, and upload data to secured Institute terminals only. You will be notified when Penthouse communications can resume.


Log Entry 01[]


The Institute has recently assigned me to do undercover surface work, disguised as a human detective. An old penthouse apartment in Hub 360 has also been refurbished to provide me with a safe, clean headquarters.

Getting in and out of the building itself can be tricky with all the Super Mutants around, but I manage.

I am to assist humans in the Commonwealth with personal cases in order to build my reputation, while widening the network in which I can obtain information about the enemies of the Institute.

Log Entry 02[]


I've been hired to complete my first case as detective. A man believes his brother is a Synth and wants me to investigate him.

This situation could not be more perfect. If he is in fact a known escaped Synth, he will simply be reclaimed and brought to the SRB.

Log Entry 03[]


A report has come through that a possible Railroad field agent, codename "Brimstone" may be seeking personal assistance to find a long-lost relative.

I have been instructed to do everything I can to stage a run-in with her. She may have knowledge of the inner workings of the Railroad, including the location of their headquarters.
