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Fallout Wiki

Don't panic, but the news has just reported multiple nuclear explosions in New York and Pennsylvania. It is not yet confirmed if this is a hoax, or some sort of mistake, but we all need to do as we were trained, get down into the Studio Floor basement, and seal all of the doors immediately.
The concrete walls are thick enough that we should all be safe. The Eat-O-Tronic was just restocked too, so we should have plenty of food to hold us over until we find out what happened! Please descend in a single file line down the stairwells, do not take the elevators.
— Emergency notice to staff

Darcy Kobrick was the receptionist for the Hubris Comics TV studio at Hub 360 in October 2077.


Darcy filled multiple roles at the studio such as issuing access ID cards for the guest, loading the vending machine, and sending out notifications to the staff. Notification of the Great War was delivered to the cast and crew through Darcy, which was preserved through the still functioning terminals in the studio.[1]

Darcy was romantically pursued by Rod Stoddard, the actor portraying Captain Cosmos, but she did not accept his frequent advances. Darcy described Rod as being too old for her, as well as commenting that he "always smell[ed] like that monkey he carries around."[2]


Darcy Kobrick is mentioned only in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Captain Cosmos."

