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What's wrong, merc? Price not high enough? Be gone. This is better handled without the aid of an outsider.

Paladin Hoss is a member of the Capital Wasteland chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 3.


Paladin Hoss has taken on the job of conducting training exercises in the field with some of the Brotherhood's initiates, something that he hates almost as much as cleaning the latrines at the Citadel.[Non-game 1] He recently took part in a long-range recon mission to Falls Church alongside Initiate Pek, Knight Church, and an unnamed paladin, which was also meant to double as a training exercise for the initiate. Although the group believed that the district would be clear, as long-range recon is typically performed in areas that have already been secured, they were instead set upon and attacked by a group of super mutants.[1][2] Church was killed in the initial strike, and Pek's weapon jammed on the first shot, leading to him being cut off from the others and forcing him to retreat into an office building.[1][2][3] Since that initial strike, Hoss and the other paladin have been continuing to fight the super mutants in the neighborhood by themselves. Although the wayward initiate is inexperienced, Hoss believes that he has had enough training to know that the best course of action is to hold fast and wait for reinforcements. However, as Pek is only an initiate, Hoss knows that he will not be able to last long against the super mutants that followed him into the building, and is awaiting the opportunity to stage a rescue operation.[4]

By the time the Lone Wanderer arrives in Falls Church, Hoss and the other paladin are continuing to fight the super mutants outside, while Pek is still trapped in the office building. The Lone Wanderer can assist the duo in dispatching the remaining super mutants, which Hoss is grateful for.[5] They can then offer to help Hoss rescue the young initiate, after hearing Hoss' story of what occurred. He has strong feelings of disdain for mercenaries, and will be annoyed if the Lone Wanderer asks for a reward, remarking that wastelanders have no honor. However, he will still agree to a 100 cap reward for the safe return of the lost initiate, not willing to go beyond that sum.[6][7][8] He actually has considerably more respect for them if they simply decline to help rather than ask for a reward.[9] If they decide to assist, Hoss formulates a plan of attack, where the group launches a forward assault in order to reach the building where Pek is trapped, and the Lone Wanderer enters the interior to rescue him while Hoss and the paladin guard the outside.[10][11] If the Lone Wanderer manages to successfully rescue Pek and return him to Hoss, Hoss will be grateful for the safe return of his young ward. If the Lone Wanderer had previously requested a reward, Hoss will give it to them, still making a remark about their lack of honor.[12] If they had not requested a reward, Hoss will happily offer the protection services of his reunited team to the Lone Wanderer as they travel through Falls Church, assisting them in combat against the remaining super mutants.[13][14][15]

If Pek is killed during the rescue operation and the Lone Wanderer had not previously requested a reward, Hoss will be distraught, and feel sympathy for the fallen initiate.[16][17] If the same occurs and the Lone Wanderer had requested a reward, Hoss will direct his anger towards them for their failure to deliver as promised.[18][19]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

25 Strictly Business
This character is a temporary companion.
Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).


  • The Lost Initiate: During a training exercise in Falls Church, Knight Church, Paladin Hoss, Initiate Pek and an unnamed paladin have become separated in a super mutant attack. Knight Church has been killed in the initial attack and Initiate Pek is trapped in an office building, while Paladin Hoss and the other paladin are fighting nearby.


Notable quotes[]


Paladin Hoss appears only in Fallout 3.


  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Hoss, Pek, and the unnamed paladin may glitch after one has completed the quest to save Initiate Pek. Waiting, sleeping, or fast traveling may cause Hoss, Pek, and/or the unnamed paladin to spawn somewhere near the Lone Wanderer. This includes add-on locations, meaning they may appear in the Pitt, Point Lookout, or even on Mothership Zeta. If not in an add-on location, these NPCs will immediately leave the Lone Wanderer's side and head directly for Falls Church; if the Lone Wanderer is in an add-on map, the NPCs will stand idle until the next time they spawn at the player character's location. [verified]
    • After being moved to the Lone Wanderer's location due to this bug, Hoss may pick up nearby items, including items owned by the Lone Wanderer (i.e. he may steal items). [verified]
    • This bug is caused by the Follow AI packages for Hoss, Pek, and the unnamed paladin being set to check if the NPC is currently in the Falls Church region, rather than checking if the Lone Wanderer is in the Falls Church region. Advancing in-game time (via sleeping, waiting, or fast traveling) causes the estimated effects of the AI package to be performed (the NPC moving to the Lone Wanderer's location) without evaluating the requirements for it to trigger.
  • PCPC When randomly spawning near the player character, Hoss may be carrying the same weapon that the Lone Wanderer currently has equipped. This includes unique weapons such as the alien blaster. [verified]
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 Occasionally, after one finds Initiate Pek when the player character exits the building, both Initiate Pek and Hoss will be dead for no apparent reason. [verified]



  1. 1.0 1.1 The Lone Wanderer: "What sort of exercise were you doing out here?"
    Paladin Hoss: "Long range recon. We typically do them in areas that have already been swept and are thought to be clear. Knight Church fell in the initial strike, the Initiate was cut off, and we were forced to retreat."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Lone Wanderer: "What's happening here?"
    Paladin Hoss: "We were performing a training exercise with one of the Initiates when we were cut off by the Super Mutants. We saw him flee into a building up ahead during the attack, but before we could link up with him, we were pushed back. Now that we've cleared this area, we can press forward and attempt to recover the initiate. I only pray that he is unharmed."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "Calm down. I'm here to help."
    Initiate Pek: "Oh, thank God. Paladin Hoss sent you, didn't he? I knew he wouldn't leave me behind. When they attacked, we were cut off so quickly. My gun jammed and I never even got a shot off. I couldn't do anything but hide."
    (Initiate Pek's dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "Is the initiate still alive?"
    Paladin Hoss: "He's had enough training that he should know that when facing overwhelming odds, a Brother's best recourse is to wait for reinforcements. I suspect that he is making a stand inside of that building, but an Initiate won't be able to stand for long against those Mutants."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  5. Paladin Hoss: "Stranger, I thank you for your aid. We must press forward, if you are willing to aid us, you are welcome to join us."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "What's in it for me?"
    Paladin Hoss: "Typical. You wasteland dogs have no honor. Very well, I will pay you 100 caps for your aid."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "100 caps? How much is really in it for me?"
    Paladin Hoss: "100 caps is all I can offer you. Take it or leave it."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "I'm sorry, I can't help you."
    Paladin Hoss: "What's wrong, merc? Price not high enough? Be gone. This is better handled without the aid of an outsider."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  9. The Lone Wanderer: "I'm sorry, I can't help you."
    Paladin Hoss: "Unfortunate, but understandable. However, we must make haste. Farewell, stranger."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  10. The Lone Wanderer: "I've heard enough. Let's go get your man."
    Paladin Hoss: "Excellent. We will advance forward slowly until we make contact with the Mutants and clear the area in front of the building. Once that space is under our control, we will hold position while you enter and recover the Initiate. Then you both should evac to the exterior. You will receive your payment when the Initiate is returned to us alive. Let's move out."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  11. The Lone Wanderer: "I've heard enough. Let's go get your man."
    Paladin Hoss: "Excellent. We will advance forward slowly until we make contact with the Mutants and clear the area in front of the building. Once that space is under our control, we will hold position while you enter and recover the Initiate. Then you both should evac to the exterior."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  12. Paladin Hoss: "Good. He is safe. The Brotherhood are men of their word and so, here is your payment. Spend it well. Farewell, mercenary. May you find honor in your travels."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  13. Paladin Hoss: "Excellent. The Initiate is safely returned to us. You have the thanks of the Brotherhood, my friend. We cannot offer you much in return, but know that you may travel through Falls Church under our protection."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  14. Paladin Hoss: "Stay on point. We will back you up. It's the least we can offer you."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  15. Paladin Hoss: "Lead on. We will ensure your safe passage through Falls Church."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  16. Paladin Hoss: "He's gone... damn. It just all happened so fast. Poor kid."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  17. Paladin Hoss: "We just weren't fast enough to save him. Damn."
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  18. Paladin Hoss: "What do you mean he's dead? What kind of a lousy merc are you?"
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)
  19. Paladin Hoss: "Damned worthless merc! You can't even pull off a simple rescue op?"
    (Paladin Hoss' dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.89
    "Paladin Hoss:
    Hoss hates chaperoning wayward cadets almost as much as latrine-cleaning duties, and his fears have recently been proven right, as Initiate Pek disappeared on a long-range recon sweep of the Falls Church zone. He's happy for any help."