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This is a transcript for dialogue with Initiate Pek.


FF02FallsChurchInitiateGreeting1 Calm down. I'm here to help. Neutral 50 Oh, thank God. Paladin Hoss sent you, didn't he? I knew he wouldn't leave me behind. 1
Neutral 50 When they attacked, we were cut off so quickly. My gun jammed and I never even got a shot off. I couldn't do anything but hide. 2
FF02FallsChurchInitiateGreeting1a Your gun is jammed? Can I take a look at it? Neutral 50 Sure, I guess. Can you fix it? 3
FF02FallsChurchInitiateGreeting1a1 Sure can. Here, just pull this back to clear the chamber. Neutral 50 Wow... that's... that's easy. Now at least I can shoot back at those mutant bastards. Are you ready? 4
Sure can. Here, just pull this back to clear the chamber. Neutral 50 Wow... that's... that's easy. Now at least I can shoot back at those mutant bastards. Are you ready? 5
Yeah, it's jammed good. I can't help you. Neutral 50 Damn! Look, I'll just keep my head down and follow you. You do your best to cover me. 6
FF02FallsChurchInitiateGreeting1a2 No, I just wanted to look at it. Neutral 50 This is no time for games! This is my life we're talking about here! Look, are you ready to go? Let's just get out of here. 7
FF02FallsChurchInitiateGreeting1a3 Don't worry about that gun. Take one of mine. Neutral 50 Okay... if you say so. Let's just hurry. 8
FF02FallsChurchInitiateGreeting1b Don't worry about it. Just keep your head down and let's get out of here. Neutral 50 Okay, just be sure to cover me. With my gun jammed, I'm pretty useless in a fight. 9
FF02FallsChurchInitiateGreeting2 So, you're a representative of the mighty Brotherhood? Please. Neutral 50 You can mock me all you want, I don't care. Just get me out of here. 10
FF02FallsChurchInitiateGreeting2a Mock you? I'd rather kill you. Neutral 50 But... but... why? 11
FF02FallsChurchInitiateGreetingLetsGo1 All right then, let's go. Neutral 50 Right behind you. 12
FF02FallsChurchInitiateGreetingLetsGo2 Let's get out of here, I don't have all day. Neutral 50 You'll get no argument from me. 13
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 You've saved my life. I am in your debt. 14
GREETING Neutral 50 I am forever in your debt. Thank you. 15
GREETING Neutral 50 We're almost to the door, don't stop now! 16
GREETING Neutral 50 Keep going, we're almost outside! 17
GREETING Neutral 50 Thank God someone's come! You have to help me! Please! 18