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This is a transcript for dialogue with Hancock.


1-{Walking through an abandoned parking lot. / Nervous} Something ain't right in here. Where'd all the Ghouls go?
2{Walking through tunnels leading to the Institute. / Amused} Aren't they gonna be surprised to see us.
3{Staring at an enormous bomb depot. / Neutral} A stray shot in here and we'll all be going out with a bang.
4{Looking at four missiles. / Question} Christ. Those things ain't still armed, right?
5{Looking at a massive metal pyramid. / Neutral} Well, ain't that ominous.
6{Walking through an underground car park. / Neutral} Hey. Check your fire. Lot of fission engines down here.
7{Walking through a large penthouse. / Neutral} Impressive hunk of sky the Railroad's carved out for themselves up here.
8{Walking through the crypt under a nice church. / Neutral} Fanciest crypt in Boston.
9{Walking through a crumbling church. / Neutral} Old girl's seen better days.
10{Standing on top of a very tall building. / Amused} You could just drop a bullet from up here and kill someone.
11{Staring up at a very tall building. / Neutral} Sure hope the elevator works.
12{Walking through a comic store. / Neutral} Probably still good reading in here.
13{Walking through a TV studio with cheesy cardboard cutouts. / Neutral} This is the most half-assed gun range I've ever seen.
14{Submarine engine turned on. / Irritated} Damn. And folks lived down here listening to that?
15{Walking into a massive engine room. / Neutral} That is some serious hardware.
16{Walking through the bridge of a submarine. Quietly to the player. / Conspiratorial} I'd love to not have to swim out of here, so maybe don't touch anything.
17{Looking out a high window. / Neutral} Be able to see anything coming for miles from up here... you know, so long as they came from that way.
18{Looking at a drive-in movie screen. / Amused} Think we missed the last show.
19{Walking into a perfectly pristine office. / Surprised} Jeez. Looks like these folks got to skip the war.
20{Looking at a mechanical pony that way nearly crushed by a collapsed roof. / Neutral} You know, someone, somewhere would play real good money for that ugly thing.
21{Walking through a large cemetery. / Neutral} Guess just throwing 'em in the nearest ditch wasn't good enough back then.
22{Walking through an old water treatment plant that's sprung a leak. / Disgust} Oh, I am way too sober for this.
23{Walking into a small underground bunker. / Neutral} Nice little place they got down here.
24{Walking into a town overrun by Super Mutants. / Neutral} Well, there goes the neighborhood.
25{Walking through Henry David Thoreau's very small cabin. / Amused} Guess this Thoreau guy found claustrophobia inspiring.
26{Walking into an old morgue. Smells awful. / Disgust} Phew. One of these is past its sell-by date.
27{Walking through a very large hospital waiting room. / Impressed} This is just the waiting room? Guess there was real money in the suffering of others.
28{Walking into a room with a support group-style ring of chairs. / Neutral} Looks like someone interrupted their meeting.
29{Walking into a large reactor room. / Neutral} Place sure used a lot of juice.
30{Just saw a corpse get dragged through a hole in the ceiling. Give a decent beat before starting. / Nervous} ...well at least we know whatever's up there's probably full.
31{Heard something large walking overhead. / Concerned} The hell was that?
32{Walking through a training ground designed to look like the nuked world outside. / Puzzled} This really what they thought the world would look like? Not bad, actually.
33{Stumbled upon the entrance to a vault in a school basement. / Surprised} Hello.
34{Walking through a room full of excavation machinery. / Neutral} Looks like they were still working when the bombs hit.
35{Looking at the corpse of the player's spouse. / Concerned} Damn. Hey, look, if you wanna get outta here...
36{Looking at the entrance to a massive vault. Second line is saying knowingly, as Hancock knows a guy who he wasn't fond of ended up here. / Neutral} Well, well. Vault 114. You'd be surprised how much scum from the Commonwealth trickles in he
37{Walking through a church attic filled with theatrical set pieces. / Neutral} Huh. Not a bad setup. Guess the pastor had a sense of showmanship.
38{Walking through a ruined children's nursery. / Neutral} Let's make this a quick one, huh?
39{Looking into a massive water-filled quarry. / Question} How long you think it took to fill this thing? Decades?
40{Talking to a robot the player just released from captivity. / Neutral} Don't worry, bud. We'll look after ya.
41{Looking at some very sorry old beer brewing equipment. / Neutral} You know, I like a drink as much as the next Ghoul, but looking around, I'm thinking I might just stick to chems.
42{Spotting a massive beer barrel. / Neutral} Now that is a lot of beer.
43{Looking at lifts leading into a care fighting ring. / Neutral} Always figured the life of a cage fighter would be more glamorous than this...
44{Looking at a cage fighting ring. / Neutral} Ain't this a hell of a sight.
45{Pleased after emptying a massive quarry of all its water. / Neutral} Ours to scour.
46{Observing the clean-up efforts done to make an old fortress habitable. / Surprised} Damn. This the same place?
47{Walking through the basement of an old fortress. / Neutral} Couple tons of earth and brick resting on a centuries old foundation... sounds like fun.
48{Joking while entering an area where it is readily obvious Mirelurks are present. / Amused} Careful. Might be Mirelurks around here.
49{Finding a corpse eaten by bugs. / Disgust} Having trouble imagining a worse way to go... wait. Got one.
50{Approaching a very dangerous area. / Concerned} Hey. This is the Common. You sure you don't just wanna go around?
51{Noticing some well maintained barricades. / Neutral} Hey. Hold up. We got company.
52{Hearing an old military warning broadcast stuck on repeat. / Irritated} There has to be a way to turn that off.
53{Walking through the largely intact remains of an airplane. / Neutral} How the hell did something this big stay in the airborne?
54{Walking through a ruined warehouse. / Neutral} They sure did a number on this place.
55{Walking past areas of molten metal. / Nervous} Uh, watch your step.
56{Encountering a raider with power armor. / Amused} Looks like someone heard we were coming.
57{Walking through a convalescence home, looking at all the folks dead in their beds. / Somber} Dying in your bed. That's no way to go.
58{Joking while walking through a playground. / Amused} These are some lame torture devices.
59{Walking into a crumbling Ranger's cabin. / Neutral} Hey. I think I woke up here once...
60{Spotting a power down military bot. / Neutral} Hey. Free ordnance.
61{Standing on a boardwalk. / Somber} How long you think before the sea takes all this back?
62{Having sighted a collection of Raiders. / Amused} Those Raiders blocking the exit? And here I thought this trip was gonna be dull.
63{Entering a building where pre-war folks were in the process of making an exit. / Somber} Looks like these folks thought they'd outrun the bombs.
64{Staring at the skeleton of a little girl. / Somber} Looks like she was running from something.
65{Walking across a crumbling freeway. / Neutral} Gonna be a hell of a show when this thing finally goes.
66{Suggesting that he and the player are going to kill all the Gunners in Quincy. / Amused} Quincy's Gunner territory. At least, for now.
67{Remembering. / Neutral} Think this used to be a rationing site. Folks turned on the Boston PD, accused them of hoarding food. God, I would've like to see that.
68{Walking inside a turbine. / Concerned} This thing's powered down, right? Like permanently?
69{Standing in a room full of generators. / Neutral} Could cook a lot of chems with this much juice.
70{Standing near a collection of buttons. / Amused} You wanna find out what all these buttons do?
71{Making his way through gas, coughing lightly as he speaks. / Angry} What the hell is this stuff?
72{Looking at extremely gruesome paintings. / Neutral} See, this is why I got no taste for art.
73{Finding the remains of an old camp. / Nervous} Something nasty went down in here.
74{Walking through a trailer park. / Neutral} If I wanted to live on top of my neighbors, I'd at least do it someplace with a wall.
75{Walking by a collection of old lakeside cabins. / Neutral} Lose the bloodthirsty crabs, and this place'd be real nice.
76{Walking through an old power station. / Neutral} Looks like this place used to turn out some serious volts.
77{Looking at a collection of houses that have been washed into the sea. / Amused} Well, if it wasn't waterfront before...
78{Looking at an old robot spewing "ocean facts." / Neutral} The Old State House in Goodneighbor used to have something like this. Best practice dummy we ever had.
79{Walking through a shattered aquarium. / Amused} See, this is why you don't play ball inside.
80{Walking into a torture chamber, but almost more impressed than disgusted. / Neutral} Savage bastards.
81{Looking at a homemade nuclear weapon. / Amused} That what I think it is? I guess our days of losing arguments are over.
82{Walking through an operating theater. / Disgust} Christ. What kinda massacre took place in here?
83{Inside a bank vault. / Amused} Let's see what you were hiding.
84{He and the player have just, or in the process of, wiping out a hostile fort. / Amused} Decent setup up they've got here. Shame it didn't help.
85{Walking through a destroyed town. / Angry} All this? This is how the Institute deals with folks in the Commonwealth.
86{Occupying a sniper's nest after killing its occupant. / Amused} You'd think with a perch like this he would've put up more of a fight.
87{Neutral} Hope you brought your Rad-X.
88{Looking at a belching radioactive geyser. / Puzzled} Is water supposed to do that?
89{Staring at an ancient, active reactor. / Neutral} Here's hoping this thing doesn't decide now's the time to melt down.
90{Staring up at a massive lobby. / Amused} Can you imagine being the guy hired to paint this place? He's probably still at it.
91{Walking through an old subway station. / Neutral} Little cramped down here. Mind your fire.
92{Walking into an old fish processing plant. / Neutral} Yeah, antique fish ain't a meal I'm exactly interested in.
93{Livid after being trapped. / Angry} That bastard better hope we die down here.
94{Walking into a meat canning facility. / Neutral} Can of Longnecks would hit the spot right about now.
95{Upon finding a surveillance room for a vast underground facility. / Disgust} No cost too great to control the common folk.
96{Entering the secret wing of a vault. / Neutral} Place just keeps going, doesn't it?
97{Approaching a settlement. / Question} Libertalia, huh? You looking to put down some Raiders?
98{Looking out from the highest point over a community made of boats. / Amused} Surveyin' the kingdom.
99{Approaching a highly irradiated lake. / Amused} You spend too long in here, you're gonna come out looking like me. Though you would make a hell of a Ghoul.
100{Standing in the lightroom of a lighthouse. / Amused} Putting a giant beacon in the middle of your settlement ain't the best way to keep a low profile.
101{Walking by an old radio station. / Neutral} Huh. Ain't this where the "Charles River Trio" broadcasts? Not enough Jet in the world to fix what comes outta there.
102{Disappointed to find a rumored treasure is just an old time capsule full of junk. / Irritated} You gotta be kidding me...
103{Walking through a highly secured basement. / Amused} Someone went through a lot of damn effort to protect whatever's down here.
104{Finding a cache of radioactive barrels in an old barn. / Neutral} The Children of Atom and rads. Like Bloatflies to corpses.
105{Looking at a semi-collapsed roof. / Concerned} Let's hope the rest of the roof doesn't get the same idea.
106{Walking by a body of a man eaten by Mirelurks. / Irritated} You need more selective about your friend group, pal.
107{Walking through a place where doctors experimented on patients. / Stern} This is some sick shit.
108{Inside a highly irradiated crater. / Puzzled} You looking to join the brotherhood of Ghouls? I ain't sure this is how it works.
109{Standing atop the highest building in a flooded district. / Neutral} Not a big fan of the neighborhood, but it's one fine view.
110{Walking through a school library with skylights. / Question} How'd anybody get any sleep in here with all that damned light?
111{Walking across a crane being used as a drawbridge. / Amused} Gotta hand it to 'em. This is damn clever.
112{Walking through a robot showroom. / Puzzled} People do anything for themselves back then?
113{Coming across a group of Raiders who've been eaten by Ghouls. / Amused} This is where they decided hide? If the Ferals were looking for brains, it must've been a light meal.
114{Walking through an area filled with Ghouls. / Question} College Square, huh? You looking to become someone's dinner?
115{Walking through a room filled with machine parts. / Neutral} Gearhead heaven.
116{Walking into an ambush. / Nervous} Hey. Something's not right.
117{Entering a well-put together military command center. / Neutral} Fancy room for a bunch of soldiers.
118{Walking into a blood donation fridge. / Neutral} So this was either a blood bank or home to the laziest bunch of vampires...
119{Observing a group of people who have turned an old pool into a cranberry bog. / Amused} Well, ain't that clever.
120{Watching a group of greaser race suits of power armor. / Amused} Now these boys know how to have some fun.
121{Walking under a nicely domed ceiling. / Neutral} Dome's seen better days.
122{Walking through the writer's room of a news facility. / Irritated} So this is a "writer's pit?" How the hell could anyone fight with all these desks in here?
123{Walking through a Mirelurk den. / Neutral} This is one lousy shortcut.
124{Walking through a robot training facility. / Irritated} The finest robot slaves money could buy.
125{Walking through a bowling alley. / Neutral} Bowling. Sport of kings.
126{Looking at a giant statue of a robot. / Puzzled} Guess they'd build a statute to anything back then.
127{Walking into an armory in an abandoned club's hall. / Neutral} Stock's in decent shape. Seems these boys knew how to pick their arms.
128{Honestly frustrated. Looking at a pile of miniature nukes. / Irritated} You telling me I've been using small arms for all these years while these have been just sitting here?
129{Puzzled while looking at a functioning train. / Puzzled} Looks like those things are getting power.
130{Walking through a flooded town. / Neutral} A lifetime of wet boots? No wonder folks abandoned this place.
131{Looking down into a very large basement. / Amused} Roomier than it looks.
132{Looking at hanging sacks of meat. / Pleading} The hell are those nets for anyway? I don't think the meat's going to escape.
133{Walking through sewers. / Neutral} Enjoy lovely downtown Concord. Honestly, I might prefer this view.
134{Can hear a Deathclaw sleeping nearby. Speaking mischeviously. / Conspiratorial} Wanna find out if Deathclaws are light sleepers?
135{Finding a highly fortified house. / Question} Well, well. What do you think they're hiding in here?
136{Walking through a surprisingly quiet neighborhood. / Neutral} Awful quiet.
137{Walking through a former dry dock. / Neutral} They built the Mirelurks a damn ramp. Great.
138{Entering the robot "stables" at a race track. / Happy} So this is where all the magic happens.
139{Genuinely happy. Approaching an active race track. / Happy} Ah, the Downs. Hope we're not going anywhere for a while.
140{Walking through a set of torture rooms in an abandoned school. / Amused} You think these were part of the original building design?
141{Staring into a creepy water hole in a small cave. / Neutral} I don't throw the phrase "watery grave" around a whole hell of a lot. But in this case...
142{Staring into a deep hole in a quarry. / Neutral} Don't slip.
143{Walking through a dead garden in an abandoned insane asylum. / Neutral} Even the gardens are depressing.
144{Walking through an abandoned high tech lab. / Puzzled} What the hell was all this for?
145{Walking through an abandoned insane asylum. / Neutral} Well, if they weren't nuts when they got here...
146{Looking a pile of old boats. / Neutral} You'd think after the fourth boat, folks might get the hint.
147{A ship that was stuck in a building is now stuck in another building. / Neutral} You gotta be kidding me.
148{Looking at a ship stuck in the side of a building. / Puzzled} Huh. Always just figured I hallucinated this thing.
149{Looking at an enemy wearing a mascot head. / Puzzled} That's about the weirdest thing I've seen all day.
150{Dropping through a hole in the ceiling. / Amused} Not a bad way to make an entrance.
151{Joking. Walking into a basement where a group of Ghouls have been eating corpses. / Amused} So I guess we missed dinner, then...
152{Observing a settlement set up in a nuke crater. / Neutral} Huh. Wouldn't expect this to be popular real estate.
153{Observing a tunnel guarded by hostiles. / Amused} You think they accept their tolls in lead?
154{Walking through a crumbling car assembly plant. / Neutral} Lookin' round, the word "deathtrap" comes to mind.
155{Looking at a group of Super Mutants wearing sailors hats. / Puzzled} And here I thought they couldn't look more ridiculous.
156{A tugboat stuck between the two sides of a drawbridge. Actually kind of impressed. / Impressed} This kind of idiocy takes real dedication.
157{Looking at an overturned boat in the middle of a reservoir. / Puzzled} Huh. There's a boat out there.
158{Disgusted by smell. Walking into an old school library filled with Mutants. / Disgust} Oh god. Were they using this place as their bathroom?
159{Looking at dangling sacks of meat in a school cafeteria. / Amused} You can bet your ass no one would've skipped if they'd had these meat bags before the bombs.
160{Looking at an amphitheater. / Puzzled} What? You got the theater bug? I think caught that once.
161{Walking through a destroyed laboratory. / Neutral} Whatever space-age shit they made here, it sure wasn't blast-proof.
162{Walking into a mad scientist lab. / Concerned} Wanderin' into places like this is how people end up lab experiments. Trust me.
163{Walking around a fastidiously maintained home. / Puzzled} People can't actually live here, right?
164{Looking at a large obelisk monument with multiple sections knocked out of it. / Nervous} Don't know how that obelisk is still standing, but I don't want to be around when it finally quits.
165{Walking through a farm that was overrun by monsters. / Somber} Can't fault 'em for wanting to carve out a life of their own. Though that life probably should've involved a bigger wall.
166{Walking through the vast Boston Public Library. / Neutral} Rotten books and dead bodies. Pungent.
167{Looking at a lion statue outside the Boston public library. / Puzzled} You mind explaining to me what lions have to do with lending books?
168{Walking through an underground basketball court in the former mayor of Boston's bomb shelter. / Irritated} Oh yeah. This seems like a real good use of public funds.
169{Walking through a very large atrium. / Neutral} Sniper heaven...
170{Looking at a man who committed suicide. / Somber} Damn. Things got messy in here.
171{Walking through a brewery. / Neutral} Never could bring myself to drink this stuff sober.
172{Looking at a fountain decked out with a variety of lions and naked women. / Amused} Now this is my kinda art.
173{Walking up a non-functioning escalator. / Puzzled} This some sort of "moving target" thing?
174{Entering an old speakeasy filled with hostile enemies. / Amused} Huh, place is like the Third Rail... with less gunfire.
175{Reading a large, plaque on the floor of an abandoned spy agency. / Amused} Defense Intelligence Agency, huh? Think they might've dropped the ball.
176{Walking into a room filled with guns and drugs. / Happy} Jackpot.


177AO_Companion_Bar_Cooke{Approaching a bar. / Question} Wanna see if they'll serve a Ghoul here?Bartender: Nothing but the best for someone as lovely as you, my dear.A7a
178Bartender: Nothing but the best for someone as lovely as you, my dear.{Amused by how quickly the bartender went from angry to amused when he realized who you are. / Amused} In the flesh. Now about that drink...Bartender: If you're unhappy hanging out with your crew, you could always work for me. Good pay and all the free drinks you can handle.A7a
179Bartender: If you're unhappy hanging out with your crew, you could always work for me. Good pay and all the free drinks you can handle.{Just a little threatening. You're in control of a situation and you like it. / Amused} Guess that all depends on what ya charge.A6a
180myActor: Quaint little place they've got here... I like it.{Almost daringly requesting drink in a town hostile to Ghouls. / Amused} How's it going? Lemme get a drink.Bartender: Nothing but the best for someone as lovely as you, my dear.A6a
181AO_Companion_Bar_Deezer{Irritated} Christ. This thing.Bartender: Why, nothing but the most refreshing, delicious lemonade you've ever tasted!A6a
182Bartender: Why, nothing but the most refreshing, delicious lemonade you've ever tasted!{Irritated} Rad intake ain't exactly high on my list of concerns these days. You got any booze?Bartender: There are no alcoholic additives or artifical preservatives of any kind! Only good old-fashioned cold refreshment!A6a
183Bartender: There are no alcoholic additives or artifical preservatives of any kind! Only good old-fashioned cold refreshment!{Irritated} Oh, I'm about to lodge something.A6a
184myActor: Is that a robot... sellin' drinks?{Neutral} Hey robot. You get your liquor license yet?Bartender: Why, nothing but the most refreshing, delicious lemonade you've ever tasted!A6a
185AO_Companion_Bar_GenericmyActor: I could use a little pick-me-up.{Ordering a drink at a bar. / Friendly} How's it going? Lemme get one.A5a
186{Amused} Could use some refreshment.A6a
187{Ordering a drink at a bar. / Amused} Surprise me.A5a
188{Was just offered a particularly disgusting drink. / Amused} You know what, on second thought, make it a beer.A5a
189AO_Companion_Bar_Savoldi{Approaching a bar. / Happy} Now we're talking.Bartender: You came to the right place, darling. I've got the best vodka money can buy.A6a
190Bartender: You came to the right place, darling. I've got the best vodka money can buy.{Suddenly threatened by a bartender's hostility. / Angry} What the hell's that supposed to mean?Bartender: Well... it appears I finally have a customer who wants to show a little class.A6a
191Bartender: Well... it appears I finally have a customer who wants to show a little class.{Very pleased that his reputation for troublemaking has got him in trouble. / Amused} Formal title and everything. Oh, I like you. Bring me something strong and charge it to that one there.A6a
192myActor: Oh, they have a bar down here?{Excited to saunter up to his kinda bar. / Happy} Nice place you got here.Bartender: You came to the right place, darling. I've got the best vodka money can buy.A6a
193AO_Companion_Bar_Takahashi{You just spotted a sign for a restaurant called "Power Noodles." / Amused} Power Noodles. I could use a bite.Bartender: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?A6a
194myActor: Be right back, gonna grab a quick drink.{Question} Hey bot. What's good here?Bartender: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?A6a
195Bartender: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?{A robot just said something in what sounds like gibberish to you. / Puzzled} Uh, come again?Bartender: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?A6a
196Bartender: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?{You're confused by a robot that speaks in what sounds like gibberish to you. / Puzzled} Huh. Either this guy's busted or I took way, way too much.A6a
197AO_Companion_Bar_Vadim{You just realized you walked into a place you've been wanting to go for a while now. / Impressed} Well, well. Uh, I'm gonna need a minute.Bartender: Bobrov's Best. Is greatest moonshine ever to cross lips, lapochka. Very strong though. Two shots, you pass out on floor... guaranteed.A6a
198Bartender: Bobrov's Best. Is greatest moonshine ever to cross lips, lapochka. Very strong though. Two shots, you pass out on floor... guaranteed.{You're trying to make a business deal. / Question} Name's Hancock. You ever thought about sellin' your product in Goodneighbor?Bartender: Record is mine. Fourteen shots in less than two minutes. If you beat, I give them to you free. You lose, you pay double.A6a
199Bartender: Record is mine. Fourteen shots in less than two minutes. If you beat, I give them to you free. You lose, you pay double.{You just closed a business deal. / SinisterSmile} I'm gonna have one of my boys come talk to you. I think you and me are gonna get along swell.A6a
200myActor: Oh... this place looks interestin'.{Meeting one of your heroes. / Impressed} You're Vadim Bobrov. As in Bobrov's Moonshine.Bartender: Bobrov's Best. Is greatest moonshine ever to cross lips, lapochka. Very strong though. Two shots, you pass out on floor... guaranteed.A6a
201AO_Companion_Bar_Wellingham{Walking into a rooftop restaurant. / Impressed} Now that's a view a guy could get used to.Bartender: Excuse me, madame, but if you wish to be served I'd ask that you maintain proper decorum.A5a
202Bartender: Excuse me, madame, but if you wish to be served I'd ask that you maintain proper decorum.{Someone just insulted your looks. You're trying to maintain composure in the face of discrimination. / Irritated} Watch yourself, scrapheap. We're just look for some grub. We got caps.Bartender: Madame, if you don't refrain from using that tone with me, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.A5a
203Bartender: Madame, if you don't refrain from using that tone with me, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.{Containing your rage about the excessive condescension you just had to suffer through. / Angry} On the floor? You know what? I've lost my appetite.A5a
204myActor: Okay, please tell me this robot bartender knows how to pour a drink.{Addressing the host of a restaurant. / Question} So, what's a guy got to do to get a seat in a place like this?Bartender: Excuse me, madame, but if you wish to be served I'd ask that you maintain proper decorum.A5a
205AO_Companion_Bar_Whitechapel{Entering your bar. / Happy} Good to be back.Bartender: Miss Cait. I thought you were fighting at the Combat Zone. Whatcha doing here, love?A5a
206Bartender: Miss Cait. I thought you were fighting at the Combat Zone. Whatcha doing here, love?{The bartender at your bar doesn't have your drink. You're cool with that. / Friendly} Don't sweat it, Chuck. Just gimme whatever tastes the least like it's been aged in a shoe.A5a
207{Friendly} Here.Bartender: I wouldn't take it too hard. I know Tommy, and I'm betting he's got your best interests at heart.A5b
208Bartender: I wouldn't take it too hard. I know Tommy, and I'm betting he's got your best interests at heart.{Pleased that you still can't pay for drinks in your own bar, even when you try. / Amused} Can't say I didn't try. Thanks Chuck.A5a
209myActor: I know this place.{Addressing your bartender. / Neutral} What's worth drinkin' today, Chuck?Bartender: Miss Cait. I thought you were fighting at the Combat Zone. Whatcha doing here, love?A5a


210AO_Companion_LoiterSearch_Scene{mostly talking to self, though purposefully loud enough for player to hear so he knows you're going to investigate / Question} Inside you got...A5a
211{mostly talking to self, though purposefully loud enough for player to hear so he knows you're going to investigate / Neutral} Hello.A6a
212{mostly talking to self, though purposefully loud enough for player to hear so he knows you're going to investigate / Question} What's this hiding?A7a
213{as in "I can't do that, because the thing you asked me to open is locked" / Irritated} Shut tight.A5a
214{as in "I can't do that, because the thing you asked me to open is locked" / Irritated} Hmm. Locked.A6a
215{as in "I can't do that, because the thing you asked me to open is locked" / Irritated} Not getting in here.A7a
216{Found a hunk of armor in a container. / Neutral} Hunk of armor in here. Looks pretty intact.A31a
217{Found a hunk of armor in a container. / Neutral} A little personal protection in this one.A32a
218{Found a hunk of armor in a container. / Neutral} Armor over here.A33a
219{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Hey. Stims in here.A61a
220{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Need some Stims? Some over here.A62a
221{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. Initiall excited thinking he'd found some drugs, but then disappointed to find it's full of Stims. / Neutral} What have we... oh, damn. Just Stims in here.A63a
222{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Happy} Jackpot. Chems in here.A91a
223{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Happy} Looks likes someone's stash was in here.A92a
224{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. Initially to himself, then shouting to the player. / Happy} Oh. Nice. Chems in here.A93a
225{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Question} Some food in here.A120a
226{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Looks like this was the pantry.A121a
227{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Got some grub in this one.A122a
228{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Irritated} Hmm. Water in here.A150a
229{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Water in this one.A151a
230{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Hey. You thirsty? Water in here.A152a
231{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Happy} There's some booze in here.A180a
232{scrounging in a container, speaking to himself. / Happy} Looks like this was the liquor cabinet.A181a
233{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Happy} Booze in here.A182a
234{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Ammo in here.A209a
235{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Hey. Ammo over here.A210a
236{scrounging in a container, speaking to himself / Neutral} Guess this was their ammo cache.A211a
237{Scrounging in a container. Happy to find some weapons / Happy} Weapon over here.A239a
238{Scrounging in a container. Happy to find some weapons / Happy} Well, well. Arms in here.A240a
239{Scrounging in a container. Happy to find some weapons / Happy} Well, ain't you a sight. Weapon in here.A241a
240{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Hey. Come take a look at this.A267a
241{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Oh, you're gonna wanna take a peek in here.A268a
242{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Hey. Come here. You think you could use this?A269a
243{scrounging in a container, talking to himself / Neutral} Damn. Nothin' but junk.A304a
244{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Bunch of odds and ends in this one.A305a
245{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Just scrap in here.A306a


246BoS100_02_SceneMainPlayer Default: I want to help but I don't like the secrecy. Who are you? Really?{Neutral} And don't try and pull that "just trust us" bull. That's Raider talk.BoS100Danse: Very well.Y5a
247Player Default: I'll continue to help, but you owe me an explanation first.{Neutral} You need to tell us who you're working for.BoS100Danse: Very well.A6a
248Player Default: At this rate, you'll be dead within two days. And I want no part of it.{Neutral} Not our jobs to bury you. Seems you're doing a fine job of that yourselves.BoS100Danse: Then there's no need for you to remain here.B7a
249Player Default: That all depends. How much are you paying?{Amused} Skills like ours don't come cheap.BoS100Danse: So you're a mercenary. Typical. Fine. You help us, and I'll see you're compensated for your services.X5a


250BoS101SceneStage360Player Default: I'd be honored to join.{Neutral} You sure about this? Cause the amount of takin' orders in your life is about to make get a significant increase.BoS101Danse: That's what I wanted to hear.A6a
251Player Default: No, I need to move on.{Neutral} Sorry, pal. Brotherhood ain't our style.BoS101Danse: That's a shame.B6a
252Player Default: I don't know.{Neutral} Signing up to take a bullet for the Brotherhood ain't exactly something you decide on a whim.BoS101Danse: It's a big decision, so I understand your hesitation.X6a


253BoS201_00_PrydwenArrives{Extremely impressed. / Disbelief} Holy shit.A6a
254BoS201_01_DanseStage20Player Default: Going to be a quick war with that thing on our side.{Amused} Sure know how to make an entrance, I'll give ya that.BoS201Danse: That's the plan.A6a
255Player Default: After rolling that thing in, you've certainly started a war.{Irritated} Folks don't usually appreciate having a floating fortress blocking their view.BoS201Danse: If history's proven anything, it's that an overwhelming show of force has a chance of halting a conflict before it begins.B6a
256Player Default: I'm guessing that diplomacy isn't on Elder Maxson's mind.{Disbelief} Ain't no one in the Commonwealth wondering about your intentions now.BoS201Danse: What's the matter? Don't like kicking in the door?X6a
257BoS201_07_MaxsonStage140Player Default: I refuse to allow the mistakes of the past to be repeated.{Angry} You just want to tell people how they should live their damn lives.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm convinced.A6a
258Player Default: I'm a bit surprised that you don't realize that by now.{Defiant} Every man should get to decide his own fate.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm convinced.B6a
259Player Default: Turning your weapons on the very same people that you're trying to save can be a bitter pill to swallow.{Defiant} Seems like a pretty clear power grab to me.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm convinced.X6a
260Player Default: The difference is our war won't reduce civilization to ashes.{Defiant} No, you'll just force everyone to dance. And you get to pick the music.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm convinced.Y7a


261BoS202_01_MaxsonStage10Player Default: The Brotherhood cannot allow those abominations to have a nuclear arsenal at their fingertips.{Amused} Ugly green bastards don't stand a chance.BoS202Maxson: Now... we have a vertibird on standby, fully armed and ready to depart.A6a
262Player Default: If we leave Fort Strong unchecked, we have a potential security threat on our hands.{Amused} And why let those sorts of talents go to waste?BoS202Maxson: Now... we have a vertibird on standby, fully armed and ready to depart.B7a
263BoS202_02_DanseStage100Player Default: I wish all of mankind shared your sentiment.{SinisterSmile} Folks just need to have the damn guts to stand up for themselves.BoS202Danse: These monstrosities are just another example of man blindly taking a step forward only to wind up stumbling two steps back.A6a
264Player Default: Have you taken leave of your senses?{Irritated} Hey. Let's not go lumping all freaks in the same basket.BoS202Danse: These monstrosities are just another example of man blindly taking a step forward only to wind up stumbling two steps back.B7a
265Player Default: Well, it's good to see you dealt with them the Brotherhood way.{Amused} Don't worry, Danse. We're naturals when it comes to the Brotherhood way.BoS202Danse: These monstrosities are just another example of man blindly taking a step forward only to wind up stumbling two steps back.X5a


266-{Concerned} Good luck, General. I hope you find your son.


267BoS301_04_DoctorDuffBoS301Duff: I'm afraid something terrible has happened to her.Yeah, that sounds about right.Player Default: Don't worry, I'll find her.A6a
268BoS301_05_ScaraStage0060BoS301Scara: The whole thing's rather complicated, perhaps I'll explain it to you sometime.{Amused} Always up for a story. If you're buyin'.BoS301Scara: So, now that I've formally introduced myself, perhaps you'd care to tell me why you're here?A6a
269BoS301_06_LiStage0070Player Default: Because we care what happens to the Commonwealth.{Amused} And you get to do it using a killer robot.BoS301Li: You know, if anyone else wearing a Brotherhood of Steel uniform said something like that, I'd laugh in their face.A6a
270Player Default: If you don't work on Prime, I'll have you shot.{Angry} Whoa now. Who appointed you executioner?BoS301Li: You son of a bitch!B7a
271Player Default: If not for the Brotherhood, do it for Doctor Virgil.{Pleading} How many shots like this you really get in a lifetime?BoS301Li: What they did to Doctor Virgil was cruel... it was wrong. How could I be so blind?X6a
272BoS301_10_ChildofAtomStage0160BoS301ChildofAtom: That is why they must be safeguarded.{Irritated} Yeah, this crossed over from "funny" to "annoying" for me a while back. Can we wrap this up?Player Default: I want to spread his, uhh, glory... Look, the bombs will get used, okay? Isn't that what you want?A6a


273BoS302_01_MaxsonStage010Player Default: With pleasure. I'll make him pay for lying to us.{Disgust} You friggin' kidding me? You just gonna bow before this despot?BoS302Maxson: I appreciate your cooperation.A8a
274Player Default: I won't do it. Danse deserves a chance to explain himself.{Angry} You want Danse dead, do it your damn self.BoS302Maxson: You will do it. This is not up for judgment or debate!B6a
275Player Default: I don't know what to say.{SinisterSmile} I got a couple four-letter words you can feel free to use.BoS302Maxson: This isn't a request that requires an answer, Knight. This is a direct order.X7a
276Player Default: Isn't there some other way?{Question} What? You can't let one otherwise completely normal guy off the hook?BoS302Maxson: Absolutely not. My decision is final.Y6a
277BoS302_03_HaylenStage040BoS302Haylen: If you're not convinced by what he says, or somehow he's become truly lost to us, then you do what you have to do.{Angry} Finally, someone talking some sense on this ship.Player Default: All right, I'll hear him out.A6a
278BOS302_13_CompanionReactsExecute{Amused} Disobeying a direct order. Knew you had it in you.A6a
279{Player stood by while a friend was executed. / Angry} And we just stood there.Companion: That Maxson fella seemed like he knew what was best. Maybe you should've listened to him.A6a
280{Player just killed a friend on someone else's orders. Hancock is pissed. / Angry} Must be uncomfortable with Maxson's hand that far up your backside.Companion: I wished you had the bollocks to do that yourself. At least it's over with.A6a


281BoS303_01_Stage10BoS303Ingram: That's where we're headed. Hope you don't mind a little company, because I'm coming with you.{Question} You sure you want to have to cover this egghead?Player Default: It would be helpful if you tagged along.A7a
282BoS303_01_Stage10PrePrimeBoS303Ingram: That's if you don't mind a little company of course.{Neutral} Your call, boss, but if Poindexter's coming, you're babysitting him.Player Default: It would be helpful if you tagged along.A6a
283BoS303_03_RoofBoS303Ingram: All right, let's head into the lab. Can't wait to get a look at the place.{Amused} So, we gonna stand here and chat, or are we gonna kill some Synths?A6a
284BoS303_04_MissingAgitatorBoS303Ingram: It must have been moved. Let's check out that terminal over there.{Neutral} I'd've heard about a Baritone Adjudicator for sale in the Commonwealth if someone nicked it. It's gotta be around here somewhere.A6a
285BoS303_07_PowerLossBoS303Ingram: Damn it! They've knocked out the power to the elevators.{Amused} Heh. Do my best work in the dark, anyway.A6a
286BoS303_09_ViewReactorBoS303Ingram: There it is... Mass Fusion's reactor. Don't make them like that anymore.{Amused} That's a whole lot of juice.A6a
287BoS303_10_BeforeEnteringChamberBoS303Ingram: I'll communicate with you though their intercom system while I monitor everything from out here.{Neutral} I'm staying too. Someone's got to make sure our exit stays clear.A6a
288BoS303_14_ElevatorToLobbyBoS303Ingram: The Institute must have sent reinforcements.{Wryly. / Amused} Took their damn time.BoS303Ingram: I'll help hold them off, just make sure you get the Agitator out of here!A7a


289BoSM01_CompanionStage060_Commentary1{Walking through a large battle field. / Amused} Looks like we missed all the fun.A6a
290BoSM01_CompanionStage070_Commentary1{Looking at a corpse of a woman who attempted to wall herself off in a room to get away from Ghouls. She did not succeed. / Neutral} Tried to wall herself off in here. Bad move.A6a
291BoSM01_CompanionStage080_Commentary1{Standing in a sniper nest. / Neutral} Doesn't even look like the guy put up a real fight. Shame. Could do some real damage from up here.A6a


292CIS_ChatWithNPC_Hancock_SceneTarget: Asshole...{Confused by the interaction he just had with someone he doesn't recognize. / Question} You ever seen that guy before?Companion: You have fun with that.A1a
293Target: Asshole...{Confused by the interaction he just had with someone he doesn't recognize. / Puzzled} You ever seen her before?Companion: You have fun with that.A2a
294Companion: Oh, uh, yeah. Sure. One more week. But you better have it then. Now get the hell out of here.{Threatening someone who threatened you. / Stern} I didn't think so. Now get out of here before you get yourself hurt.Target: Asshole...A1a
295Companion: You ever seen that guy before?{Giving drugs to someone desperately in need of a fix. / Friendly} You have fun with that.A1a
296Target: Oh, uh, hey Mayor. I didn't realize you were back in town. Look, I-I still haven't got all the caps together, but just give me another week.{Someone you don't recognize has approached you telling you they need some more time to get money they owe you. You're confused. / Puzzled} Oh, uh, yeah. Sure. One more week. But you better have it then. Now get the hell out of here.Companion: I didn't think so. Now get out of here before you get yourself hurt.A1a
297Target: Oh, uh, hey Mayor. I didn't realize you were back in town. Look, I-I still haven't got all the caps together, but just give me another week.{Giving drugs to someone desperately in need of a fix. / Friendly} You kiddin'? Of course. From my personal stash.Companion: You have fun with that.A2a
298Target: Oh, uh, hey Mayor. I didn't realize you were back in town. Look, I-I still haven't got all the caps together, but just give me another week.{Someone has approached you threateningly. You return the threat. / Friendly} Well, look who it is. You know you always did have a big mouth. Today the day you actually show some spine and make the first move?Companion: I didn't think so. Now get out of here before you get yourself hurt.A3a
299Target: Oh, uh, hey Mayor. I didn't realize you were back in town. Look, I-I still haven't got all the caps together, but just give me another week.{A person has just propositioned you. You are politely turning them down. / Friendly} Much as I'd love to, uh, see the town again, but we're just passing through. You can bet I'll be keeping you in mind, though.Companion: I didn't think so. Now get out of here before you get yourself hurt.A4a
300Target: Oh, uh, hey Mayor. I didn't realize you were back in town. Look, I-I still haven't got all the caps together, but just give me another week.{A person has just propositioned you. You are politely turning them down. / Friendly} Sorry, I ain't a tourin' Ghoul anymore. The one I got ain't the type you go wandering on.Companion: I didn't think so. Now get out of here before you get yourself hurt.A5a
301Target: Oh, uh, hey Mayor. I didn't realize you were back in town. Look, I-I still haven't got all the caps together, but just give me another week.{Someone who owed you something just returned it. You're pleased, but still stern. / Stern} Well, well. About damn time. Yeah, you and me, we're square. Now get outta here. I got places to be.Companion: I didn't think so. Now get out of here before you get yourself hurt.A6a
302Target: Oh, uh, hey Mayor. I didn't realize you were back in town. Look, I-I still haven't got all the caps together, but just give me another week.{Friendly} You know, how 'bout next time? In the middle of something right now, but you and me, we'll catch up later, okay?Companion: I didn't think so. Now get out of here before you get yourself hurt.A7a
303Target: Oh, uh, hey Mayor. I didn't realize you were back in town. Look, I-I still haven't got all the caps together, but just give me another week.{Friendly} Much fun as that sounds, me and my friend, we got places to be. I'm gonna come find ya later, though. Alright?Companion: I didn't think so. Now get out of here before you get yourself hurt.A8a
304Target: Oh, uh, hey Mayor. I didn't realize you were back in town. Look, I-I still haven't got all the caps together, but just give me another week.{Friendly} You know, there's nothing I'd rather do than shoot the shit, but right now ain't the best time. Later, though.Companion: I didn't think so. Now get out of here before you get yourself hurt.A9a


305-{Neutral} Diamond City, huh? You know they ain't real fond of Ghouls in this town.
306Home sweet home.
307{Approaching a combat arena. / Amused} Raiders always go hogging all the nice places for themselves.
308{Sarcastic. / Sarcastic} The airport, huh? Really seein' the sights, aren't we.
309{Walking into the base of an enemy who loathes you. / Confident} Brotherhood of Steel thinks Ghouls are all monsters. Let's see 'em make a move. I'll show 'em who the monster is.
310{Looking at a house that is way too nice to be real. / Surprised} Place looks like it opted out of the war entirely.
311{Neutral} They always said I'd end up in the looney bin.
312{Neutral} Ain't this Jamaica Plain? Supposed to be some ancient treasure buried around here. Up for a dig?
313{Entering an active Vault. / Amused} Heh. Pretty sure the Vaults were built to keep riff-raff like us out.
314{Inside a submarine. / Neutral} This certainly counts among the stranger places I've ever been.
315{Not a fan of Libertalia. / Neutral} Libertalia. The only place in the Commonwealth that could benefit from an outbreak of Mirelurks.
316{Just entered a massive skyscraper. / Question} Sure you don't just want to explore the lobby?
317{Neutral} Doesn't look like they were expecting visitors, that's for damn sure.
318{Somber} This place is the closest thing the Minutemen ever got to a memorial. Shame.
319{Joking. / Amused} Always wanted my own fortress.
320{Irritated} What kinda place you gotta take a test to enter?
321{Amused} Heard Bunker Hill pays off the Raiders instead of just shootin' them. Where's the sport in that?


322CIS_RacialComments_Hancock_Brotherhood{Amused. Someone just threateningly told you to behave yourself. / Amused} Ain't about to start now.A1a
323{Someone just threatened you. You are threatening back. / Stern} Watch your mouth, friend. It's getting you in trouble.A2a
324{Someone just asked if you're tame. You're amused. / Amused} Heh. Hardly.A3a
325{Someone just threatened you. You are threatening back. / Stern} You wanna try me?A4a
326{Someone just threatened you. You are threatening back. / Stern} And what're you gonna do about it?A5a
327CIS_RacialComments_Hancock_SceneTarget: Ugh. Ghouls. I can't even look at you.{Responding to someone's ignorant comment towards his race. / Stern} Feeling's mutual.A1a
328Target: Ugh. Ghouls. I can't even look at you.{Responding to someone's ignorant comment towards his race. / Stern} Clearly. You're still here, aren't ya?A2a
329Target: Ugh. Ghouls. I can't even look at you.{Someone just mistook you for a dangerous Ghoul. Happens all the time. / Friendly} Hey. It happens.A3a
330Target: Ugh. Ghouls. I can't even look at you.{Amused by someone's ignorant comment towards his race. / Amused} Better behaved? Heh. I doubt it.A4a
331Target: Ugh. Ghouls. I can't even look at you.{Responding to someone's ignorant comment towards his race. / Amused} You like what you see?A5a
332Target: Ugh. Ghouls. I can't even look at you.{Responding to someone's ignorant comment towards his race. / Stern} I'd like to see you make me.A6a
333Target: Ugh. Ghouls. I can't even look at you.{Responding to someone's ignorant comment towards his race. / Stern} You'd be the expert.A7a
334Target: Ugh. Ghouls. I can't even look at you.{Very threatening. Responding to someone's ignorant comment towards his race. / Stern} You don't know the half of it.A8a
335Target: Ugh. Ghouls. I can't even look at you.{Responding to someone's ignorant comment towards his race. / Stern} Clever. You come up with that on your own?A9a
336CIS_RacialComments_Hancock_Scene_GoodneighborTarget: King of the Ghouls!{Happy} God, it's good to be home.A1a
337Target: King of the Ghouls!{A polite greeting. / Amused} Citizen.A2a






1544ConvGoodneighborStateHouse01SceneFahrenheit: I could've handled Finn you know.{Stern} Yeah, but it's better if people know I can still get my hands dirty. Besides, it wasn't personal. No need to torture the guy.Fahrenheit: You always keep me from having fun.A1a
1545ConvGoodneighborStateHouse03SceneThinking the Super Mutants are getting a little too friendly. Maybe we should 'round up some crew and thin them out?Fahrenheit: Too aggressive. They will have a home ground advantage, plus our fighters are disorganized. When they aren't defending their homes, discipline and morale plummet.A1a
1546Fahrenheit: Too aggressive. They will have a home ground advantage, plus our fighters are disorganized. When they aren't defending their homes, discipline and morale plummet.{Puzzled} So what? We just turtle up? That's not my style...Fahrenheit: The only thing that's "not your style" is losing, Hancock. Trust me. We keep the game defensive. A simple castle strategy will draw the mutants to us.A1a
1547Fahrenheit: The only thing that's "not your style" is losing, Hancock. Trust me. We keep the game defensive. A simple castle strategy will draw the mutants to us.{Puzzled} And we can knock them off slowly... I like it...A1a


1548-{Neutral} I dunno. I think we could've taken this rabble.


1549DialogueAbernathyFarmBlakeScenePlayer Default: There's nothing worse than losing a child. Believe me, I know.{Irritated} No one should have to go through that.Blake: I'm sorry to hear you say so.A6a
1550Player Default: If your daughter was that stupid, she got what she deserved.{Angry} Hey. Show some damn respect.Blake: You're a real son of a bitch, aren't you?B7a
1551Player Default: From what I've seen, nobody out here's got it easy.{Neutral} One of the high costs of being free.Blake: Yeah, well, that don't help us sleep any easier.X5a


1552MoeGreetSceneBaseball02Player Default: It was America's pasttime. A sport that united families on warm summer days. And it wasn't violent. Mostly.{Sarcastic} And here I thought a baseball bat was just a fun way to say hello to a guy...Moe: ... I like my version better.A10a
1553Player Default: The teams would also beat the spectators to death. That's how the term "spectator sport" got started.{Happy} Hell, yeah! Who's up for a pickup game this weekend?Moe: ... I like my version better.B11a
1554Player Default: There were balls, strikes, three bases, and home runs. You kept score by how many runners made it to home plate.{Irritated} You'd need one hell of a high to enjoy something as boring as that sounds...Moe: ... I like my version better.X10a


1555HancockGreetSceneToo bad about Finn. Gonna miss him next Super Mutant attack rolls 'round... Oh well, what can I do for our newcomer?Player Default: Looking for work.A
1556{laid back, more curious than upset / Puzzled} Hey, I don't mean to bitch, but aren't you supposed to heading to Pickman Gallery for me? Something else you need?Player Default: Looking for work.A
1557What can I do for you? My house is your house. My town is your town.Player Default: Looking for work.A
1558What do you need, my man?Player Default: Looking for work.A
1559What do you need, sister?Player Default: Looking for work.A
1560Need to shoot the shit? Just tell me what's on your mind.Player Default: Looking for work.A
1561Everyone's welcome here. If you need something, just ask.Player Default: Looking for work.A
1562Player Default: Looking for work.{Puzzled} Work, huh? Hmm...A1a
1563{Neutral} I'll tell you what. I got reconnaissance needs. There's a lot weird talk coming in about a placed called the Pickman Gallery.A1b
1564{Puzzled} It's Raider territory up there, but they've been quiet. Like, uncomfortable post-coitus quiet? Snoop it out, and give me the word.Player Default: Actually, I've already been to Pickman Gallery...A1c
1565Player Default: Looking for work.{Puzzled} Well, I still need someone to figure out what's going on at Pickman Gallery, if you've changed your mind...Player Default: Actually, I've already been to Pickman Gallery...A2a
1566Player Default: Looking for work.Nothing right now, sorry. But check around the neighborhood. Always something going on...A3a
1567Player Default: Nothing right now.Cool, cool.B1a
1568Player Default: Did I hear you talking about the Institute?{player asks you about the Institute / Amused} You like my little speech? I do it every once and a while, in case they're listening in.X1a
1569{Stern} I want those Synth-makers to know that Goodneighbor is off limits. No one gets "replaced" in my town.X1b
1570{Friendly} But hey, weren't we talking about your needs? What did ya come here for?Player Default: Looking for work.X1c
1571Player Default: Did I hear you talking about the Institute?{player just asked what a Synth was, which should be common knowledge / Amused} Don't tell me we have a pair of virgin ears? You just made my day.X2a
1572Synths are just like you and me. Only they didn't get created the natural, fun way. No. They were built. By the Institute.X2b
1573Some of the older ones are basically just robots, but the new models? Your own mother couldn't tell the difference.X2c
1574So that's why me and mine gotta stay extra-special close to one another. Any slight change might be a clue that someone's been replaced.X2d
1575Anything else you need?Player Default: Looking for work.X2e
1576Player Default: Did I hear you talking about the Institute?{player asks you why the Institute replaces people / Amused} Hell if I know. Mess with people's heads? Control us from the shadows? Or maybe they do it just because they can.X3a
1577{Stern} No one knows where the Institute is, what kind of people they are, or why they've decided to engineer their own slaves, but there it is.X3b
1578Just to be clear. Everyone's welcome in Goodneighbor. I don't care if you're a Synth, Ghoul, or even a Super Mutant. So long as you play nice.X3c
1579{Stern} And lemme tell ya. Synths still under the Institute's control don't play nice.X3d
1580Done talking about this. What else you need?Player Default: Looking for work.X3e
1581Player Default: Did I hear you talking about the Institute?Stop by anytime.X4a
1582Player Default: What's your story, Hancock?{Happy} My favorite subject. I came into this town about... a decade ago? Had a smooth set of skin back then.Y1a
1583{Happy} While I was busy making myself a pillar of this community, I would go on these... like ... wild tears... I was young...Y1b
1584{Puzzled} Any chems I could find, the more exotic, the better. Finally found this experimental radiation drug. Only one of its kind left, and only one hit.Y1c
1585{Happy} Oh man, the high was so worth it. Yeah, I'm living with the side effects, but hey, what's not to love about immortality?Player Default: You're a hell of a risk-taker, Hancock.Y1d
1586Player Default: What's your story, Hancock?{Friendly} It's all about the people, understand? They're freaks, misfits, and troublemakers, and that's why I love 'em.Y2a
1587Everyone here lives their own life, their own way. No judgements.Y2b
1588Now, was there anything else?Player Default: Looking for work.Y2c
1589HancockGreetScene02Player Default: You're a hell of a risk-taker, Hancock.{Happy} Only have one life, why not try it all?A1a
1590Anyway, did you need something else?Player Default: Looking for work.A1b
1591Player Default: Junkie. You could've gotten yourself killed.{Irritated} I like to think of Death as the ultimate drug trip. When it happens, I'll be too busy enjoying it to have regrets.B1a
1592{Irritated} Now if you're done laying judgement down on me, is there something else I can do for you?Player Default: Looking for work.B1b
1593Player Default: All that chem use definitely prepared you for a career in politics...{Irritated} People respect me because I don't put myself above them, all right? I sling and shoot up just like the next guy.X1a
1594Now, before you bring me down, is there anything else you need?Player Default: Looking for work.X1b
1595Player Default: You're immortal?{Puzzled} Well... not exactly. Ghouls just age really, really slow. Something about the rads, maybe? Who knows...Player Default: You're a hell of a risk-taker, Hancock.Y1a
1596HancockQuestScenePlayer Default: Actually, I've already been to Pickman Gallery...{Surprised} No shit? All right. What'd ya find?Player Default: God, it was awful... Pickman was a serial killer. He was using dead bodies for his... art...A1a
1597Player Default: Actually, I've already been to Pickman Gallery...{Friendly} Cool. Be thorough, okay? I'm not paying for a look-see. Find out what's really going on there.A2a
1598Player Default: Scouting work? No thanks.{Irritated} Hey, you asked, remember? But fine, if it ain't your thing, it ain't your thing.B1a
1599Player Default: I might be interested, but let's talk money, Hancock.{Puzzled} Okay. Usual job pays 200, but I like you, so let's push it to 250.Player Default: Actually, I've already been to Pickman Gallery...X1a
1600Player Default: I might be interested, but let's talk money, Hancock.{Friendly} I like where your head's at. Let's make it 300 caps.Player Default: Actually, I've already been to Pickman Gallery...X2a
1601Player Default: I might be interested, but let's talk money, Hancock.{laughing at the beginning / Happy} Ruthless! Nice... You might actually live long enough for me to pay you. All right, 400 caps. But that's all the town coffers can bare.Player Default: Actually, I've already been to Pickman Gallery...X3a
1602Player Default: I might be interested, but let's talk money, Hancock.{player failed to persuade / Irritated} Cut the bargaining, shit. You know what I'm thinking? You get the standard payout of 200 caps. Take it or leave it.Player Default: Actually, I've already been to Pickman Gallery...X4a
1603Player Default: What else can you tell me about Pickman Gallery?{Irritated} Nothing. That's why I'm paying you to go out there.Player Default: Actually, I've already been to Pickman Gallery...Y1a
1604HancockQuestSceneReturn{you asked the player to scout out Pickman Gallery previously} How's my little scout doing? You find out what's happening at Pickman Gallery?Player Default: God, it was awful... Pickman was a serial killer. He was using dead bodies for his... art...A
1605{you asked the player to scout out Pickman Gallery previously / Puzzled} Hey, you scope out Pickman Gallery, yet? What's happening over there?Player Default: God, it was awful... Pickman was a serial killer. He was using dead bodies for his... art...A
1606Player Default: God, it was awful... Pickman was a serial killer. He was using dead bodies for his... art...{Surprised} Whoa... Seriously? That's... messed up... even for this town...A1a
1607{Concerned} I'll put the word out to avoid that place.A1b
1608{Happy} Good work. You ended up in the abyss, but you crawled back in one piece. Here's your money.A1c
1609Player Default: You should have seen it. Pickman was using dead bodies as a canvas. It was raw, but... beautiful...{Nervous} Ooookaaay.... Far be it from me to judge someone on what turns their crank...B1a
1610{Concerned} But you'll forgive me if I advise my people to avoid that place, yeah?B1b
1611{Friendly} Anyway, you did the job. Here. Your money. Always happy to see someone enjoy their work.B1c
1612Player Default: Let's just say Pickman's art isn't going to have much resale value once all those bodies start decaying...{Happy} Hehehe... well, they say all artistic inspiration is ephemeral, am I right?X1a
1613{Puzzled} Wish I could say that was the most twisted thing I've ever heard of, but it ranks up there... Top three...X1b
1614{Concerned} I'll put the word out. Tell people to stay clear of that area...X1c
1615{Happy} Hiring you was definitely one of my better moments. Here. Spend the money in good health.X1d
1616Player Default: How do I even start? You know why they called it the Pickman Gallery?{Puzzled} No... that was the point of the whole job, remember? What are you trying to say?Player Default: God, it was awful... Pickman was a serial killer. He was using dead bodies for his... art...Y1a
1617MagnoliaGreetScenePlayer Default: I loved the song. It was perfect.{Flirting} Angelic, as usual, Mags.Magnolia: Oh, thank you! A girl tries her best. *chuckle*A2a
1618Player Default: I'm not a big fan of jazz.{Neutral} Then you clearly you ain't listened to enough of Mags' work, friend.Magnolia: Shame... but that's all I ever sing here. Goodneighbor inspires a certain kind of music.B3a
1619Player Default: I just wanted to talk to you.{Neutral} A few questions for ya, Mags.Magnolia: I thought that's what we were doing. *chuckle*X2a
1620WhitechapelQuestScenePlayer Default: I don't do work unless I know who's paying the bills.{realizing you set up this job yourself / Puzzled} Oh yeah, that would be me. I forgot about that one.Whitechapel: Well, looks like the man himself will be helpin' ya. So you want this job or what?Y1a
1621-I'm busy, but we'll talk again. Door's always open.
1622{player came back from Pickman Gallery and found out a serial killer was posing dead bodies as art} Hey, thanks again for that little recon work you did at Pickman Gallery. Hopefully the next job you do will be less... gruesome, huh?
1623Don't have time to chat. Mayoral duties and all that bull.
1624You enjoy yourself in Goodneighbor, sister.
1625Everyone stands on their own feet around here. Remember that.
1626Security is strictly "do it yourself" in Goodneighbor, so keep your guns handy.
1627Best way to learn Goodneighbor is take a tour of her for yourself.
1628Enjoy your time in Goodneighbor, my man.


1629GoodneighborIntroScene02A{walking over to stop someone from being extorted / Irritated} Whoa, whoa. Time out.Hancock: Nick Valentine makes a rare visit to town, and you're hassling his friend here with that extortion crap?A1a
1630Hancock: Whoa, whoa. Time out.{Irritated} Nick Valentine makes a rare visit to town, and you're hassling his friend here with that extortion crap?Hancock: Good to see you again, Nick.A1a
1631Hancock: Whoa, whoa. Time out.{Irritated} Someone steps through the gate the first time, they're a guest. You lay off that extortion crap.Hancock: Good to see you again, Nick.A2a
1632Hancock: Nick Valentine makes a rare visit to town, and you're hassling his friend here with that extortion crap?{Friendly} Good to see you again, Nick.Nick: Hancock.A1a
1633Finn: What d'you care? She ain't one of us.{friendly at first, then stern at the end, giving an order / Friendly} No love for your mayor, Finn? I said let 'em go.A1a
1634Finn: What d'you care? She ain't one of us.{friendly at first, then threatening on the "I said let her go" / Friendly} No love for your mayor, Finn? I said let her go.A2a
1635GoodneighborIntroScene02BHancock: Come on, man. This is me we're talking about. Let me tell you something.{talking at Sawyer's dead body / Sad} Now why'd you have to go and say that, huh? Breaking my heart over here.A1a
1636Finn: You're soft, Hancock. You keep letting outsiders walk all over us, one day there'll be a new mayor.{walks over in a friendly way, and then pulls out a knife and kills Sawyer / Friendly} Come on, man. This is me we're talking about. Let me tell you something.Hancock: Now why'd you have to go and say that, huh? Breaking my heart over here.A1a
1637GoodneighborIntroScene03{the player killed Finn before you could / Friendly} Whoa ho ho, I like you, already! Walk into a new place, make a show of dominance. Nice.Hancock: Goodneighbor's of the people, for the people, you feel me? Everyone's welcome.A
1638{the player turned the tables on Finn's extortion act / Friendly} Now I know you had ole' Finn handled back there, but a mayor's gotta make a point sometimes. You all right?Player Default: I'm fine. Thanks for taking care of him.A1a
1639{sympathetic, genuine / Friendly} You all right, sister?Player Default: I'm fine. Thanks for taking care of him.A2a
1640{sympathetic, genuine / Friendly} You all right, brother?Player Default: I'm fine. Thanks for taking care of him.A3a
1641Player Default: Yeah. I feel you.{Friendly} Good. You stay cool, and you'll be part of the neighborhood.Hancock: So long as you remember who's in charge.A1a
1642Player Default: Sounds like anarchy.{Friendly} The best kind of anarchy. Embrace it, and maybe one day you'll call this little slice of chaos home.Hancock: So long as you remember who's in charge.B1a
1643Player Default: Of the people, for the people? Oh brother...{Friendly} He he he. I can tell I'm gonna like you already. Just consider this town your home away from home...Hancock: So long as you remember who's in charge.X1a
1644Player Default: Good. Now don't let this incident taint your view of our little community.{Friendly} Goodneighbor's of the people, for the people, you feel me? Everyone's welcome.Player Default: Yeah. I feel you.A1a
1645Player Default: Good. You stay cool, and you'll be part of the neighborhood.{slow and threatening / Stern} So long as you remember who's in charge.A1a
1646Player Default: I'm fine. Thanks for taking care of him.{Friendly} Good. Now don't let this incident taint your view of our little community.Hancock: Goodneighbor's of the people, for the people, you feel me? Everyone's welcome.A1a
1647Player Default: You. You're a Ghoul?{Flirting} That's right. Like my face? I think it gives me a sexy, king of the zombies kinda look. Big hit with the ladies.Y1a
1648{Stern} Listen. Lot of walking rad freaks like me around here, so you might want to keep those kinds of questions on the low burner next time.Hancock: Goodneighbor's of the people, for the people, you feel me? Everyone's welcome.Y1b
1649Player Default: You. You're a Ghoul?{Flirting} Like it? I think it gives me a sexy, king of the zombies kinda look. Big hit with the ladies.Y2a
1650{Stern} I'm a Ghoul, you see? Lot of walking rad freaks like me around here, so you might want to keep those kinds of questions on the low burner next time.Hancock: Goodneighbor's of the people, for the people, you feel me? Everyone's welcome.Y2b
1651Player Default: It's not everyday I get mugged and then witness a murder right in front of me.{Puzzled} You obviously haven't been living it up enough. But we won't judge you for that.Hancock: Goodneighbor's of the people, for the people, you feel me? Everyone's welcome.B1a
1652Player Default: You killed him.{Friendly} Got a good pair of eyes on ya. I think you'll fit in here.Hancock: Goodneighbor's of the people, for the people, you feel me? Everyone's welcome.X1a
1653Player Default: Goodneighbor? That what you call this place?{Friendly} That's right. We cobbled this little neighborhood together out of the freaks and misfits that just wouldn't be accepted anywhere else.Y1a
1654{Friendly} You'll see. You make enough friends here, you'll call this place home soon enough.Hancock: So long as you remember who's in charge.Y1b


1655HancockSpeechSceneHey, everyone! Gather 'round! Let's kick the breeze back... shoot the fat...A1a
1656Now, I know you all are doing your own thing. But I don't want anyone here to forget what matters...Hancock: Hey Daisy, glad you could make it. How's my favorite girl doing? Didn't I see you on a date with Marowski the other day?A1b
1657Hancock: Now, I know you all are doing your own thing. But I don't want anyone here to forget what matters...Hey Daisy, glad you could make it. How's my favorite girl doing? Didn't I see you on a date with Marowski the other day?Daisy: He wishes!A1a
1658Drifer01: *laughter*All right, all right. We're getting off track. What was I saying?A1a
1659Oh, that's right! What matters...Hancock: We freaks gotta stick together! And the best way to stick together is to keep an eye out for what drives us apart, you feel me?A1b
1660Triggerman01: Yeah, you tell it like it is, Hancock!{Disgust} Now what out there in our big, friendly Commonwealth would want to drive us apart?A1a
1661{Disgust} What kind of twisted, un-neighborly boogeyman would want to hurt our peaceful community?Drifer01: The Institute and their synths!A1b
1662Hancock: Oh, that's right! What matters...We freaks gotta stick together! And the best way to stick together is to keep an eye out for what drives us apart, you feel me?Triggerman01: Yeah, you tell it like it is, Hancock!A1a
1663Drifer01: The Institute and their synths!{Happy} That's right! Who said that? Come on up to my office, later. You've earned yourself some Jet.Hancock: The Institute! They're the real enemy! Not the Raiders, not the Super Mutants, not even those tools over in Diamond City.A1a
1664Hancock: That's right! Who said that? Come on up to my office, later. You've earned yourself some Jet.The Institute! They're the real enemy! Not the Raiders, not the Super Mutants, not even those tools over in Diamond City.Triggerman01: I don't know, Hancock. I'd sure love to give McDonough a kick in the ass!A1a
1665Triggerman01: I don't know, Hancock. I'd sure love to give McDonough a kick in the ass!Hey, we all know I got my own personal beef with that lard-head, but stay focused!Hancock: Now, I want everyone to keep the Institute in mind.A1a
1666Hancock: Hey, we all know I got my own personal beef with that lard-head, but stay focused!Now, I want everyone to keep the Institute in mind.A1a
1667When someone starts acting funny. When people are doing things they don't normally do. When family starts pushing you away for no reason.A1b
1668We all know who's behind that kind of shit. And the only way to stop it is to stick together.A1c
1669They can't control us if we're not afraid!Hancock: Now who's scared of the Institute?A1d
1670Hancock: They can't control us if we're not afraid!{big rally cry} Now who's scared of the Institute?Daisy: Not us!A1a
1671Daisy: Not us!{big rally cry} And which town in the Commonwealth should the Institute not fuck with?Daisy: Goodneighbor!A1a
1672Kleo: Goodneighbor!{big rally cry} And who's in charge of Goodneighbor?Daisy: Hancock!A1a
1673Daisy: Of the people! For the people!{shouting in unison} Of the people! For the people!A1a


1674DialogueGraygardenIntroPlayer Default: That's pretty ingenious. I bet you can work around the clock.{Amused} Bet it cuts down on smoke breaks, too.SupervisorWhite: Of course, darling. Our unique hierarchy allows for constant operation.A6a
1675Player Default: Robots can do simple tasks, sure, but you need a human being to make the big decisions.{Amused} You clearly haven't watched a lot of folks try and make decisions.SupervisorWhite: Ah, but that's where Graygarden is unique, darling.B7a
1676Player Default: This place seems familiar. I think I saw a bit about it on the news, back before the war.{Amused} In better shape than I'd expected a house of glass to be after getting nuked.SupervisorWhite: Yes, construction was completed mere days before the war.X5a
1677Player Default: There's not even one person here?{Neutral} Would explain the lack of outhouses.SupervisorWhite: That's right, darling. We are entirely self-sufficient, with no need for human guidance.Y5a
1678SupervisorWhite: Perhaps you've noticed that I possess a rather singular personality, as do the other supervisors.{Neutral} She's does have a lot of charm for a bot.Player Default: Well, it's definitely unique. Sort of hard to miss.A6a


1679-{charming, joking} Can't help staring, huh?
1680{charming, joking} That's right. Take it all in...
1681{charming, joking} Looks like my dazzling personality got another one...


1682DialogueWarwickHomesteadIntroPlayer Default: No wonder your crops are doing so well.{Disgust} Sure hope you wash 'em thoroughly.Roger: Yeah, they really are.A6a
1683Player Default: I don't care how fertile the soil is, this place reeks.{Disgusted. / Disgust} Smells like where unbathed Super Mutants go to die.Roger: Yeah, but you get used to it.B5a
1684Player Default: Take the good with the bad, I guess.{Disgust} Better you than us.Roger: That's how it is everywhere, friend.X6a
1685Player Default: What do you grow here?{Disgust} Dead mole rats?Roger: We've got mutfruit and tatos for the time being.Y5a


1686DN019JoinCultEmogenePlayer Default: I'm a friend of the family. Maybe I can talk some sense into her.{A vague threat. / Amused} Oh, yeah. We can be real convincing.CultLeader: Look... truth is, we had a little, uh, disagreement about her joining the movement. She got kind of violent.A6a
1687Player Default: I killed the last guy who was running this scam. In case that matters to you.{SinisterSmile} You wouldn't any to get any stains all over that fine outfit you're wearing, would ya?CultLeader: Uh, good to know. Let me just unlock the door for you, okay?B7a
1688DN019JoinCultEmogeneBribe{Threateningly. / SinisterSmile} You sure? I really think his get-up could use a splash of red.CultLeader: Well, that's different.A7a
1689DN019JoinCultOfficeGaveItems{Quietly trying to advise the player. / Conspiratorial} This guy is taking you for a ride. And I ain't talking about the fun, too-much-Jet kind of ride.Player Default: "I deserve a better life. A better life is coming. A better life is almost here."A7a
1690DN019JoinCultOfficeSceneCultLeader: Just go ahead and give me everything you own, and I'll initiate you as a first level Pillar of the Community.{Concerned} Hey now, we earned these materials possessions. You ain't seriously just going to give them away?Player Default: Here, this is everything I have.A7a


1691DN053_Virgil_Stage70_ThreatenPlayer Default: After all you've done? They'll trust you. And I'll make sure no one else finds out about me.{Neutral} Guy's right. They wanted him dead, he'd be a blood stain already.Y7a


1693FFDiamondCity10_021_Companion{conflicted that you hated McDonough for so long, but he had actually been replaced with a Synth double / Sad} So the Institute replaced him with a synth after all. How many years was I angry at that bastard for the wrong reasons?Companion: Next time you're thinkin' of lettin' someone off the hook, ask them to pay up first. You missed a golden opportunity.A7a


1694-{you followed the player to Pickman Gallery after hiring him / Puzzled} You know, when I hired you to scout out Pickman Gallery, I wasn't expecting you to TAKE me there. Ah well, job's done.A


1695FFGoodneighbor07_01_HancockIntro{threatening, you know the player dug into your strongroom and took your money / Irritated} How you doin' killer? Arms tired from all that digging? You know, my strongroom is surprisingly empty now...Player Default: I made a mistake.A
1696{threatening, you know the player dug into your strongroom and took your money / Irritated} Now here I thought I sent you to scout out Pickman Gallery. Exactly what part of that sounded like "rob my strongroom" to you?Player Default: I made a mistake.A
1697{Irritated} Let's you and me talk about this whole "you stole from me" situation...Player Default: I made a mistake.A
1698Player Default: I made a mistake.{Irritated} You're damn right you did.Hancock: No one steals from me. But I gotta admit, you and Bobbi pulled one hell of a job. Almost makes me wish I had done it myself.A1a
1699Player Default: What? Not hiding behind your little pyro bodyguard? Oh wait. You can't. Because I killed her.{Stern} Oh, the newcomer kills one of my people, now you think you got the biggest stomping boots? Okay. Let me lay it out for you.Hancock: No one steals from me. But I gotta admit, you and Bobbi pulled one hell of a job. Almost makes me wish I had done it myself.B1a
1700Player Default: I don't know what you're talking about.{Irritated} Don't play stupid with me. It's unattractive.Hancock: No one steals from me. But I gotta admit, you and Bobbi pulled one hell of a job. Almost makes me wish I had done it myself.X1a
1701Player Default: So you know. Who told you?{Confident} I'm the mayor of this town. Who wouldn't tell me? I had a line leading right out my front door.Hancock: No one steals from me. But I gotta admit, you and Bobbi pulled one hell of a job. Almost makes me wish I had done it myself.Y1a
1702Player Default: That was the right answer.{Neutral} Bobbi's smart, but not half as smart as she thinks she is.A1a
1703{Stern} She's been having all her new tidings of wealth shipped to a building in South Boston. That's where you'll be heading. Now go.A1b
1704Player Default: You're damn right you did.{Amused} No one steals from me. But I gotta admit, you and Bobbi pulled one hell of a job. Almost makes me wish I had done it myself.A1a
1705{Stern} Now if it was just the money, I'd rough you up, break a few bones, and then we'd be square once you paid me back.A1b
1706{Stern} But you killed Fahrenheit. That means blood for blood. Fortunately for you, I'm short on muscle, and Bobbi was the brains.A1c
1707{Stern} You track her down, put a knife in her, and get back my, let's say, 1000 caps, and we'll pretend this was all a misunderstanding.Player Default: I'll take care of it.A1d
1708Player Default: I'll take care of it.{Stern} That was the right answer.Hancock: Bobbi's smart, but not half as smart as she thinks she is.A1a
1709Player Default: I'll take care of it.{Impressed. / Question} No shit. Well, aren't you productive.Hancock: Now let's talk about my caps.A2a
1710Player Default: I don't have time to run your errands for you.{Stern} Oh, take all the time you want. But you got a debt hanging over you now, you feel me? I'll be waiting for you to pay up.Hancock: Bobbi's smart, but not half as smart as she thinks she is.B1a
1711Player Default: A thousand caps? No way. 750.{amused that the player is trying to bargain you down / Amused} You're really doing this? All right. 750.Player Default: I'll take care of it.X1a
1712Player Default: A thousand caps? No way. 750.{Amused} You don't know when to quit. I like that. 500 it is.Player Default: I'll take care of it.X2a
1713Player Default: A thousand caps? No way. 750.{Amused} *laughs* Why not? 200. But that's as far as this bargaining dance of yours goes.Player Default: I'll take care of it.X3a
1714Player Default: A thousand caps? No way. 750.{Stern} I know you're not from around here, but this ain't how a shakedown works. You owe what you owe. End of discussion.Player Default: I'll take care of it.X4a
1715Player Default: Are you nuts? There's no way all that was worth 1000 caps!{Stern} No, it wasn't, but you blowing a hole in my strongroom and killing my bodyguard...Y1a
1716{Stern} ...you can bet that smooth little face of yours that made up the rest.Player Default: I'll take care of it.Y1b
1717FFGoodneighbor07_03A_ReturntoHancock{Neutral} Well, hey there, trouble. You got something to say to me?Player Default: I dealt with Bobbi.A
1718{Neutral} So, there something you want to say to me?Player Default: I dealt with Bobbi.A
1719{Stern} Finally back to settle up, hmm?Hancock: Now let's talk about my caps.A
1720Player Default: Pfft. The look on your face. Forget the money. Chump change.{conflicted / Worried} This thing with Bobbi. Had to be done, but damn. Look at me. Have I turned into the man? Putting down people's freedom to do what comes natural?A1a
1721{Neutral} I gotta take a walk. Get back in touch with my fellow lowlifes.A1b
1722{Confident} That's why I've decided. I'm coming with you. Hitting my strongroom proves you've got that "devil take me" attitude I need to reconnect with.Player Default: Glad to have you with me.A1c
1723Player Default: I dealt with Bobbi.{Neutral} Job's done, huh? Good.Hancock: Now let's talk about my caps.A1a
1724Player Default: I dealt with Bobbi.{Threateningly. / Neutral} Lost your nerve, huh? Well then, I guess you're gonna have to make it up to me.Hancock: Now let's talk about my caps.A2a
1725Player Default: I'm not paying.{Amused} What? You thought I was serious? Far be it from me to keep hard-earned caps out of the people's hands.Hancock: This thing with Bobbi. Had to be done, but damn. Look at me. Have I turned into the man? Putting down people's freedom to do what comes natural?B1a
1726Player Default: Look, Bobbi left behind a whole bunch of stuff. Just sell that.{Amused} Ah, look at you, scrambling around. You're off the hook. Ain't like I need the money.Hancock: This thing with Bobbi. Had to be done, but damn. Look at me. Have I turned into the man? Putting down people's freedom to do what comes natural?X1a
1727Player Default: Can we work something else out?{Amused} You read my mind.Hancock: This thing with Bobbi. Had to be done, but damn. Look at me. Have I turned into the man? Putting down people's freedom to do what comes natural?Y1a
1728Player Default: Glad to have you with me.{player has asked you to join him on his adventures, and you've said yes / Happy} Before we head out, I gotta have a little chat with the community. I'll meet ya afterwards.A1a
1729Player Default: You're not coming with me, Hancock.{Irritated} Well, now, you do owe me one, remember? Here I was, being all cool about you stealing from me, and you act like this?B1a
1730{Amused} You're lucky I'm in kind of a transitional phase. You just come and see me when you've changed your mind.B1b
1731Player Default: Why would you want to leave Goodneighbor?{Irritated} For one, you pulled a job on me. That means I'm getting too comfortable. Need to get out there and hone the razor.X1a
1732{Neutral} For two, Goodneighbor is about doing your own thing. If I don't leave every once and a while, the power's gonna change me. Can't have that.Player Default: Glad to have you with me.X1b
1733Player Default: Why would you want to come with me when I helped kill your bodyguard?{Amused} Hell. I kill all kinds of people, and shake hands with their friends afterwards. You know how many boys used to have old Finn's back?Y1a
1734{Stern} Now don't get me wrong. Fahrenheit and me had history. And if this was a personal hit, killing you would be priority number one.Y1b
1735{Neutral} But I know you were just trying to get a job done. I can respect that.Player Default: Glad to have you with me.Y1c
1736Player Default: It's done. And so are we.{Amused} Oh, no, my friend. You and I got a lot more to discuss.Hancock: Now let's talk about my caps.B1a
1737Player Default: Things got a little messy, but Bobbi's not going to be bothering anyone.{Amused} Good. I prefer messy.Hancock: Now let's talk about my caps.X1a
1738Player Default: I took care of Bobbi. So are we square now?{Neutral} Not quite, friend.Hancock: Now let's talk about my caps.Y1a
1739Player Default: Job's done, huh? Good.{Neutral} Now let's talk about my caps.Hancock: You were on the hook for a grand.A1a
1740Hancock: Now let's talk about my caps.{Neutral} You were on the hook for a grand.Player Default: I'll pay. Don't worry.A1a
1741Hancock: Now let's talk about my caps.{Neutral} You owe 750, if memory serves.Player Default: I'll pay. Don't worry.A2a
1742Hancock: Now let's talk about my caps.{Neutral} Five hundred caps.Player Default: I'll pay. Don't worry.A3a
1743Hancock: Now let's talk about my caps.{Amused} What was it again... 200? Don't know how I let you get away with that.Player Default: I'll pay. Don't worry.A4a
1744Player Default: I'll pay. Don't worry.{Amused} Pfft. The look on your face. Forget the money. Chump change.Hancock: This thing with Bobbi. Had to be done, but damn. Look at me. Have I turned into the man? Putting down people's freedom to do what comes natural?A1a
1745FFGoodneighbor07_03B_ReportToHancock{Sarcastic, non-threatening. / Sarcastic} Well, if it ain't Bobbi's little patsy.Hancock: Here. For protecting my stash.A
1746{Pleased with the person he's addressing. / Friendly} Well, if it ain't my favorite bank guard, back again.Hancock: Here. For protecting my stash.A
1747NPCMHancock: Well, if it ain't Bobbi's little patsy.{Neutral} Here. For protecting my stash.Hancock: Wise decision, putting Bobbi down like that.A1a
1748Player Default: Hey, this is Goodneighbor. No hard feelings.{Sighs before beginning / Tired} Lemme tell ya. This classy little tricorner hat of mine is getting heavy. Am I turning into the man? Some kind of tyrant?A1a
1749{Worried} I spend all my time putting down the people I would've been proud to scheme with just a few years ago.A1b
1750{Neutral} I need to take a walk again. Get a grip on what really matters: Living free.Player Default: If you're heading out, why not come with me?A1c
1751Hancock: Here. For protecting my stash.{Amused} Wise decision, putting Bobbi down like that.Player Default: I'm sorry. For everything.A1a
1752Hancock: Here. For protecting my stash.{The player had been working with someone, but then decided to turn on them when they found out they were trying to rob Hancock. / Amused} Wise decision, turning on Bobbi like that.Player Default: I'm sorry. For everything.A2a
1753Player Default: I'm sorry. For everything.{Friendly} Hey, this is Goodneighbor. No hard feelings.Hancock: Lemme tell ya. This classy little tricorner hat of mine is getting heavy. Am I turning into the man? Some kind of tyrant?A1a
1754Player Default: Bobbi tricked me. She got what she deserved.{SinisterSmile} Yeah, that's usually how the story goes around here.Hancock: Lemme tell ya. This classy little tricorner hat of mine is getting heavy. Am I turning into the man? Some kind of tyrant?B1a
1755Player Default: Didn't exactly have a choice, now did I?{Confident} That's what's great about being the mayor. You're always the safe bet.Hancock: Lemme tell ya. This classy little tricorner hat of mine is getting heavy. Am I turning into the man? Some kind of tyrant?X1a
1756Player Default: So, we're okay?{Neutral} We are.Hancock: Lemme tell ya. This classy little tricorner hat of mine is getting heavy. Am I turning into the man? Some kind of tyrant?Y1a
1757Player Default: If you're heading out, why not come with me?{player is asking you to join him on his adventures / Happy} Yeah. I like it. You might just be the right kind of trouble.A1a
1758{Happy} Let me just have a little chat with my community, first. Give them the news.A1b
1759Player Default: Well, that's got nothing to do with me.{Neutral} True enough. Well, thanks for taking care of Bobbi for me. Hit me up sometime if you ever want to get in some trouble together.B1a
1760Player Default: Well, see you around, Hancock.{Puzzled} Yeah. You too. Gonna take some time to think about all this.X1a
1761{Friendly} You ever need a good-looking Ghoul to watch your back, let me know.X1b
1762Player Default: Can you just leave Goodneighbor? Aren't you the mayor?{Amused} Hey, the mayor's still the mayor, whether he's "in residence" or not.Y1a
1763{Neutral} I've walked out of here plenty of times. Keeps me honest. Can't let power get to my head. That's not what being in charge of Goodneighbor is about.Player Default: If you're heading out, why not come with me?Y1b
1764FFGoodneighbor07_03C_PickUpHancock{Friendly} Look who it is. You ready to pay your debt to Goodneighbor? Just gotta travel with this handsome mug of mine.Player Default: All right, Hancock. You're in.A
1765{Friendly} Well, look who's back. You ever think about having an exquisitely handsome and deadly Ghoul at your side?Player Default: All right, Hancock. You're in.A
1766Player Default: You're not coming with me, Hancock.{Neutral} Your loss, brother.B1a
1767Player Default: You're not coming with me, Hancock.{Neutral} Your loss, sister.B2a
1768Player Default: Maybe later.{Amused} Hey, ain't like I got anything else to do besides wait around, get high, and be mayoral.X1a
1769Player Default: All right, say I take you with me. What's that look like?{Confident} I'm a man of the people, you know? I like getting out there and helping the little guy. And then stabbing anyone trying to keep them down.Y1a
1770{Confident} You already tried to knock over someone else's stash, so I know we see eye-to-eye on the "getting your hands dirty" part of life.Y1b
1771{asking if you can come with / Question} So what'd ya say?Player Default: All right, Hancock. You're in.Y1c
1772FFGoodneighbor07_04_HancockSpeechNeighborhoodWatch01: You can't leave, Hancock. We need you!{project voice / Neutral} Hey, I'm always gonna be here in spirit, my man.Hancock: Goodneighbor and I, we got a connection.A1a
1773NeighborhoodWatch01: You can't leave, Hancock. We need you!{project voice / Neutral} But I'm always gonna be here in spirit.Hancock: Goodneighbor and I, we got a connection.A2a
1774Daisy: Goodneighbor!{shouting with group / Neutral} Goodneighbor!Hancock: Of the people! For the people!A1a
1775{project voice, speech on the balcony about 20 feet up / Neutral} Hey! Everybody, gather up! I got something you all need to hear.Hancock: No rush... everyone just take your time...A1a
1776Hancock: No rush... everyone just take your time...{project voice, on the balcony about 20 feet up / Confident} Look everyone. I'm taking a walk. It's time for your fearless leader to get back out there. Mix it up in the dirt before I forget what that feels like.NeighborhoodWatch01: You can't leave, Hancock. We need you!A1a
1777Hancock: Hey, I'm always gonna be here in spirit, my man.{project voice / Confident} Goodneighbor and I, we got a connection.A1a
1778{project voice / Neutral} But like any hot-and-heavy relationship, sometimes you gotta spend time apart. Let things cool off. Remind yourself of who you are.A1b
1779{project voice / Confident} So that's why I'm leaving. I'm still your mayor, I'm still gonna be here when you need me, but it's time for me to stop living so damn comfortable.A1c
1780{project voice / Confident} Because we all know, no one in power deserves to be comfortable for long!Hancock: Now what's the best town in the Commonwealth? Where can someone live free? With no judgment?A1d
1781Hancock: Because we all know, no one in power deserves to be comfortable for long!{project voice, leading the group in some call-response / Question} Now what's the best town in the Commonwealth? Where can someone live free? With no judgment?Hancock: Goodneighbor!A1a
1782Drifter01: Goodneighbor!{shouting with group / Happy} Of the people! For the people!Hancock: And don't let no one forget it!A1a
1783Drifter01: Of the people! For the people!{project voice / Happy} And don't let no one forget it!A1a
1784Hancock: Hey! Everybody, gather up! I got something you all need to hear.{To yourself. Waiting for people to gather so you can give a speech. / Amused} No rush... everyone just take your time...Hancock: Look everyone. I'm taking a walk. It's time for your fearless leader to get back out there. Mix it up in the dirt before I forget what that feels like.A1a
1785-{Irritated} Nothin' to say for yourself?
1786{Irritated} What? Lost your nerve?
1787{Friendly} I just need to talk to the people. Meet me after.A
1788{Irritated} I ain't heard a peep regarding that gangland-style murder I was promised. Shouldn't you be in Southie?A
1789{Irritated} Isn't there another Ghoul you're supposed to be having a chat with? On my behalf?A


1790-{Leaving the player's service. / Neutral} You lookin' for some more fun, you come see me.
1791{Leaving the player's service. / Neutral} Stay sharp out there.
1792{Leaving the player's service. / Neutral} So this is it? Your loss...


1793Inst301BranchBossExtortPlayer Default: You have my word. Give me you what you've got, and we'll leave.{Disbelief} You kidding me? You're just going to turn tail cause someone threw a couple caps at ya?SynthBoss: The password to get into the stash is "Mad Orca".A7a
1794Player Default: Hell no. I'll think just take what I want.{SinisterSmile} That's the spirit.SynthBoss: If that's the way you want it, then let's finish this.B6a
1795Player Default: On second thought, nah.{SinisterSmile} About damn time. I was getting sick of looking at these assholes anyway.SynthBoss: If that's the way you want it, then let's finish this.X7a
1796Player Default: And if I refuse?{SinisterSmile} Then we give him that sexy "one-eyed" look no pirate should be without.SynthBoss: If that's the way you want it, then let's finish this.Y5a
1797Inst301SceneX6GivesResetCodePlayer Default: Good, I'd like to avoid any unnecessary violence.{Emphasis on "chose." / Irritated} Uneccessary violence? Doesn't matter his history, this guy chose to fall in with Raiders. He wants a fight. Ain't that right, X?X6: Well, he might not be alone up there. Violence might be inevitable.A7a
1798Player Default: I'm not going to destroy this man's identity and free will. Killing him would be more humane.Damn right. No man should be forced to live out his days as a slave.X6: He's not a man, sir, he's a synth. A synth that's confused and dangerous.B7a
1799Inst301SceneX6IntroX6: I've already neutralized the perimeter guard. Just give the word, and we can start the assault on the main flotilla.{Irritated} I ain't exactly keen on having an Institute lapdog stealing all our fun.Player Default: Alright, let's go.A7a


1800Inst302Stage40CourserScenePlayer Default: Remember, the synths are the primary objective. Harm must be avoided at all costs.{A little impressed. / Amused} Never expected an Institute Courser to be sweating about civilian causalities.X418: Here are the recall codes. Follow me.A6a


1801Inst306Stage20DesdemonaPlayer Default: Of course I'm not going to go through with it. So how do I deal with it?{Angry} My vote's we teach the Institute a lesson in consequences.Desdemona: We'll deal with that later. We need to prepare for a Brotherhood assault.A7a
1802Player Default: I'm afraid you all have to die.{Very forcefully upset about the player deciding to kill someone. / Stern} Woah, now. You aren't talking sense.Desdemona: Deacon vouched for you. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. Or you. We're not going down without a fight.B7a
1803Player Default: You're alive, so what do you think?{Player just informed someone he's been hired to kill that he's not going to do it. / Stern} We ain't the ones that are gonna do you in.Desdemona: I don't have time for guessing games. And the Brotherhood could be here at any moment.X7a
1804Player Default: How do I deal with this, Desdemona?xxxDesdemona: Give me a straight answer first. Are you still on our side?Y5a


1805InstM01CedricScenePlayer Default: I know you're in a tough situation here, but lives are at stake. Please help me.{Aside to the player. / Conspiratorial} If I have to listen to you butter this guy up any more I'm going to shoot myself... then him.Cedric: Bill isn't the only one who's afraid. People all over the Commonwealth are talking about this Institute.A6a
1806Player Default: A man's life is at stake, and you're fishing for a bribe? You're pathetic.Not to mention the smell.Cedric: Then I guess this conversation's over.B6a
1807Player Default: If that what it takes, fine.{Question} Feeling chatty yet?Cedric: Well now, looks like I can help you after all.X5a
1808InstM01RogerSceneSuspectRoger: Now he's starting to work on my wife and kids, trying to turn them against me too.{Amused} Undone by your own foreman. You Institute boys really are the cream of the crop.Player Default: They just need to be convinced Bill's wrong. That won't be hard.A6a


1809InstMassFusion_10_RoofAllieFilmore: Well, you were right. The Brotherhood sure is here. Guess we'll have to go through them.{Happy} We gonna stand here or are we gonna kick some steel cans?AllieFilmore: Oh... my. Well, I wasn't expecting this. I... guess it's nice to see some of our... older models... have been useful to you.A6a
1810InstMassFusion_11_AgitatorMissingAllieFilmore: No sign of the Agitator... We'll have to search the rest of the building.{Puzzled} Something that big doesn't just get moved to another office.A6a
1811InstMassFusion_13_PowerLossAllieFilmore: They cut the power to the elevators... It's clever, I'll give them that.{Amused} Do my best work in the dark, anyway.A6a
1812InstMassFusion_15_ViewReactorAllieFilmore: There's the reactor. Not a bad piece of work, for its time.{Irritated} Cause what could got wrong with a two-hundred-year old, neglected nuclear furnace.A6a
1813InstMassFusion_20_ElevatorToLobbyAllieFilmore: These guys just don't know when they're beaten, do they?{Happy} So long as we got the ammo.A6a
1814{Concerned} We do have enough ammo, right?AllieFilmore: I'll help the synths buy some time. Make sure you get back to the Institute with the Agitator!A6b


1815Min01PrestonOutroFinalPreston: We need someone who can bring the whole Commonwealth together in a common cause. And I think you've got it in you to be that leader.{Very warmly. / Amused} I was thinking of nominating myself, but you'd be second choice in a heartbeat.Player Default: Okay. I'll do it.A7a
1816Player Default: Okay. I'll do it.{Amused} Well, now, looks like the Minutemen got a fightin' chance, don't they?Preston: Good. Good! Welcome aboard. I feel like this is a whole new start for the Minutemen, and the Commonwealth, too.A7a
1817Player Default: No. I'm not your savior. I have my own problems to deal with.{Neutral} Can't blame ya. Being boss is a lot of cleanin' up other people's messes.Preston: I get it. You can't take care of other people's problems when you're still overwhelmed by your own.B7a
1818Min01SturgesIntro{Lightheartedly agreeing to help. / Amused} Usually prefer a supervisory role, but for a cause like this, I'm game.Player Default: I'd be glad to help.A6a


1819Min02PrestonCastlePrebattle2Player Default: Let's not over-complicate this. Just get in there and hit them with everything we've got.Can't argue with the classics.PrestonGarvey: If you say so.A7a
1820Player Default: I'm not ready to make a call yet.{Amused} Let's not keep 'em waiting too long.PrestonGarvey: Sure, take another look around. If you get into trouble we've got your back, but it's better if we go in with a plan.B8a
1821Player Default: Let's hit them from both sides.{Amused} Whatever you say, Napoleon.PrestonGarvey: We'll split up and you can join which ever side you think needs the extra support.X7a
1822Player Default: Set up a firing line and I'll draw them out.{Amused} Hey, now. Don't think you're having all the fun.PrestonGarvey: Sounds good. We'll hold back and wait for them to come to us. Just don't get yourself trapped in there.Y7a
1823Min02PrestonCourtyardPrestonGarvey: Let's do this, General.{Amused} Pest control.A6a


1824Min03RonnieIntroBrawlPlayer Default: Easy. I just didn't know there were any other Minutemen out there.{Neutral} We thought they were all Bloatfly food at this point...A6a
1825{To himself. / Conspiratorial} ...although this one probably ain't far off.RonnieShaw: Yeah, I did take a pretty long vacation after Joe died. Not surprised you never heard of me.A6b
1826Player Default: I'd like to see you try.{SinisterSmile} Grandma, you just made my day.RonnieShaw: This is going to be fun.B6a
1827Player Default: I don't have time for a dick-measuring contest. What do you actually want?{Apologetic} Hey now. No reason to disrespect the classics.RonnieShaw: You kiss your mother with that mouth? At least you're finally ready to get down to business.X7a
1828Player Default: If you're a Minuteman, how come Preston never told me about you?{Amused} I'd like to think he'd have given us a heads up we were going to need to wear our shitkickers.RonnieShaw: Garvey? Oh yeah, I heard of him. Took over Hollis's group after the Quincy Massacre. One of the good ones.Y5a
1829-{Talking to an older soldier. / Amused} We really could use the extra muscle. Even if it is a bit... ripe.


1830MinDestBoSFiringPrestonGarvey: Good lord above. Almost makes you feel sorry for those poor bastards.{Amused} Heh. Almost.RonnieShaw: They had it coming. Should've never tried to lord it over the Commonwealth. That never ends well.A6a


1831MinVsInstMinutemenStage30CitizenQuestionPlayer Default: The Institute wants the same things you do. We can find a way to work together.{Neutral} You're just going to have to trust us.MinutemenContact: I don't know about that, but... Look, if nothin' else, you'd best get in there and make sure that man's okay.A6a
1832Player Default: I know for a fact they won't hurt that man, and if you get in the way, I'm going to have to take you down.{Stern} So just back the hell off and everyone gets to keep their dignity... and persons intact.MinutemenContact: Woah, look... I'm not trying to get everyone here killed, okay?B7a
1833Player Default: You don't have all the information. I do, and I'm telling you this isn't what it looks like. That man's not in danger.{Neutral} You're out of your element here, friend.MinutemenContact: You'd better be right. If you're not, that man's life is on your head.X6a
1834Player Default: You sure you're willing to risk being wrong about this?{Neutral} You really game to watch a man die?MinutemenContact: Look, I... I just want people to be safe, y'know? I don't want anyone else dying, or getting' kidnapped or whatever.Y5a
1835MinVsInstStage50EnricoScenePlayer Default: You're right, I suppose.{Amused} It's no use arguing. Trust me. Just spill what ya got.Enrico: I know they've been keeping an eye on him for years. Not sure how they originally found him; probably don't want to know.A6a
1836Player Default: Look, I had the same intelligence reports as everyone else. No one saw this coming.{Irritated} We ain't here for excuses. We're here to fix your damn mess. Now spill it.Enrico: I know they've been keeping an eye on him for years. Not sure how they originally found him; probably don't want to know.B6a
1837Player Default: If things were different, we might not be here. Not now, at least. But with the situation in the Commonwealth being what it is...{Amused} An underground hive of busy bodies?Enrico: I know they've been keeping an eye on him for years. Not sure how they originally found him; probably don't want to know.X5a
1838Player Default: They thought I'd be able to relate to him, with my scientific background.{Neutral} Should've sent someone who knows how to defend himself. So, what've they got on this guy?Enrico: I know they've been keeping an eye on him for years. Not sure how they originally found him; probably don't want to know.Y5a


1839MQ106_CompanionDogmeatScene{At Fort Hagen, looking for Kellogg with the Player. Dogmeat has just led you here following Kellogg's scent / Impressed} I think our canine compatriot has earned a medal. Let's you and I take it from here. Give the ole' dog a break.A5a
1840DogmeatLostTrail{Neutral} Woah, woah, woah. He was here. Kellogg. Check around.Companion: This Kellogg bloke certainly isn't makin' this easy, is he.A7a
1841{Neutral} Hey, you seeing this? This doesn't scream "Kellogg was here" to you? Let's scope it out.Companion: I'm gonna kill this Kellogg fella meself for makin' us walk all to hell and back lookin' for him...A6a
1842{Neutral} Hey. Think the dog's got something. Where you hiding, Kellogg?Companion: I'm gonna hear that damn dog barkin' in me sleep.A6a
1843{Amused} Wow. Some cold-hearted shit transpired here. That sound like your man?Companion: This better be the place. Getting' tired of playin' cat and mouse with Kellogg.A6a
1844{Angry} We're closing on that pillbox. I can feel it.A7a
1845Site04_RobotConversationJabberbot: Assailant route tracked. Pursuit possible to Northwest.We're still on track. Hopefully he's not much further.Dogmeat: (alert bark)A3a


1846MS01BillyOutOfFridgePlayer Default: Then let's go find your home.{Confident} Don't worry, little guy. You're safe with us.Billy: Thanks. I live in Quincy. Or at least I used to. But I don't know how to get there.A6a
1847Player Default: You'll have to figure out your own life.{Angry} The hell is wrong with you? This kid's already got a hard enough life ahead of him. You really think that needs to start right now?Billy: I guess I'll just sit here until some monster comes and eats me.B7a
1848Player Default: I hate to tell you this, but your parents are probably dead.{Apologetic} There's some chance they could've ended up Ghouls like you and me, maybe made it to one of the Vaults. But that ain't the likely outcome.Billy: Dead? You really think so?X7a


1849MS04_0100_IntroPlayer Default: Good on you for trying to make the world better.{Neutral} Worth trying anything once.Kent: I just have to do something, you know?A5a
1850MS04_0500_2_AJPlayer Default: Hand over the caps.{Disgust} You kidding me? If anyone deserves two in the brain...AJ: Here. And don't show your face around here again.A5a
1851Player Default: Stop selling to children, miscreant. Or face my wrath.{Amused} We're shutting your ass down.AJ: Screw you. Waste the freak.B6a
1852MS04_0600_Hancock{Obviously playing dumb, ribbing the player (the costumed freak refers to the player).} Guess what someone tells me? Some costumed freak is operating in Goodneighbor.Hancock: And the kicker is it ain't me. How should I feel about this?A
1853Hancock: You've been busy scaring people. Bashing in a few faces. I respect that. So far.{Friendly, playful / Friendly} But I gotta ask, one freak to another, why the get up?Player Default: Many have sought to pierce the Shroud. To no avail.A1a
1854NPCMHancock: Guess what someone tells me? Some costumed freak is operating in Goodneighbor.{Being ironic, toying with the player} And the kicker is it ain't me. How should I feel about this?Player Default: This neighborhood is ill. I am the cure.A1a
1855Player Default: This neighborhood is ill. I am the cure.{Very amused, really enjoying it / Amused} You're priceless. Like the Silver Shroud himself walked out of a comic book into my den. Just priceless.Hancock: You've been busy scaring people. Bashing in a few faces. I respect that. So far.A1a
1856Player Default: This neighborhood is ill. I am the cure.{Very amused, really enjoying it - chuckles because the Silver Shroud is supposed to be a guy / Amused} You're priceless. Like the Silver Shroud... herself, I guess? Walked right out of a comic book. Priceless.Hancock: You've been busy scaring people. Bashing in a few faces. I respect that. So far.A2a
1857Player Default: It's none of your business.{Unphased by player's irritation, darkly playful / Stern} Now, now, friend, everything is my business. But don't worry, I like your style.Hancock: You've been busy scaring people. Bashing in a few faces. I respect that. So far.B1a
1858Player Default: Have I crossed a line?{Cryptic} I don't know. Let's recap.Hancock: You've been busy scaring people. Bashing in a few faces. I respect that. So far.Y1a
1859Player Default: You're priceless. Like the Silver Shroud himself walked out of a comic book into my den. Just priceless.{First lines should be said almost ominously, "I respect that" should come as a surprise (he's toying with the player)} You've been busy scaring people. Bashing in a few faces. I respect that. So far.Hancock: But I gotta ask, one freak to another, why the get up?A1a
1860Player Default: Many have sought to pierce the Shroud. To no avail.{Amused, appreciative / Amused} You just don't stop. Stay you, pal.Hancock: The low-lives you took out all belong to the same asshole. And that asshole's planning some old-fashioned revenge on you. You dig?A1a
1861Player Default: I'm not telling you.{Feigning disappointment, toying with the player / Sad} Ah, no fun. This was just getting good.Hancock: The low-lives you took out all belong to the same asshole. And that asshole's planning some old-fashioned revenge on you. You dig?B1a
1862Player Default: Same reason as you, pal.Heh. All right.Hancock: The low-lives you took out all belong to the same asshole. And that asshole's planning some old-fashioned revenge on you. You dig?X1a
1863Player Default: Does it matter?{Conversational, non-plussed.} It really doesn't. But in a burg full of weird, you stand out. And that ain't easy, man.Hancock: The low-lives you took out all belong to the same asshole. And that asshole's planning some old-fashioned revenge on you. You dig?Y1a
1864Player Default: You just don't stop. Stay you, pal.{Delivering a warning, taking some pleasure on breaking the bad news} The low-lives you took out all belong to the same asshole. And that asshole's planning some old-fashioned revenge on you. You dig?Hancock: Fortunate for you, I want Sinjin to take a dirt nap. He's taken two bit raider outfits and made them... scary. Small fish now, but if left alone...A1a
1865Hancock: The low-lives you took out all belong to the same asshole. And that asshole's planning some old-fashioned revenge on you. You dig?{Hyperbole, but some real worry behind it he's trying to conceal } Fortunate for you, I want Sinjin to take a dirt nap. He's taken two bit raider outfits and made them... scary. Small fish now, but if left alone...Player Default: He will be judged for his crimes.A1a
1866Player Default: He will be judged for his crimes.{Bantery, amused / Amused} Trust me, he needs a lot of judging.Hancock: Got a lead on two of his own: Smiling Kate and Northy. Smiley is gathering a posse to take you out.A1a
1867Player Default: So you're using me to take care of your dirty laundry?{Banter, dark amusement / Amused} It's a win-win. If you don't deal with him then you're going to be the ex-Silver Shroud. Dig?Hancock: Got a lead on two of his own: Smiling Kate and Northy. Smiley is gathering a posse to take you out.B1a
1868Player Default: What do you know about him?{Playing up the evil resume of Sinjin, a little ironic} Leveled some farms. Napalmed his own men to end a couple enemies. But besides his dark deeds, nobody knows nothing.Y1a
1869{Turns more serious} If he ain't dealt with now in a couple years it may take an army to end him.Player Default: He will be judged for his crimes.Y1b
1870Player Default: What do you know about him?{Explaining the subtleties of his position} If I get involved it gets complicated. But you...Y2a
1871{Plays up the mystery, shameless in using the player} Nobody knows who the hell you are. Just some lunatic taking out trash. And if you buy it none of this comes back to me.Player Default: He will be judged for his crimes.Y2b
1872Player Default: What do you know about him?{Ironic / Amused} For the betterment of mankind and all that garbage.Hancock: Got a lead on two of his own: Smiling Kate and Northy. Smiley is gathering a posse to take you out.Y3a
1873Player Default: Trust me, he needs a lot of judging.{Confiding, sly} Got a lead on two of his own: Smiling Kate and Northy. Smiley is gathering a posse to take you out.A1a
1874{Darkly amused} And Northy is just running scared. Hired himself some goons and is holding up in Prospect.A1b
1875{Sly / Amused} Just keep piling those body bags up until you find the location of the big guy himself.Player Default: Sinjin thinks he's above judgment. But no one is safe from the Silver Shroud.A1c
1876Player Default: Sinjin thinks he's above judgment. But no one is safe from the Silver Shroud.{Sounds sincere, but clear he doesn't want this to blow back on him / Friendly} Don't get killed. You deal with Sinjin and I'm inclined to show you some gratitude. You feel me?A1a
1877Player Default: This sounds like your problem, not mine.{A little annoyed, then recovers - veiled threat at the end / Stern} You're the one with a maniac gunning for you. So here's to the common cause.B1a
1878Besides, you deal with Sinjin, and I'm inclined to show you some gratitude. You feel me?B1b
1879Player Default: Getting rid of Sinjin helps you, too. Some appreciation is in order.{Grudgingly convinced, clear at the end} I'll throw you some caps up front to help with the cause.X1a
1880Once you deal with Sinjin then I'll show you some more gratitude on the back end. You feel me?X1b
1881Player Default: Getting rid of Sinjin helps you, too. Some appreciation is in order.{Slightly annoyed, then an implied threat} I'm doing you the favor, pal. Sinjin's got a powerful hate abrewing.X2a
1882But you deal with Sinjin and I'm inclined to show you some gratitude. You feel me?X2b
1883Player Default: You don't know where Sinjin is?{Not pleased} No one does. He's a behind-the-scenes kind of guy.Y1a
1884{Some concern for the player - but veiled threat at the end} But you keep poking his people with a machine gun and he'll come out of hiding.Player Default: Sinjin thinks he's above judgment. But no one is safe from the Silver Shroud.Y1b
1885MS04_0600b_HancockCompanion{Playful, but dancing around something serious / Amused} Playing dress up is fun and all, but you've walked into something a whole lot bigger.Hancock: Those low-lives you've been taking out for Kenny-boy... they all belong to the same asshole.A
1886{Playful, but dancing around something serious / Amused} Dropping bad guys, leaving business cards. That's fun and all. But you've walked into something a whole lot bigger.Hancock: Those low-lives you've been taking out for Kenny-boy... they all belong to the same asshole.A
1887Player Default: You know, it would be shame if he ended you.His name's Sinjin. He's taken two bit raider outfits and made them... scary. Small fish now, but if left alone...Hancock: I happen to know where some of his other boys are. Smiling Kate operates outside of Bunker Hill.A1a
1888Hancock: His name's Sinjin. He's taken two bit raider outfits and made them... scary. Small fish now, but if left alone...I happen to know where some of his other boys are. Smiling Kate operates outside of Bunker Hill.Hancock: And Northy's got a pad over at Prospect Hill.A1a
1889NPCMHancock: Playing dress up is fun and all, but you've walked into something a whole lot bigger.{Ominous} Those low-lives you've been taking out for Kenny-boy... they all belong to the same asshole.Hancock: And that asshole's going to want some good old-fashioned revenge. You dig?A1a
1890Hancock: Those low-lives you've been taking out for Kenny-boy... they all belong to the same asshole.{Clear this is a big deal} And that asshole's going to want some good old-fashioned revenge. You dig?Player Default: Thanks for the warning.A1a
1891Player Default: Thanks for the warning.You know, it would be shame if he ended you.Hancock: His name's Sinjin. He's taken two bit raider outfits and made them... scary. Small fish now, but if left alone...A1a
1892Player Default: That doesn't scare me.That's because you don't know any better who's after you.Hancock: His name's Sinjin. He's taken two bit raider outfits and made them... scary. Small fish now, but if left alone...B1a
1893Player Default: I've lost track of how many people want me dead.Yeah, but this guy has the means to do it.Hancock: His name's Sinjin. He's taken two bit raider outfits and made them... scary. Small fish now, but if left alone...X1a
1894Hancock: I happen to know where some of his other boys are. Smiling Kate operates outside of Bunker Hill.And Northy's got a pad over at Prospect Hill.Hancock: You take them out and maybe we can find out where the big guy himself is stashed.A1a
1895Hancock: And Northy's got a pad over at Prospect Hill.You take them out and maybe we can find out where the big guy himself is stashed.A1a
1896Goodneighbor'd rest a whole lot easier with him out of the picture.Player Default: I'm up for some community service.A1b
1897Player Default: I'm up for some community service.{Friendly} You know, you're all right. You take care of Sinjin, and I'm inclined to show some gratitude. You feel me?A1a
1898Player Default: Sounds like he's your problem, not mine.{Irritated} I'm not the one he's gunning for "Shroud." You'll be doing both of us a favor.B1a
1899And on the back end, I'll show you some gratitude. You feel me?B1b
1900Player Default: So tell me about him.Raiders are ruthless... But Sinjin, he's in a whole different class.X1a
1901Leveled some farms. Napalmed his own men to end a couple enemies. But besides his dark deeds, nobody knows nothing.X1b
1902If he ain't dealt with now in a couple years it may take an army to end him.Player Default: I'm up for some community service.X1c
1903Player Default: You don't know where he is?No one does. He's a behind-the-scenes kind of guy.Y1a
1904But you keep poking his people with a machine gun and he'll come out of hiding.Player Default: I'm up for some community service.Y1b
1905MS04_0600c_HancockHate{Angry} I can't believe I'm talking to you.Hancock: You know all those people you've been wasting for Kent?A
1906NPCMHancock: I can't believe I'm talking to you.{Irritated} You know all those people you've been wasting for Kent?A1a
1907{Irritated} They all work for the same asshole. And I loathe that asshole even more than you.Player Default: I'd like to make amends, if we can.A1b
1908Player Default: I'd like to make amends, if we can.{Angry} This has nothing to do with me and you, got it? We're over.A1a
1909{Irritated} But if you take the asshole out, that helps Goodneighbor.Hancock: His name's Sinjin. He's taken two bit raider outfits and made them... scary.A1b
1910Player Default: Go to hell, Hancock.{Angry} I'm hoping my friend takes you there first.Hancock: His name's Sinjin. He's taken two bit raider outfits and made them... scary.B1a
1911Player Default: All right, we can do business.{SinisterSmile} If we don't do business, then he's going to kill you. Guaranteed.Hancock: His name's Sinjin. He's taken two bit raider outfits and made them... scary.X1a
1912Player Default: Why should I help you?{Irritated} You'll be helping yourself, because he's already got a powerful hate for you and he's gunning for you.Hancock: His name's Sinjin. He's taken two bit raider outfits and made them... scary.Y1a
1913Player Default: But if you take the asshole out, that helps Goodneighbor.His name's Sinjin. He's taken two bit raider outfits and made them... scary.A1a
1914I happen to know where some of his boys are. Smiling Kate and Northy.A1b
1915I figure either you take them out or they take you out. Win-win, right?A1c
1916You survive and take out Sinjin, though, I'll show you some gratitude.A1d
1917{Angry} Now get the hell out.A1e
1918MS04_1300_SinjinConfrontationPlayer Default: Looks like it's my lucky day. Because I'm getting both of you.{Amused} Oh, no, pal. We want you.A6a
1919Player Default: Stop talking like that.{Amused} Listen close. It's the last thing you're ever gonna hear.SinjinRightHand: It is the Shroud. It really is. Screw this.B2a
1920Kent: He'd... He'd. Episode 23.{Confident} Can't keep a Ghoul down.Sinjin: *laugh* Enjoy the show, Kent. After I'm done with the Shroud, you're next.X6a
1921MS04_1400_HancockEnding{Impressed, but downplaying just how much} So down goes the big bad Sinjin. We get to walk that tight rope of freedom one more day.Hancock: Take this, for the effort.A
1922{Impressed, but downplaying just how much} All by your lonesome you took down the big bad Sinjin. We get to walk that tight rope of freedom one more day.Hancock: Take this, for the effort.A
1923NPCMHancock: So down goes the big bad Sinjin. We get to walk that tight rope of freedom one more day.{Playing it close to the chest} Take this, for the effort.Player Default: You played your part in serving justice to those most deserving of it.A1a
1924Kent: I was t-tortured. Almost died. It's not like the radio plays at all.{Amused} Hey, who hasn't been tortured from time-to-time? The price of throwing down with the Man is always a few scars.A1a
1925{Friendly} Pick yourself up. Goodneighbor's just a bit safer thanks to the two of you.Player Default: What would the Shroud be without his faithful friend Rhett Reinhart?A1b
1926Player Default: You played your part in serving justice to those most deserving of it.{Amused} I'm going to miss these little conversations.Hancock: Gutters been running a little too red lately. You keep them clean and you're welcome back any time.A1a
1927Player Default: You played your part in serving justice to those most deserving of it.And the future a little brighter.Hancock: Gutters been running a little too red lately. You keep them clean and you're welcome back any time.A2a
1928Player Default: You use me to deal with your problem, and that's all I get?{Amused} I know, right? Costume crusading is a really shitty gig.Hancock: Gutters been running a little too red lately. You keep them clean and you're welcome back any time.B1a
1929Player Default: You have any other work?You've done plenty of work already, pal.Hancock: Gutters been running a little too red lately. You keep them clean and you're welcome back any time.Y1a
1930Player Default: I'm going to miss these little conversations.{Friendly} Gutters been running a little too red lately. You keep them clean and you're welcome back any time.Hancock: Ah, Kent, my man. Why the long face? You got what you wanted.A1a
1931Hancock: Gutters been running a little too red lately. You keep them clean and you're welcome back any time.{Concerned} Ah, Kent, my man. Why the long face? You got what you wanted.Kent: I was t-tortured. Almost died. It's not like the radio plays at all.A1a
1932MS04_1400b_HancockEndingHate{Angry} I don't know which of you bastards deserved the final dirt nap more.Hancock: But Sinjin's dead, and you're not. Here's your damned caps.A
1933NPCMHancock: I don't know which of you bastards deserved the final dirt nap more.{Tired} But Sinjin's dead, and you're not. Here's your damned caps.Player Default: Come on, give me another chance.A1a
1934Player Default: Come on, give me another chance.{Angry} I've had enough of you for two lifetimes. Get the hell out.A1a
1935Player Default: Maybe I should've let him burned Goodneighbor to the ground, with you in it.{Angry} Just get the hell out.B1a
1936Player Default: So that's a no on the hug? Just checking.{Angry} You're lucky I don't give you a bullet for your troubles. Now get the hell out.X1a
1937Player Default: So is that it?{Angry} Yeah. So get the hell out.Y1a
1938MS04_Ambient_HancockInterruptsWe need to share some words.A1a
1939MS04_Comp_ActingLikeShroud{Disbelief} Holy hell. You really pulled that off.A7a
1940MS04_Comp_PCisAssassin{Irritated} What they hell did they do to earn any early death?A7a
1941MS04_Comp_PCKilledHostage{Angry} You got some real fucked up priorities if you think that's how you solve a hostage situation.A7a


1942MS05B_ReturnEggToNest{You're standing in the nest of an exceedingly dangerous creature. / Neutral} Now how about we get the hell out of here before that thing decides to feed us to its young?A7a


1943004_MS07aCrockerScene02Player Default: Oh, screw this. Say "hi" to Earl for me.{Threatening someone. / Stern} So long, doc.B4a


1944MS09CabotHouseIntroJackPlayer Default: That's really interesting.{Amused} Stranger things have turned out to be true.Jack: I'm glad to hear you say that. It's become my life's work.A6a
1945Player Default: You can believe whatever wacko theories you want, as long as I get paid.{Amused} And judging from the look of this place, you can foot the bill.Jack: Well if that's how you feel, I'll leave you to Edward. He'll be your immediate supervisor.B7a
1946Player Default: I'm really just here about the job.{Question} Yeah, what exactly is it that needs doin'?Jack: I'm sorry if I'm rattling on. I sometimes forget not everyone finds these things as compelling as I do.X5a
1947Player Default: You think aliens created human civilization?{Amused} Guess they kinda dropped the ball on that one.Jack: Yes, if by "alien" you mean a non-human precursor to the commonly understood founding cultures -- Sumer, Egypt, Assyria.Y5a
1948MS09Mission2EmogeneAgeKnowPlayer Default: I have a vial of that serum with me. Here, looks like you need it.{Irritated} You don't think there might be some folks that could benefit more from that than Grandma here?Emogene: How did you get that? Never mind, I'd rather not know. Thank you so very much.A8a
1949MS09ParsonsBossRoomLorenzoEscapesJack: You fool! Why didn't you do as I asked?Hancock interjectsA7a
1950MS09ParsonsCaptainScene1Player Default: Thanks for your help.{Amused} Time for the professionals to take over.ParsonsGuardCaptain: Sure thing.A5a
1951Player Default: So you've just been waiting for me to show up to do something about those assholes?{Amused} It's likely for the best. Wouldn't want her getting hurt, now would we?ParsonsGuardCaptain: As far as I remember, I don't answer to you. And yeah, we were waiting for you.B5a
1952Player Default: That's all I needed to know.{Amused} Time to clean 'em up.ParsonsGuardCaptain: Well then, I guess we're done.X5a
1953MS09ParsonsCaptainScene1APlayer Default: Sorry, I shouldn't have said that.{Apologetic} We meant no offense. Just running our mouths' before a fight.ParsonsGuardCaptain: Was that an apology? Now I've seen everything.A7a
1954Player Default: Lucky for you I'm not afraid of a few raiders.{Stern} Or mouthy guards.ParsonsGuardCaptain: Well, then, why don't you get out of my face and go kill them?B7a
1955Player Default: That's true. Edward wouldn't have hired me if he thought you could have done the job.{Oozing braggadocio. / Confident} And Edward's clearly improved his eye for talent.ParsonsGuardCaptain: You're throwing a lot of attitude for the new guy. I guess we'll see soon enough if you're just blowing smoke or not.X7a


1956MS11_0080_Constitution_Scene_3Player Default: Whoa, whoa. Easy there.{Confident} You got no clue who you're dealing. You're gonna want to back the hell off.FirstMate: Unable to comply.A7a
1957Player Default: Try that and you'll be nothing but scrap metal, pal.{Amused} Come on, let's waste this tin soldier.FirstMate: Threats detected. Awaiting permission to terminate target.B7a
1958Player Default: This must be a misunderstanding. You invited me aboard.{Irritated} Not exactly the level of hospitality we were expecting.FirstMate: No records found.X6a
1959Player Default: What, you're going to kill me?{Amused} Not if we get him first.FirstMate: Affirmative.Y6a
1960MS11_0100_Meet_IronsidesPlayer Default: A sad state of affairs for such an historic ship.{Amused} Hell of a view, though.Ironsides: On that we are in agreement.A6a
1961Player Default: You should just abandon the ship.{Neutral} Dunno. Seems like they're doing less harm to it than most of the folks out there would.Ironsides: It is not in my character, sir, to retreat simply because the odds are great. I will persevere.B7a
1962Player Default: That's quite a predicament.{Amused} It's something.Ironsides: What vexes me most is my inability to assist in the war effort. My gun decks have naught but mole rats and ne'er-do-wells as targets.X5a
1963Player Default: How did it even get up here?{Disbelief} It does seem like gravity should have intervened by now, doesn't it?Ironsides: A harrowing tale, of that there can be no doubt. Or I should say, I assume it is.Y6a
1964MS11_0350_Meet_MandyPlayer Default: Yeah, I'm in. What's the plan?{Confident} Smart. All that tech could help a lot of people.Mandy: That's the right call.A8a
1965Player Default: No deal. I'm with Ironsides.{Irritated} You really wanna help that looney bot over maybe putting some food in these people's mouths?Mandy: Then screw you, asshole. You're lucky we don't gun you down.B7a
1966Player Default: I need to think about this.{Confident} Doesn't seem that tough. Help some folks put food on their table and share some tech or support some robot's delusion.Mandy: Don't take too long, or we'll crack the Constitution open ourselves. And then you'll get nothing.X6a
1967MS11_Comp_Sabotage{Amused} Ought to be a hell of a show.A7a


1968MS13EDivideSpoilsPlayer Default: No. I'm taking all of it as the rest of my payment.{Irritated} What? No honor among thieves?PaulPembroke: That was never part of the deal!B6a
1969Player Default: 70-30 seems more like it.{Neutral} It was us carrying a lot of the burden here.PaulPembroke: Yeah, whatever. Screw me over one more time. I guess I should be used to it by now.X7a


1970-{Defiant} We're not your damn errand boys, Marowski.
1971{Not happy with the player's decision / Irritated} If you're going to be someone else's stooge, may as well get a good price for doing it.
1972{Irritated} This is gangland shit. I thought we were above this.


1973MS14TravisStage70ScenePlayer Default: Okay, okay. Good. I mean, I can do this. Totally.{Sarcastic. / Sarcastic} Don't worry. We got your back, killer.Travis: Any, uhh... Any last-minute advice? I've never done anything like this.A6a
1974Player Default: Oh. Okay... Not, uhh, not exactly the pep-talk I was looking for...{A little irritated by the player. / Confident} What our friend here is trying to say is that we're gonna be facing some real danger.Travis: Any, uhh... Any last-minute advice? I've never done anything like this.B6a
1975Player Default: Okay, right. Sure. Yeah.{Confident} Hey, you need to listen to that. Don't think. Just act.Travis: Any, uhh... Any last-minute advice? I've never done anything like this.X6a
1976Player Default: Not really. I mean, I think it's... It's where their little gang hides out. There shouldn't be too many of them.{Neutral} Well, I guess a little intel's better than none.Travis: Any, uhh... Any last-minute advice? I've never done anything like this.Y5a


1977MS17_300_Dan_FollowsPlayer Default: No deal.{Question} We really got the luxury to turn away free firepower right now?HonestDan: We'll see who finds those caravan hands first, then.B7a
1978MS17_300_JacobWarningPlayer Default: You can keep your caps.{Defiant} Something stinks in this town. And we're the ones to find it.JacobOrden: Please, just leave well enough alone. There's more going on then you realize.B5a
1979Player Default: Surely, there's room for compromise? I get Stockton's survivors and we stay... friends. I'd have to know more, though.{Intimidating. / Stern} Trust me, you want to work with us here.JacobOrden: That's a tall order. A deal like that, well, that's above my pay grade.X6a
1980Player Default: How can you justify killing a caravan?{Confident} And that "common good" bull don't fly with us.JacobOrden: It isn't as simple as all that. Hasn't our community been good to you? And others passing through?Y1a
1981MS17_400_ChambersPlayer Default: Continue your work, then.{Disgust} Didn't realize torture suddenly made it onto your list of acceptable activities.HonestDan: I wish you hadn't said that.A7a
1982Player Default: That's a deal I won't accept.{Angry} You're gonna pay for all the pain you've caused.DoctorChambers: Then you'll just have to kill me.B4a
1983Player Default: Don't kill the girl. Spare her.{Angry} Or else.DoctorChambers: Impossible. The odds are too great she's an Institute infiltrator.X3a
1984MS17_Comp_KilledChambers{Defiant} Now no one else will have to suffer.A7a


1985RR102_100_Deacon_IntroPlayer Default: Your leader was just being cautious.{Neutral} Whatever keeps you alive.Deacon: Exactly. Kind of killed our chance at a friendy first impression, though.A6a
1986Player Default: If you greet all newcomers like that no one's ever going to help you.{Amused} Doesn't exactly seem like you guys are in a position to turn away talent.Deacon: Don't be too hard on the old girl. She's just looking after her wayward children.B6a
1987Player Default: What's done is done.{Neutral} We ain't the type that needs coddling.Deacon: A healthy attitude.X5a
1988Player Default: Do you really have to be so cagey?{Irritated} I don't invite you into my house to berate you, now do I?Deacon: The precautions are necessary. In our business, if we underestimate our enemy's capabilities it's game over.Y5a
1989RR102_Comp_PCisAntiSlave{Stern} No one deserves to be treated as property. At least someone in the Commonwealth gets it.A6a
1990RR102_Comp_RickySuicide{Irritated} You know you killed that guy, right? You didn't pull the trigger but you sure put the barrel to his temple.A7a
1991RR102_Comp_SynthsAreMachines{Irritated} Hope you know you got it all wrong. Doesn't matter if it was a womb or an assembly line. Everyone deserves to be treated like they're human.A6a


1992RR302_0700_AtPoliceStationPlayer Default: Relax, Tom, you'll be all right.{Neutral} I might have a couple things to take the edge off. Yours if you want 'em.TinkerTom: Right, the whole breathing in and out. OK.A4a
1993Player Default: Another of your paranoid fantasies.{Neutral} Guy's stickin' his neck out for us. Show some respect.TinkerTom: C'mon, man, maintain positive energy.B4a


1994RR303_0300b_GloryDeathPlayer Default: I don't have time for this.{Angry} This woman is dying here. Show some damn respect.Glory: Isn't there... supposed to be a light?B6a
1995Player Default: I promise.{Sad} No one will stop us, Glory.Glory: If anyone... *cough*X5a
1996Player Default: How bad is it?{Sad} Don't think you get to leave us just yet.Glory: No escape... this time. *cough*Y4a


1997RRM01_0100_StartPlayer Default: So, is there anyone you like?{Amused} Because I'm getting the distinct suspicion something pissed in your cereal this morning.DrCarrington: Oh, I wasn't aware we were competing for Congeniality awards. I thought we were rescuing synths. My mistake.B5a
1998Player Default: What's a dead drop?{Neutral} Tossing a body from a high ledge. Keep up.DrCarrington: Oh, dear lord. A dead drop is a mailbox with a railsign on it.Y2a
1999RRM01_0300_MeetingStocktonPlayer Default: No one likes delays.{Amused} Folks get impatient.OldManStockton: It's bad for business.A3a
2000Player Default: You're talking about synths, right?{Amused} You know, maybe you weren't cut out for the spy life.OldManStockton: Yes, I am talking about synths.B3a
2001Player Default: A trader always has to move his merchandise efficiently.{Amused} Particularly with such delicate goods at hand.OldManStockton: Exactly.X3a


2002UFOCrashQuestFlybyReaction{Just saw a UFO go flying by overhead. / Puzzled} The hell? You see that?A6a
2003UFOCrashQuestImpactReaction{Just saw a UFO crash into the ground. Hard. / Neutral} Damn. Well, if they weren't dead before... you wanna take a look?A6a