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Gunner holotape is a holotape in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Tesla Cannon."



Instructions for Crane[]


Crane, against my protestations, Sarge wanted me to give you a copy of the newest backdoor for the Pip-Boys. Instead of going through the current OS, it accesses a lower level of code within the device.

Once it does that, something quite interesting happens...ah I'm wasting my time. All YOU need to do is pull the plug from the back of the Pip-Boy.

Carefully, this time.

Then simply insert it into any Pip-Boy, provided the plug is removed, and the backdoor program should do the trick automatically. Once inside, you can pull data from any Pip-Boy you find. Coordinates, logs, you name it.

Sarge is hoping that if we find any Vault-Dwellers in the field, we'll be able locate more Vaults through their Pip-Boys. You know what that means.

Ah, hell. Knowing you, you'll probably end up leading the Vault-Dwellers to us - rather than the other way round.

I hope Sarge knows what he is doing.

Related quest[]


See also[]
