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Fallout Wiki

Crane's Pip-Boy log[]

Log retrieved from Crane's Pip-Boy, south of Somerville Place.


..// VAU7T T3C H8CK v1.2 \\..

>>Access to backdoor granted.

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Holy crap, where to start? I'm just glad I have this thing to write it all down!

We've been locked-down in this Vault for weeks now. I've been bored as hell and the "games" on these things got old. Fast. It was fun putting notes saying "Kick me" on Caroni's back for a while, but next thing you know, brass says there's a "paper shortage."

Also, it's not exactly easy playing a prank on someone who spends all their time in their room. Me and the boys were trying to reprogram the Assaultron to give him a wedgie - but yeah less said about that, the better.

It was then that I remembered Lazanski telling me that he reprogrammed our Pip-Boys for Sarge so we can better track our guys on Glowing Sea missions. Well the joke's on you Lazanski, I've found a way better use for your stupid program!

I got a few of the squad together and managed to break into the kitchen to take the week old Mirelurk soup that had been smelling out the canteen for days. Then we hoisted it by rope over the Atrium.

After that, all we had to do was watch Caroni walk down the hallway to get his dinner after everyone else had gone to bed. God, I can't even describe my anticipation watching the little Caroni blip move along my Pip-Boy screen.

By the time the blip appeared in the Atrium, I lifted my head and there he was - completely unaware that he was going to smell like a dead Mirelurk in the sun. I told Jones to pull, and next thing you know, the goop came falling on his head.

His face was a fucking picture! I swear he was about to cry. Haven't seen him since. And to think Sarge wanted to use these things to track us for the mission tomorrow.

Second Vault Gunner 95 Pip-Boy log[]

Log retrieved from the second Vault 95 Gunner, at Hopesmarch Pentecostal church.


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I better use this thing for something. Maybe a confessional of sorts will make me feel better about what I did. Here goes.

Caroni. He never exactly was the ideal mercenary, but we worked well as a team. He was good at all the technical stuff. Hacking terminals, getting through automated doors, disabling turrets...

And me? Well, I finished the job.

It all changed though when we signed up for the Gunners. They were paying far more than we could make on our own - so it seemed like a no-brainer at the time. Little did I know what would happen when Caroni was forced to work with people other than myself.

When I was assigned to my squad, it was like I had known them for years. We worked well together, and the guys respected me for my markmanship. But Caroni was a different story. He was always an acquired taste, and his shyness frustrated Sarge.

It was a mistake to shove a laser rifle into his hands, when I knew that his best skills lay elsewhere. I thought when we took the Vault, things would change - that he'd come out of his shell. Instead the opposite happened.

It's these damn Pip-Boys. He's obsessed with them. He spends all this time in his room playing these games.

I've tried to snap him out of it, tell him that Sarge is going to boot him out of the Gunners - or worse - but he always rebuffs me.

It's funny, I still beat him in these games - despite him playing them longer than I ever have. If I hear "Best of Three" one more time, I might snap. Maybe one day he'll shape up. But I can't wait that long. I've got to do something quickly.

I owe him for saving my life.

This Vault is filled with chems - and it's not like they are going to miss a few shots of Psycho.

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Third Vault Gunner 95 Pip-Boy log[]

Log retrieved from Lazanski's Pip-Boy, at relay tower 0DB-521.


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I'm making a mission report here, in case anybody comes across my body. If you're unable to identify me, I am Lieutenant Lazanski. Tech specialist on Salvage Team 20.

We managed to locate the wreckage. It's likely intact and survived the crash. That said, we...underestimated the hostiles we would likely encounter on our mission, and as a result, two thirds of the platoon is dead or MIA.

It's likely I would have been right there with them if it wasn't for Caroni. I wasn't sure why the Sergeant had picked the Private to accompany us on the mission, but for a moment I was glad he did.

My good feeling was short-lived, however. Despite saving us, Caroni wouldn't respond to orders. The only time he made so much as a peep was when one of our fireteam killed a hostile. Every time that happened Caroni would look anxiously for another mutation to put down.

We tried to tell him that every hostile he killed risked us being swarmed once more. He wouldn't listen. It was as if he was determined to get the most kills out of all us. Did he think this was some kind of game?

We didn't hold our position for long. Even Caroni didn't fancy his chances with the two deathclaws that flanked us. For once, we agreed on something. We ran to a nearby cave, and it appeared that the beasts had lost our scent. It was there we found some kind of Pre-War weapon.

Now, I had disassembled and reassembled a plasma rifle before, but this was like nothing I had ever seen. We had to get this back to base, but first we had to get some rest.

When I woke up, I discovered that not only were all our Mentats gone but Caroni was hunched over the weapon on a boulder, its constituent parts scattered across the rockface.

At the time, even with death almost a certainty, I still couldn't let this promotion opportunity go. I tackled Caroni. He fought back. Once the fray started, the rest of the team jumped in. All of us fighting over the weapon.

The noise attracted what was left of the Glowing Sea's population to our position, and soon we were running for our lives once more. To say we weren't so lucky this time was an understatement. I watched the rest of us being torn apart. The weapon? It worked. Caroni fired it mindlessly into the storm. Its effectivness is clear, but it wasn't enough.

The last I saw of him, he was him running into the Sea, the ribbons of electricity from his weapon slowly growing tinier and tinier in the fog.

I got away again. Most of me did anyway. I'm going to try and use a transmitter to radio for help.

But it's only a matter of time now.

Sarge's Pip-Boy log[]

Log retrieved from Sarge's Pip-Boy, at Skylanes Flight 1665.


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Mission accomplished.

The aircraft is in pieces. But those pieces are intact. We were about to check inventory - see if we can carry some of this equipment back to Vault 95, until we saw a blue light in the fog. As it grew closer, we raised our weapons. I could hardly believe my eyes. It was that good-for-nothing Caroni.

It didn't take long to guess why this coward survived. He had something hoisted over his shoulder. Glowed brightly. Fucker was going to give away our position.

I told him to put it down. He didn't. I told him it was an order. He didn't respond. We drew our weapons again and I ordered once more. He stood there and I told my men to approach.

As they surrounded him, some kind of lightning bolt shot from that thing. Turned Feldt into ash. We covered the area in bullets, but when the smoke cleared, the son of a bitch was gone. He couldn't go one circuit without tripping over his shoelaces, but now he can disappear in a flash?

We darted into the fuselage for cover, and he came at us again. He didn't even take cover as he pursued us, and took out two more of our men. I was as sure as dead, so I leapt at him and hit him squarely on the draw. He fell onto the floor of the cabin. What was left of us joined me in holding him down.

We hated the fact that we needed him alive. But command needed to know what happened out here. Otherwise, I would've shot the bastard myself.

Bastard may have put up a good fight, but people like that? Even with every advantage - they always lose.

Caroni's Pip-Boy log[]

Log retrieved from Caroni's Pip-Boy.


..// VAU7T T3C H8CK v1.2 \\..



Time for round two.
