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Greg's Mine Supply terminal entries are a series of entries found on a terminal at Greg's Mine Supply in Fallout 76.

Greg's terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Welcome Greg!
|       My Notes      |

Day 45 - Version 0.34[]


Previous Test:
Not sure what happened to my previous notes. Probably
need a terminal upgrade, but that's got to wait.
Besides I doubt my past failures are going to be that
helpful anyway.

Version Notes:
- Got rid of the spinning pick axes on the front. As
soon as they hit rock they either broke or the
machine ground to a halt.
- Swapped the motor out with one from the truck out
back. It's a bit too powerful so still working on how
to control the torque. It's also loud.

Day 48 - Version 0.35[]


Previous Test:
Nearly ripped out the drill bit and the shaft melted.
Not to mention the rumbling just about shook my
building to the ground. Took no time at all for old
Ms. Withers from across the street to start banging
on my door. Told her it was an accident, but not sure
she bought it.

Version Notes:
- Changed out the bit on the front with one from the
industrial equipment.
- Wired in an old terminal to the ciruit board to
have it control the speed and torque.

Day 55 - Version 0.36[]


Previous Test:
The mine foreman was back today asking about my work
on the automated mining equipment I promised. Had to
tell him something, but not sure he believes me any
more than my neighbor. What am I supposed to do? I
can tell him anything he wants to know about mining
gear, but I know jack all about computers. I've got 1
week left to show him something.

Version Notes:
- Swapped out the terminal for a salvaged
Protectron's old circuit board.
- Added the treads from a Sentry bot that Carl

Day 63 - Version XX[]


Previous Test:
What a nightmare. That Protectron/industrial
drill/sentry bot hybrid nearly swept off the
foreman's head when I tried to show it off out back.
Took him no time to cancel our contract and kill my
future. I've sunk everything into this last ditch
effort to update my business. If I don't act soon I
am going to lose everything. I bet that crotchety,
moneybags Ms. Withers would love that.

Version Notes:
