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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > Things to do when you have done every single little thing you can do in New Vegas

I have done everything in fallout, any good untold about dungeons?

Try doing Dead Money on hardcore.DarthOrc 16:48, July 2, 2011 (UTC)DarthOrc

Try playing a different game. ReapTheChaos 22:15, July 3, 2011 (UTC)

Hard-core, hardest difficulty. then stock-pile the piss out of everything!... ammo, food, water, chems. then single-handedly wipe out every single living and undead being on the face of the mojave!!! --Xa3MysteriousStranger 22:18, July 3, 2011 (UTC)

^This --Battlecattle 22:31, July 3, 2011 (UTC)

I've got my Survivalist's Rifle, over 30,000 rounds, and over 1,500 stimpacks. Just try and stop me. --Xa3MysteriousStranger 02:54, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

I became a hoarder at the end of FO3. My goal was to have one of everything and possess one million caps. Squalor 15:20, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

Just go hunting for Fiends, Jackals, and other raiders, kill them sell their stuff and repeat. Step 1: Kill raiders Step 2:... Step 3: Profit. Richie9999 15:31, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

  • Then reverse pickpocket Painspike or Sadist Raider armors to all the lady NPCs around --Om3ro 12:55, July 10, 2011 (UTC)

Grab a Fat Man, and walk through every settlement in the Mojave saying "I am become death, destroyer of worlds" while nuking every living thing you come across. When you're done with that, drop 20 c-4 at your feet and detonate. Then you'll be a "rocket man".Dopesmylez 14:37, July 5, 2011 (UTC)

Go on a great crusade against everyone. Like, attack everyone. Friends, foe, everything with a minigun and fat man.--Blahmarrow 14:41, July 5, 2011 (UTC)

Decorate your house if you havent already with lots of rare items and weapons...put everything on display, you know. Stuff like the "flour" you can find in red rock canyon or the acoustic guitar and sheet music

Oh, and theres always the deathclaw promontory, you may not of been there, seeing as its not a discoverable location

Hoard things like I do:

--Xa3MysteriousStranger 01:53, July 7, 2011 (UTC)

Enable God Mode and scale yourself up by 10, and blast as many Mini Nukes as you can in an arc across the Mojave. You may want to increase the RoF with the console command. A huge arc of mushroom clouds would make for an entertaining display! --Tag! 13:44, August 31, 2011 (UTC)

Grab one of the wooden barrels in the truck near Mojave Outpost and take it to Nellis AFB. On Very Hard. Wiseman of the Wastes

go bird hunting, steal everything, reverse pick pocket cool outfits on Everyone! then wait for new DLC!!! JimmyDreznaut017 23:14, August 31, 2011 (UTC)

Create your own faction and annex territory like I am doing. I'm making the desert rangers and so far i have annexed goodsprings and primm by reverse pickpocketing ranger combat armor on everyone i deem worthy of being a desert ranger. and in both goodsprings and primm i have a safehouse with tons of supplies and guns and stuff on display. In goodsprings i am using the gas station, and in primm i am using the sherrif's shack(because i chose ncr for law in primm and the sheriff died ten seconds afterward so no one uses it) and soon i will be annexing sloan, and then novac, and so on.

That's actually a good idea, I may try doing that. Wiseman of the Wastes

This is called hold-out which it is....drain an enemys health. Hotkey the sawed off when he gets close enough blam!Gore-time children!!

Try to collect all the unique weapons. 2 a day.

Roleplay make your own faction and make up missions for them if you want to know how to do this msg me if you want some ideas go to my custom faction page--Assassin540 23:55, September 6, 2011 (UTC)

A couple more ideas. 1) Sleep with Sarah Weintraub, Red Lucy, Joana, Dazzle, Beatrix (wow, there's a lot of female characters), Old Ben or Santiago or there is FISTO. 2) You could use the Umpa dance mod and either put together a YouTube video of it, with a song. Or for your own amusement, grab a couple named characters, place them in specific spots (best place would be either at Hoover Dam with the stadium there, or in one of the casinos) and just go nuts! --Tag! 08:46, September 12, 2011 (UTC)

Go to thorn and go into the arena and fight numerous enemies and get caps!

You can fix Trudy's radio. ---- Galileo Galilei (talk) 13:52, August 2, 2012 (UTC)

Kill every named male character until only female characters are left :P To make it even more fun, sell Arcade into slavery to the Legion before you kill them and kill Boone by feeding him to the White Glove society. I'm Yellow Heart (talk) 19:59, June 8, 2013 (UTC)

Buy Cliff's Dinosaurs, and return them [one by one] Digital Utopia (talk) 15:44, June 30, 2014 (UTC)
