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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > Strength Requirements for weapons

What do you guys think of this? "VaultTec X 04:23, October 2, 2010 (UTC)"

I think it's logical. I also think it'll be on every weapon considering that the dynamite has a listed strength requirement of 1, making it moot since SPECIAL can't be lowered below 1. --Kris User Hola 04:29, October 2, 2010 (UTC)

I like the idea of a Strength Requirement for weapons, its going to bring the game back towards its roots. Far more realistic and also its going to make people put more thought into their character creation. Wastelandwarrior1280 14:42 October 2, 2010 (EST)

I like it very much but i think its makeing the strength skill to important. I wish they would do things like this for agility and perseption and stuff.--Radraider 20:32, October 3, 2010 (UTC)

I agree. Strength requirements for weapons means less freedom for character customization. Though I guess people can still get away with being weaklings if they're okay with using nothing but plastic utensils for weapons. RadRuler 01:41, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
It doesn't mean less freedom. It means more freedom, as the choices you now make have a direct impact on your character and instead of being one of the thousands of identical Fallout 3 demigods differing only in the hats they wear, your character will become an unique creature, with both advantages and disadvantages. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 07:01, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
But in Fallout 3, the weapon you used was a matter of choice. Now, if you want to use a certain weapon, you have to preconstruct your character to a certain build, which is not quite my idea of character creation freedom. Unless the "strength requirement" actually means you're simply penalized if you're under the strength level, instead of being unable to use it. I'd be okay with that. RadRuler 11:59, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
First time I've ever seen a restriction labeled as "more freedom." STR of %num% = moar gunz. STR of %num% - 1 = less guns. That doesn't look like more freedom to me. It looks an awful lot like a limit. I guess it's fine for the sake of realism, but I've never been a fan of sacrificing playability and flexibility on the altar of realism. This is a game, after all, with 10 meter scorpions. --Rooker75 17:43, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
You would think it would be just a penalization, because that's what it was in all of the old games and in FWE for F3. Nitty Tok. 12:22, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
Well okay, then. Don't see what the big deal is. RadRuler 12:26, October 5, 2010 (UTC)

But keep in mind is you streangth is to low and you realy want this weapon you arnt totaly screwed. There are snow globes out there and probably some quest rewarded perks to up you streangth.--Radraider 14:00, October 5, 2010 (UTC)

It makes you more of a type of character. Imstead of haveing graet endurence and agailty, giving you loads of AP and health and then having a massive gun you'll have to make an actual role playing character.JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 18:08, October 5, 2010 (UTC)

i love the idea and i do agree with jasper on this one. but hay i goty a ? and this seemes like a good place to put it, on on weapon pages i think we sould put the stranth requirement in the box that has the Dr and stuff, it would make finding it (if your looking for it) alot easyer then haveing to read the description. just saying and it dose seem like it should go in the box --MrDot01 20:57, October 5, 2010 (UTC)

That's the eventual plan, but it'll have to wait until Porter has time to alter the infobox template to account for it. Once that change is made we can start adding that info to the infobox for each weapon. --Kris User Hola 21:04, October 5, 2010 (UTC)

ok --MrDot01 21:08, October 5, 2010 (UTC)

This doesn't make sense to me. I can understand a super sledge requiring strength to be used properly, but what about agility for, I dunno, KATANAS. But seriously, I think that this needs to be a penalty system, because otherwise it won't add realism or diversity. It will turn the wastelad into a land full of stupid, blind, slow, unlucky, easily tired, speech impared, hunks. TheVaultFreak, Hey! 01:00, October 6, 2010 (UTC)

i like the idea of a requirement for weapons but using things like "str" and "agility" seems odd, why not just like requires 100 small guns to use a certain good gun, or something along those lines, rather than having low skill in a category just weakening your damage and accuracy, strength however i don't see being that realistic, i mean, especially for a good weapon in the small guns category, "omg i only have enough strength to carry a 90 pound weapon this gun requires enough str to carry a 91 pound weapon!"--Toolazytomakeaaccount 05:05, October 13, 2010 (UTC)
