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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > Dilemma, i really need your help dwellers

Hi. Andrew is the name, and im gona be short and simple.

Wich version should i buy, PC or PS3?

The only reason im asking is because, i have a medium class PC on wich i played entire Fallout serie several times. But lets focus on the third 1, i was playing it on medium details and still it was crunching a little. I also own a Playstation 3, and i was thinking bout buying this version. With my job i cant spare enough money for buying new parts, and buying new PC is totally out of reach. So what should i do? What would you do in my place?

PS: I'm not a gamer whos focusing on graphic, but still it would be fun to see faces of characters rather then, pixelised mess. Oh, and dont use modds in games, etc.

Regards Andrew.

PC version. There are mods that'll make F3 look just as good even on low-end PCs. Nitty Tok. 19:17, September 18, 2010 (UTC)

PS3. If your compupters not up to scratch then it mighnt not be up to playing New Vegas= wasted cash.I hsd the same dilemma, and i'v chosen PS3 JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 19:45, September 19, 2010 (UTC)

But the PS3 has problems with Havok physics that the Xbox and PC don't have. Nitty Tok. 19:47, September 19, 2010 (UTC)

X-box wasn't a choice and he said "Oh, and dont use modds in games, ect" so the PC's main thing, modding is of no use to this guy. JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 19:52, September 19, 2010 (UTC)

Buy a treat for your PC and get the PC version. Hardware can be dirt cheap nowadays. You should ask around NMA for hardware tips, we have some real household geniuses there. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 19:53, September 19, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, because why just buy a game you can play when you can get a game that requires you to buy hardware, open up your computer, and mess around with it? Installations half the fun! RadRuler 15:24, October 2, 2010 (UTC)

If you could run FO3, you can probably run FNV. They have the min specs listed now, so see if yours fits. If you're the type to play a game over and over for years, keep in mind that eventually you will replace or at least upgrade that PC while the PS3 is just going to get older and older. You might also benefit from doing a fresh reinstall of the OS if there's anything making it slower than it should be.

Also, decent no-longer-bleeding-edge graphics cards can be had for reasonable prices. You might be surprised at what you could afford at some place like Newegg or Tigerdirect. --Rooker75 16:36, October 3, 2010 (UTC)

i say PS3, i really feel that there are some games that are just not the BEST FOR pc AND FALLOUT 3 WAS one of thouse games (so im going with NV being the same way). it justkills the cunfort to sit down at your Pc and play a game like its work --MrDot01 17:01, October 3, 2010 (UTC)

I agree. I think consoles are the way to go. I think useing my ps3 controler makes the game flow a lot better. A key board and mouse makes you character feel... robotic.--Radraider 19:09, October 3, 2010 (UTC)

You can use XBOX & PS3 controllers on computers you know.--BLACK LENNY 22:43, October 7, 2010 (UTC)

Buy the ps3 version then download the pc version.--User:YetiTEP

I vote for PC even if you already just decided to go for PS3

I think PC is a much better choice, and I think you'll find out once you play the PS3 version long enough.

Of course this is my word against all this people who recommended console.

So here are my points:

1- Mods, first and most important, mods, these little things will not only add more content to the game, they will patch possible annoying aspects and give the game a new Point of view, hell, even will make your game run smoother on a low-end PC (I remember "Oldblivion" program), these are what made and maintains the Bethesda fanbase, the ability to make your own game from the one you love. I fear that you'll play the console version and you'll just throw it away after completing the main questline, without bother exploring the whole area, which contains a lot more interesting things.

2- Console: no I don't mean playing console such as PS3 or xbox, I mean the "console" the basic meaning of the word, a black screen where you can input text. this little tool is VERY POWERFUL and is not available on console (ps3 xbox) version, this tool will save your ass, literally, in cases where you'd just quit the game and play another on the PS3, this little thing will resurrect a quest NPC that died and thus the quest was not completed, will give you an item that you could not obtain by any reason and will, in its essence, DEBUG the game: it will overcome any possible bug where the NPC just disappeared or the item was just lost that otherwise you would have to wait for Obsidian to release a patch fixing this problem. In this case, you jsut had to resurrect the NPC or just player.additem the one you missed.

3- Customizable controls and customizable periferics, you can play with a gamepad on the PC and you can set the keys you want if by any chance the layout on the console is somehow uncomfy.

4- Overall, a much longer game lifespan, added to the vanilla game, the fact that just with the console you can customize your game, possible DLCs that might (ok warning I'm getting into piracy) cost you a lot on console you could get for "free" on the PC, and at the end, MODS, you can have for a long long time!

Remeber: On Console, Bethesda/obsidian sets the game for you, on the PC, you set the game for you.

Wertoret 20:41, October 11, 2010 (UTC)
