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Fizztop Mountain terminal entries are entries found on two terminals within Fizztop Mountain in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.

Disciples terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is on a small wooden endtable on the northeastern side of the Fizztop Mountain interior's first level. It is near a burning trash can fire.


RobCo Industries can SUCK IT
Disciples Public Terminal

This terminal is open to ALL Disciples that want to use it. If you don't want it seen, fuck off. Most importantly, don't forget THE RULE.

P.S. If you can't read this, you're an asshole.



All announcements posted by Nisha, so spread the word.



Just a reminder, we have one rule here at Nuka-World: you kill someone from another gang, don't get caught. If I see evidence of ANYONE here violating this rule, I'll take care of you personally.

- Nisha

New Overboss[]


So we just got ourselves a new Overboss. Our one rule still applies. Anyone has a problem, they can take it up with me.

- Nisha

Operator Traitors[]

Note: The following entry appears only if the Operators betray the other gangs during the quest Power Play.


Operators have officially lost their shit and turned traitor. Kill on site In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar.

Pack Traitors[]

Note: The following entry appears only if the Pack betray the other gangs during the quest Power Play.


The Pack have officially lost their shit and turned traitor. Kill on site In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar.


Note: The following text is displayed if the Operators betray the other gangs during the quest Power Play.


Believe or not, the Overboss pulled through. Nuka-World is officially up and running. We may still share it with the Pack, and THE RULE still applies, but we're one step closer to where we need to be. With the Operators out of the picture, the Pack would be no match for us should we decide this arrangement is no longer beneficial.

Note: The following text is displayed if the Pack betray the other gangs during the quest Power Play.


Believe or not, the Overboss pulled through. Nuka-World is officially up and running. We may still share it with the Operators, and THE RULE still applies, but we're one step closer to where we need to be. With the Pack out of the picture, the Operators would be no match for us should we decide this arrangement is no longer beneficial.



Kicking ass? Don't hog all the fun. The more the merrier!

Night Raid - Who's In?[]


Anyone interested in a night raid, meet up at the monorail station at midnight.

Gauntlet Runners[]


Anyone bored as shit can meet up at the main gates at dusk. Heard there's a caravan passing nearby. Gonna find some live ones to run the Gauntlet. Whatever supplies they got are just icing on the cake.

Slice and Dice[]


Got a hankering for blood? Need to kick back and let loose? Dixie's monthly Slice and Dice is back! So sharpen those knives and ditch those chems because it's time to feed the one addiction that we all share.



Drop your messages, threats, ads, whatever here. Remember, if it doesn't violate the rule, it's cool.

You're Dead[]


Whoever pissed in my helmet, you're dead. That's some real Pack level shit right there.

To Bailey[]


I left a little surprise for you in the usual spot. Thought you could put it to good use against a certain asshole. Gotta head out to take care of some business, but I'll be back in a few days. Figured you wouldn't want to wait.

- Marie

Gimme Upgrades[]


Looking for someone to upgrade my knife because I don't know jack about metal. I can repay in trade, caps, whatever. Hit me up if you're down. Jokers need not respond.

- Zsu



Don't trust Ruby. She's a backstabbing bitch that needs to be dealt with. I caught her stealing caps from my personal stash and she had the balls to deny it. Luckily, she can't read, so she doesn't know what she has coming. She doesn't deserve to be one of us.

- Paige

Nisha's terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is on a wooden table in Nisha's shack, on the top level of the Fizztop Mountain interior, next to a blood-stained trough. It has an Expert-difficulty lock.


Nisha's Personal Terminal
If you're not Nisha, you're dead.

Anyone caught using this terminal that isn't Nisha will be dealt with.

Watch List[]


Nisha's Eyes Only...

Reminder to self, there are no warnings here. Anyone who violates the rule or betrays the Disciples deserves worse than death.



Rumors are saying Ruby's stealing from our own. Not sure what pisses me off more, that she's stealing from us or that she got caught. Either way, I don't have any proof besides Paige's claim, and Paige was probably too high on jet to trust. Going to let this sit for now and see how it goes.



Savoy found the remains of what looks like Josie's handiwork. I have one rule here, people, why is it so damn hard to follow? When you hide a body, not only do you make sure it's hidden, you make sure it's really dead. Savoy said the Pack guy was halfway back to Nuka-Town when he found him. No solid proof that it was Josie besides the fact that she and this guy got into it the other day.



Samuel seems to forget who's in charge here and likes to question my decisions. He's smart enough to not challenge me directly, and I'm sure he knows if he tried to take me out, Savoy and Dixie would never follow him. He's trouble, though. Reminds me of Sledge, and he's new, so he doesn't know what went down back then. But if he keeps it up, he can learn the hard way, just like Sledge did.



On watch for a different reason. Kari has a bit of a conscience. Stopped going on raids, barely leaves Fizztop. Something's up with her. She's either realized this isn't the life for her, or she's been compromised... and if I find out she's turned traitor, I'm going to enjoy every moment I have tearing her apart.



Collected reports from members:

Town Remains[]


Remains of an old, abandoned town south of Nuka-World called Bradberton. Should be good for standard supplies, but nothing of real interest.


Note: Accessing this entry marks the Hubologist's camp on the player character's map, in addition to starting a miscellaneous quest to learn about the Hubologists.


Val said some crazies calling themselves Hubologists have taken over the old cafe by the giant fire hydrant. I gotta admit, I'm inclined to leave them be. Fanatics are always destructive in their own ways. They could be good entertainment from a distance.


Note: Accessing this entry marks the Grandchester Mystery Mansion on the player character's map, in addition to starting a miscellaneous quest to investigate the mansion.


Dixie found an old, road-side attraction called the Grandchester Mystery Mansion. She said it looks to be in decent condition, complete with an annoying ticket-taking Protectron, so it's worth looking into. She had a few slaves in tow, so didn't investigate further. We'll need to put a team together to check it out at some point.
