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Another new member? What, are we offering a special?

Woodrose is one of the inhabitants of Point Lookout and the tribe mother of the local tribals in 2277.


A timid and thoughtful girl, Woodrose recently blossomed when she joined the local tribals. Tending to a variety of hydroponic punga plants, she cultivates new and more delicious strains, in accordance with Jackson's wishes.[Non-game 1] She is the tribe matriarch[1] and has taken it upon herself to keep things running and make sure tribe members who have "transcended conscious thought" remember to eat and sleep, which is more work than most would think.[2]

Daily schedule[]

She takes care of the tribals who cannot care for themselves after having part of their brain removed, helping them eat, sleep and with other essential tasks for living.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.

Effects of player's actions[]

When spoken to, Woodrose's dialogue comes off with a hostile tone toward the Lone Wanderer. This may be because they are not one of the tribals or she is simply stressed because of her tribal duties.

Like the rest of the tribe, she will become hostile if Professor Calvert is killed during A Meeting of the Minds.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Tribal garb Sledgehammer


Woodrose appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout.

Behind the scenes[]

The name "Woodrose" is a reference to "Hawaiian Woodrose Seeds," a powerful natural hallucinogen. Similarly, Jimson, another tribe member, is a reference to "Jimson Weed," another natural hallucinogen.


  1. Woodrose: "Another new member? What, are we offering a special? Punga may have offered you wisdom, but it looks like it's still going to be a while before you really learn to accept it. Until then, you answer to me. I'm Woodrose, the tribe mother."
    (Woodrose's dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you do in this tribe?"
    Woodrose: "I'm denmother. I keep us safe and make sure everyone remembers to eat and sleep. It's more work than you might think. A lot of our members have... 'transcended conscious thought.' Someone's got to take care of them."
    (Woodrose's dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.103: "Woodrose
    A timid and thoughtful girl, Woodrose recently blossomed when she joined her new cult, the Tribals. Tending to a variety of hydroponic Punga Plants, she's cultivating new and more delicious strains, in accordance with Jackson's wishes."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)