Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The death ray is the giant alien raygun attached to the underside of the Mothership Zeta. It appears to be its main offensive weapon. The Lone Wanderer uses the ray to destroy an alien enemy ship attacking the hijacked Zeta.


The Lone Wanderer first encounters the death ray upon reaching the observation area. A giant alien head will appear as a holographic display and speak angrily. After a while, a very loud noise will be heard, and if one looks down they will be able to see a large beam fire across the see-through floor.

Shortly after, the quest This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough... will begin, and the destruction of the death ray will become the major objective.

Use of the death ray[]

  • Shields: Most of the ship's energy is dispensed to the shield, giving you extra protection but weakening your death ray.
  • Intermediate: The ship's energy is dispensed equally amongst the shields and the death ray. This is the initial stance.
  • Powerful ray: The ship's energy goes to the death ray, severely weakening your shields but giving your death ray much more power.

The options are, respectively, from the right to the left on the console. Use the button in the middle to fire. It takes roughly five seconds to charge each time and its ability to fire will be shown through the button lighting up and spinning.


  • The controls on the right console change where the death ray aims and the right-hand control on the left console fire the death ray.
  • After the Lone Wanderer "disables" the death ray by blowing up its power supply, they are still able to use it at the end of the quest to take out an incoming alien spaceship, and the death ray functions perfectly fine.
  • There is a quest that was cut from the final version of the game titled Death Ray. It may have been merged with the This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough quest, where the death ray is disabled.
  • The Lone Wanderer has the opportunity to configure the death ray to fire near the approximate real-world area of Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. The explosion extends into the stratosphere, and almost certainly destroys Detroit, Eastern Canada, and the North-Eastern United States.


The gun appears in the Fallout 3 add-on Mothership Zeta and is used in the quest This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough...

