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Agh...feels like someone rearranged my insides. What happened to us?— Beckett

Private[Non-game 1] Beckett is a soldier found in the cryo lab section of Mothership Zeta in the Fallout 3 add-on Mothership Zeta.


Beckett was part of Elliott Tercorien's medic squad, under the command of Sergeant Daniels. Assigned to the 108th Infantry Battalion, the six medics were responsible for dealing with casualties from fighting the Chinese Army during the Battle of Anchorage.[1]

His primary role was as a stretcher bearer, moving wounded troops to safe areas to provide medical aid or for evacuation to the rear lines. Beckett was abducted in the middle of the night,[2] together with the rest of his team by the Zetans, and kept in suspended animation for the next two centuries until the arrival of the Lone Wanderer.[Non-game 1]

Unlike Tercorien, Beckett and the others were used for torturous medical experiments, which would leave them in horrific pain were they conscious.[3]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

25 Strictly Business
This character is a temporary companion.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Among the Stars: He can be revived from his stasis pod along with Sergeant Daniels. If the player revives him and Daniels without Elliott first preparing them, they will run into the operating room and fight each other to the death. Allowing Elliott to prepare them will result in two temporary allies: Although in pain, burning up inside, they will go toe to toe with the aliens during the assault on cryo storage.
    • Both he and Daniels lose health naturally over time and will not heal themselves, even if somehow given stimpaks; this will eventually lead to their deaths. Additionally, Beckett and Daniels will die immediately upon the destruction of the cryo lab generator as part of a scripted event.


* He receives a Chinese assault rifle from Elliott if he is correctly revived.


Beckett appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on Mothership Zeta.


  1. Lone Wanderer: "Can you tell me more about where you're from? "
    Elliott Tercorien: "Me? Well, I was a medic with the 108th Infantry Battalion stationed at Anchorage, Alaska. I was with a squad of five other medics... our job was to patch everyone up after the Commies gunned them down. It was pretty bloody... nothing at all like I expected when I gave up my hospital job to enlist in the Army."
  2. Lone Wanderer: "Tell me how you were captured by these aliens."
    Elliott Tercorien: "Well, it was getting dark... we had spent the day out in the trenches keeping as many of the guys alive as we could. Chinese had been pounding on us all day with artillery from these huge guns they had up on the mountains. It was really a mess. Anyway, we pitched our tents and stowed our gear to try and catch some shuteye. I woke up suddenly to Private Dawkins screaming... he was bathed in some kind of blue light coming from the sky. All of us just froze as he just... well... vanished. We didn't know what happened. Did the Chinese come up with some new weapon? Moments later, all of us were in the blue light too... the rest you know."
  3. Elliott Tercorien: "I don't know for certain. I can get them on their feet and moving for maybe a few minutes at best. There's no way for me to tell what the aliens have already subjected them to. I can't understand these readouts. Their pain could be horrible. This technology is out of my league so I'm just going to have to improvise. It's the best I can do."
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.91: "Private Beckett
    Part of the 108th Infantry Battalion, Private Beckett was part of Sergeant Daniels's squad and fought alongside Elliott Tercorien when he had to. However, being part of a medical team, Beckett's primary function was to carry stretchered troops to safety, either for evacuation for swift, on-site medical attention. He can be revived from his stasis pod along with Sergeant Daniels, either without Elliott preparing their memories (in which case, Beckett is hostile), or after their memories return (in which case, Beckett fights alongside you until falling during the assault on the Cryo Storage facility)."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)