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I may look like a corpse, but I'm partial to living!

Harland is a ghoul working with the Bright Brotherhood at the REPCONN test site in 2281.


Unlike the other members of the Bright Brotherhood, Harland does not believe in the teachings of Jason Bright one bit, and refuses to wear the group's robes. Instead, he joined to find companionship in the "fine-looking ghoulettes" among the Bright followers. He acts as muscle for the Bright Brotherhood, and in return they give him ammunition and pleasant company. Even so, Harland has some limits, and refuses to risk his life for a cause he does not trust.[1][2]

When the REPCONN test site was attacked by Davison's nightkin, Harland was escorting the followers to their worksites. Several of the followers (including a close friend who Harland cared deeply for) fled deeper into the basement, and Harland chased after them, thus avoiding most of the fighting in the facility upstairs. However, Harland found that there were even more nightkin in the basement than on the upper floors, and he was separated from the others.

He was forced to retreat to an large isolated supply room, which he then barricaded and booby-trapped into a kill zone, with rigged shotguns, booby-trapped terminals, bear traps, and concealed mines. He has already spent several days trapped inside the room shooting any encroaching nightkin on sight, claiming to have subsisted off radroach meat, used condensation off of pipes for water, and "[doing] his business" in the far corner. Despite knowing he is no match against the nightkin in a prolonged fight, he could easily attempt an escape if he wanted to, but he refuses to leave until he has ascertained his friend's fate.[3][4][5][6]

Meanwhile, Harland's situation has unknowingly created a stalemate between the ghouls and the nightkin. The nightkin seek a delivery of Stealth Boys inside the supply room which Harland has claimed, but they are staying away because Harland attacks them on sight. Simultaneously, with the nightkin in control of the basement, Bright's followers cannot progress their mission, nor do they have the firepower to reclaim the basement themselves.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Come Fly With Me: The Courier will find Harland in the basement of the REPCONN test site. He will offer an optional part of the quest to find his friend, who he was separated from during the attack of the nightkin on the Bright Brotherhood in the facility. If the player accepts and delivers him the bad news of the death of his friend, he will leave the basement to rejoin the Brotherhood and one will be able to explore the heavily trapped room that he is barricaded in. Otherwise, attempting to climb up the stairs to his level will cause him to turn hostile.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Roving trader outfit Hunting rifle Harland's key


  • Harland claims he only joined the Bright Brotherhood for the "ghoulettes."
  • Harland can die on his way out of the basement if the player doesn't wipe out the nightkin. However, it is not necessary to kill a single nightkin for Harland to sneak out alive; only mindful timing.
  • Harland, as the ghouls are leaving, if the Courier snuck onto the uppper level of his chamber and did not kill him, will remain hostile, though because he is in a sealed chamber and can't get to or see the Courier, won't attack.
  • Immediately after going upstairs, one will find some radroach meat (one of them being on a plate) suggesting that Harland was being honest when he said he was surviving on radroach meat for protein.
  • If Harland survives, he can be seen with the other Bright Brotherhood members at the rocket launch pad preparing to embark on the Great Journey. However, he will not line up to listen to Jason Bright's speech along with the other Bright Brotherhood members due to a bug in his AI packages.
  • If the player does not meet with Jason Bright's group and encounters Harland instead, his dialogue will change to reflect it.

Notable quotes[]

Behind the scenes[]

Harland initially had a greater role in Come Fly with Me. Cut but fully voiced dialogue lines show that it would have been possible to ask him for information on the parts used to repair the rockets (in place of Chris Haversam,) without having ever encountered him in the basement. He also refuses to give the information until his "friends" are rescued, referring to another cut part of this quest; there were initially intended to be more than one prisoner of the nightkin who could optionally be rescued alive.


Harland appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 Unlike other members of the Bright Brotherhood, and ghouls in general, Harland is not associated with the ghoul faction. This means that he will be attacked by any feral ghouls he encounters, including any which may be alive in the REPCONN building. [verified]
  • PCPC After Harland is killed, his voice can still be heard when the player activates the intercom. [verified]
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 If you enter the basement area before meeting Jason Bright, Harland will not offer the dialogue option to search for his friend. Seeing Davison first, killing all the nightkin or any other sequence of events does not fix this. To prevent this bug you need to speak with Jason Bright before meeting Harland. [verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 If you do not talk to Harland and accept his quest before clearing out the nightkin, he may later appear in the launch pad area, not wearing a space suit, and will show up as a hostile. [verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Harland is meant to line up and listen to Jason Bright's speech on the rocket launch pad along with the rest of the Bright Brotherhood members, but due to an error in the order of his AI packages he will not, instead wandering for the duration of the speech.
  • After completing his quest, talking to Davison and doing his task will turn Harland hostile.



  1. The Courier: "You don't look like the other ghouls from Bright's group."
    Harland: "Guess the outfit gives that away, huh? I never did buy into that religious mumbo-jumbo with the robes and all that shit. It gets lonely out in the wastes, okay? And I don't have to tell you that Bright's group has got some fine-looking ghoulettes in it! Eh... or maybe I would have to tell you... Anyway, I helped them out, and they kept me supplied with ammo and pleasant company."
    (Harland's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "Jason sent me down here to get rid of the "demons.""
    Harland: "And I bet he told you it's the creator's will for you to risk your ass, instead of him, right? Well, good luck with that! I'd give you a hand, but no thanks. I may look like a corpse, but I'm partial to living!"
    (Harland's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "How did you end up trapped down here?"
    Harland: "First off, I'm not trapped. This was a tactical choice, all right? I'm no match for those things out there, so I found a good defensive position, and I've been defending it, right? ...Aw, who am I fooling? I'm trapped. Name's Harland. Pleased to meet you. What happened was, I was escorting folks down to work when those things attacked us. Most of the fight was upstairs, but some folks panicked and made for the basement. And I went after them. Well, turns out there were even more of those bastards down here than upstairs, and things went to shit fast. I couldn't find the others, so I fell back to this room and set up a nice little kill zone. End of story."
    (Harland's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "How have you survived?"
    Harland: "I'm not delicate. Radroach meat for protein, condensation off the pipes for water, and I do my business over in the far corner. I wouldn't say it's been comfy."
    (Harland's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "How can I help get you out of this room?"
    Harland: "Ha! Well, you're polite, I'll give you that. If this was just between you and me, I'd do as you ask. But it's not. I had a friend with me when those mutant bastards came out of nowheres. She panicked and ran the wrong direction - further into the basement. She's probably dead, but I ain't leaving until I know for sure. I'd have gone looking myself, except I wouldn't last a minute out there. You, on the other hand, seem pretty resourceful. Find my friend, and I'll get out of your way."
    (Harland's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "I did find her, unfortunately."
    Harland: "I see. Spare me the details. Goddamn. She had the yellowest smile... You did your part, so I'll do mine. Go ahead and root around up here if you want. I'm going to make a break for topside."
    (Harland's dialogue)