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There was a time where every city had their own icegangs and thousands would show up to watch them all duke it out in giant arenas.Goalie Ledoux

Sudden-Death Overtime is a minor faction in the Capital Wasteland in 2277.


Sudden Death Overtime is a gang that wants to bring hockey, an ancient ice sport played by Goalie Ledoux's ancestors, back to America.[Non-game 1][Non-game 2] They believe that teams were called "icegangs" which they claim to be the last of, and that their sole purpose was to "duke it out" in arenas.[1] Their leader or "captain," Goalie Ledoux, refers to ice hockey terminology in his speech in many strange and sometimes arbitrary ways, for example referring to meeting the player again as crossing sticks and a lie as a slapshot.[2][3] The group's hierarchy appears to be based on the names of hockey positions, with a "Winger" being below a "Centre."[4]

The icegang was hired by an unknown buyer to recover the Nuka-Cola Clear formula from the Capital Wasteland's Nuka-Cola plant. Ledoux claimed that the job was worth a lot of caps and could take the team "to the big time."[5] Winger Mercier was sent to retrieve the formula and later meet the team at the Red Racer factory, but he died in the Nuka-Cola plant.


There are four known members of the team/gang:


  • Sudden-Death Overtime does not have enough players to make an entire hockey team. Goalie Ledoux makes note of this after learning that one of his members, Winger Mercier, has died.[6] Even when he was alive, the gang/team lacked two defensemen.
    • Additionally, Goalie Ledoux being the captain of the icegang would not be allowed in a hockey game, as goaltenders are forbidden from being team captains.[7]
  • The gang only spawns in front of the Red Racer factory if the Nuka-Cola Clear formula has been obtained from the Nuka-Cola plant before finishing The Nuka-Cola Challenge quest. Finishing the quest will cause the gang to not spawn.
  • After the player character sells them the Nuka-Cola Clear formula, Centre Dubois and Winger Gervais will run over to the Nuka-Cola plant, where they remain inside the front lobby for the rest of the game. Goalie Ledoux remains where he is in front of the Red Racer factory.
  • Dubois is referred to as a "Centre" and not a "Center" on the team, using the Canadian or UK spelling of the word.


Sudden Death Overtime appears only in Fallout 3.

Behind the scenes[]

All of the members' names are parodies of famous Canadian hockey players (Ledoux instead of Lemieux, Mercier instead of Messier, etc.).


  1. The Lone Wanderer: "Who are you and why are you talking like that?"
    Ledoux: "The name's Goalie Ledoux and I'm captain of Sudden-Death Overtime, the last of the icegangs. There was a time where every city had their own icegangs and thousands would show up to watch them all duke it out in giant arenas. We aim to bring those days back!"
    (Ledoux's dialogue)
  2. Ledoux: "Sorry, we've got practice. Maybe we'll cross sticks again one day."
    (Ledoux's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "Hey, take it easy, I was just passing through."
    Ledoux: "Don't take slapshots at me like that! We saw you come out of the Nuka-Cola Plant and we know you've got the formula. Now you gotta make a decision. Go for the powerplay or sit in the penalty box?"
    (Ledoux's dialogue)
  4. Winger Gervais: "Hey, I may be just a Winger now, but I'll make Centre soon."
    (Winger Gervais' dialogue)
  5. Finding the formula
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "I've got the formula for Nuka-Cola Clear."
    The Lone Wanderer: "I'm here to tell you Mercier is dead."
    Ledoux: "Mercier didn't make it? Damn! How do they expect us to play when we don't even have enough people on our team? Well, as long as you brought the formula, I guess we're still in the game."
    (Ledoux's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "What's with the masks, anyway?"
    Ledoux: "This is the mask of my icegang, Sudden-Death Overtime. I'm the team captain, Goalie Ledoux. There was a time where every city had their own icegangs and thousands would show up to watch them all duke it out in giant arenas. We aim to bring those days back!"
    (Ledoux's dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.103: "Winger Gervais
    Gervais is a member of the Sudden Death Overtime Gang, obsessed with an ancient ice sport that Goalie Ledoux's ancestors played."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.74: "Goalie Ledoux
    Ledoux is the captain of Sudden-Death Overtime, and obsessed with an ancient ice sport that Goalie Ledoux's ancestors played. Winger Mercier was sent to procure a secret formula for a new type of Nuka-Cola while Ledoux made contact with the buyer."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)