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RobCo Industries PIP-Boy 2000 is a pre-War personal information processor from RobCo's Pip-Boy line of products, designed to provide its users with a powerful tool for organizing their life, keeping track of activities, storing data, traveling, and much, much more. Though not as advanced as later models, it remains a rare, powerful tool in the post-nuclear United States.


Small by pre-War standards, the PIP-Boy 2000 is a cumbersome wrist-mounted device utilizing modern cathode ray tube monitors in green monochrome for high resolution display of its contents. The versatility and ruggedness of the design won RobCo a contract for supplying PIP devices to all Vault-Tec Industries shelter personnel and designated dwellers.[1][2]

Another key factor was the fact that the hardware and software of the PIP-Boy allows for dozens of functions. These include tracking the current status of the owner on any assignments they might be carrying out, generating automatic maps of the local area, recording audio and video for later playback,[1] keeping track of important dates and events (excellent for scheduling meetings and appointments), and more.[3] While commercial models had the Alarm Clock offered as an optional feature, all PIP-Boys manufactured for Vault-Tec had it included as standard.[4] Other features include cabling for external Wattz C-U motion sensors, a holodisk reader,[5] and even the ability to play games on the latest models.[6] Additional peripherals compatible with the PIP-Boy 2000 include the answer console[7] and memory enhancers designed to transfer information through an optic flash to the user's brain. These range from dictionaries and encyclopedias to more exotic lingual and medical enhancers.[8]

Of course, managing the multitude of function screens and hardware extensions was cumbersome and reduced reliability. As a result, PIP-Boys required (still do) regular maintenance to remain in working order.[1] Tellingly, RobCo issued PIP-Boys with just a three month warranty.[3] Annual maintenance allowed Vaults to retain their PIP-Boys in good condition, but when left for extended time periods without maintenance, data contained in the PIP-Boy's memory could become corrupt,[9] to the point of being reset to factory zero.[10] Many Vaults that were furnished in later stages of the project (even if their construction ended early) opted for more modern models of the PIP-Boy product line, even if they were not compatible with hardware designed for the older models.[11] However, despite these flaws, functioning PIP-Boy 2000 units remain highly sought after due to their utility and functionality.[2]

The device features an image of RobCo's Pip-Boy corporate mascot.


The PIP-Boy 2000 is divided into several function screens that allow the owner to utilize its different functions. In game terms, the PIP-Boy 2000 is simply the interface the player uses to interact with the game.

In Fallout 2, there are enhancements that are designed only to work with a Pip-Boy such as the one worn by the Chosen One. Since PIP-Boy 2000 is available by default, these are simple consumable items.

  • Linguistic - Increases speech by 10% permanently.
  • Medical - Increases doctor by 10% permanently.

Main screen[]


The PIP-Boy 2000 main screen.

The main PIP-Boy screen is accessed through the PIP button on the main interface tab. It offers access to:

  • The Status screen, containing the current information about quests and any holodisks downloaded into memory.
  • The Automap screen, with maps of uncovered locations.
  • The Clues button has been damaged beyond repair and the appropriate screen is not available.
  • The Archives screen, with all the recorded video messages.
  • The Close button, which powers down the PIP-Boy.
  • The alarm clock (yellow bell icon at the top) is used to rest.

Interface bar[]

Fo1 Skill Dex etc

The interface bar, with the Skill Dex visible.

The interface bar is the main part of the gameplay and contain buttons that allow the player to access all the necessary functions (including the inventory screen, options, PIP-Boy, character screen, map, and the Skill Dex). The Skill Dex is a panel that allows the player quick access to the eight active skills that require a target to use. The left hand of the bar is occupied by the description window, which displays information about damage, skill use success, as well as providing flavor text.

The inventory screen is activated through the INV button. The largest monitor is a multiple function display, giving an overview of the character's statistics and equipment at a glance. When items are examined, it display's the description and name of the item. It also includes a rotating display of the character, a listing of the items in the backpack, as well as slots for the armor and active items.

The MAP button opens the local map. If the motion sensor is in one of the active slots, it is considered plugged into the PIP-Boy and can be used to display all the living characters on the local map. The same is achieved if it's used from the inventory screen. Note: Only motion sensors in the active item slot can be activated from the map screen, otherwise it will display a message that the option is not installed.

Finally, the CHA button opens the character screen.

Character screen[]

Fo1 Char Screen

The character screen

An integral part of the PIP-Boy is the character screen containing the owner's Vault-Tec personnel record[12], offering a summary of the owner's abilities, including attributes, derived statistics, skills, traits, and any injuries sustained. It also allows the owner to keep track of their reputation in the wasteland (both global and local), as well as listing the precise number of creatures and characters they dispatched.

Dialogue screen[]

Fo1 Dialogue Interface

The dialogue mode, with a local named Ian.

The dialogue screen peripheral is a comprehensive solution that tracks conversations with other characters, enables reviewing the conversation, and facilitates trade.

World map screen[]

World Map Fo Pip

The world map.

The world map screen differs from the automatically generated local map in that it relies on a pre-installed map. Corrupted archives will typically cause a fog of war effect to take place, where most of the map will be obscured until discovered by the player.

In Fallout, the map will also log through where the player has travelled, reset in between stops.

Mark VI[]

A developmental version of the Pip-Boy 2000, mounted on the forearm and representing a step forward in the development of more ergonomic versions of RobCo's flagship personal computing product. The Mark VI was given to the Residents of Vault 76 who would repopulate Appalachia 25 years after the Great War. Unlike previous versions of the Pip-Boy 2000, the Mark VI is without a real-time mapping feature.[13] But makes up for the lack of mapping with additional features that would be common in future Pip-Boy models like user status tracking, an FM radio upgrade module,[14] Geiger counter, an advanced compass that could display notable locations and nearby persons and creatures, lighting functionality for dark areas, and inventory management.


The Pip-Boy 2000 appears in Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Vault Boy, the company mascot who shows in images which illustrate all of the characteristics of the SPECIAL character system is referred to as "Pipboy" in Fallout Tactics.
  • The PIP-Boy 2000 has went through few iterations in the game. The biggest overhaul was made when the Fallout development team was forced to abandon GURPS and adopt SPECIAL.

Van Buren[]

Van Buren would have detailed a good part of the device's functionality, including how it generates maps:

A RobCo 2000 PIP Boy is a Personal Information Processor, a personal data device developed by Vault-Tec designed to be worn on the wrist. It is designed to monitor the individual's health, provide a terrain-mapper via powerful satellite uplinks allowing it to map the topography of areas in the immediate vicinity as well as call up large map "blocks" of several hundred square miles. It also contains a five-minute video recorder, a buddy chat program, timer and alarm function, cabling extensions to motion sensors, and allows you to keep a log, store reading materials, and play simple games.ZAX in Boulder dialogue pieces recovered from the tech demo


The Pip Boy 2000 is a very special piece of pre-war equipment that was used primarily by travelers. The Pip Boy holds a surprisingly large amount of information and can transfer data to and from holodiscs and from data tubes. It displays information in bright green on its black 5" x 3" screen. It can record sound and video footage for later playback. It uses a simple but elegant form of sonar and satellite tracking (where available, which is far from everywhere in the post-apocalyptic world) to map out areas where its user travels. Though input is slow, a user can also hand-enter and edit text messages on their Pip Boy 2000s. The original Pip Boy 2000 was a hand-held device, though some very cumbersome models were made to be worn on the arm. These models were unofficially called Pip Boy 2000 Plus.Simple survival gear, Pip Boy 2000

PIP-Boy 2000 was also tentatively intended for use in J.E. Sawyer's unfinished SIMPLE RPG engine. There, the basic model could be modified with expansion hardware. Advanced, jam-packed vacuum tubes called "data tubes" could be connected to expansion slots to improve the device's functionality. the number of slots depended on the model, the 2000 hand-held would have six, while the wrist-mounted model could only take four.[15] These included:

  • Battle Buddy: +1 to Melee and Unarmed
  • Diplomat Buddy: +1 to Investigate and Persuade
  • Reloader Buddy: +1 to Firearms and Science
  • Spy Buddy: +1 to Sneak and Deception
  • Survival Buddy: +1 to Medic and Outdoorsman
  • Thief Buddy: +1 to Security and Steal
  • Workshop Buddy: +2 to Mechanics
  • Motion Sensor: Displays the position of moving objects on the map.
  • Rad Counter: Generates a crackling noise near radiation fields, varies with intensity of the field. Effectively a Geiger counter.
  • Toxin Counter: Generates a beeping nose when toxic sources (such as poisonous waste and venomous creatures) are nearby. The frequency of the beeps varies with distance.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.4—20-4—21: "ROBCO PIPBOY 2000
    To help Vault Dwellers record information (and information is extremely valuable, in fact, it might be the most valuable weapon we have against the end of civilization, so pay attention!), Vault-Tec has selected the RobCo Industries RobCo PIPBoy 2000 as the Personal Information Processor of choice for its Vault Dwellers.
    PIPBoy 2000 (hereafter called the PIPBoy), is a handy device that you wear on your wrist. It’s small, especially by today’s standards, and it will store a goodly amount of information for you. And using modern super-deluxe resolution graphics to boot! Use the buttons to select the various functions of the PIPBoy. Some of the function screens have text in the display window that can be selected as well. These text buttons will change brightness when you move the mouse over them.
    Click on this button to view the current status of any adventure seed or task that you are on. The adventures will be sorted by location. Seeds that you are currently on, and have not finished, will be listed in green. Seeds that you have completed will be crossed out. As you get new tasks to perform, they will show up here.
    Click on this button to display a list of the locations you have visited. Select a location to view the automaps for that location. Your PIPBoy stores a map of all the locations you visit automatically. If you have a question of where a location is, use the Automap feature.
    The PIPBoy also has a video recorder. All movies are automatically recorded by the PIPBoy for later viewing. Select any previously viewed movie to watch it from here.
    Power down the PIPBoy for now and return to the Fallout world."
  2. 2.0 2.1 Fallout 2 manual p.57: "The Holy RobCo PIPBoy2000
    One of the most holy artifacts to be found in the Fallout 2 world is the RobCo PIPBoy 2000. This Personal Information Processor is highly sought after since few functioning units remain. While your character does not start off with this wonderful device, one of your first quests will be to retrieve it.
    The PIPBoy (as it is commonly called) is a handy device that you wear on your wrist. It stores information automatically for you, like a personal secretary, and also includes a clock and calender function for keeping track of time.
    Use the buttons on the left-hand side of the screen to select the primary function of the PIPBoy. All other commands will be entered directly on the screen of the PIPBoy. You can click on most lines of text to get more information."
  3. 3.0 3.1 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.4—23: "THINGS TO DO!
    The PIPBoy 2000 can be used to keep track of important dates and events. Use it to remember everyone’s birthday’s and anniversaries so that you [text obscured] and it is a very useful tool for scheduling meetings and appointments.
    And your PIPBoy has been programmed to properly handle all calendar dates, even after the turn of the century!1
    1Footnote: Your PIPBoy 2000 has a three month limited warranty."
  4. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.4—22: "Figure 4-19: The RobCo PIPBoy 2000 Alarm Clock optional feature. Standard on all Vault-Tec supplied versions."
  5. The Vault Dweller: "{121}{}{I heard something about holo-discs, how can I read them?}"
    Vree: "{128}{Vree21}{Use your Pip-Boy 2000 to read the discs. Insert the disc into the reader. If you have the proper computer skills, you should be able to scan the data.}"
  6. Pip-Boy Mark VI and Pip-Boy games
  7. The Chosen One: "{162}{}{I'll give the test a shot then.}"
    Gregory: "{166}{}{You wish to take the test? Excellent, excellent! Nothing pleases me more than testing potential applicants...but I must warn you, the test is several hours long. Do you wish to take it now?}"
    The Chosen One: "{168}{}{Sure.}"
    Gregory: "{177}{}{Here are forms 5028, 6112, and the Pip Boy answer console. Please be sure to fill in each circle COMPLETELY. Now, if you would take a seat over here...}"
  8. Leslie Anne Bishop: "{745}{}{They had memory enhancers for the Pip Boys there. Had dictionaries and encyclopedias stored on them. Took one of the lingual enhancers when I left, though I don't know why.}"
    The Chosen One: "{746}{}{Where is this enhancer?}"
    Leslie Anne Bishop: "{750}{}{*Yawn*... (Curls up.) It's in my safe. Not much use without a Pip Boy, though. Don't know why I still keep it.}"
  9. Vault City central computer: "{210}{}{A small display beneath the Pip Boy states that your last scheduled maintenance was 50.352 years ago. The archives are corrupted and need to be "re-formatted." Do you wish to proceed?}"
  10. The PIP-Boy in Fallout 2 is reset to factory settings upon procurement.
  11. The Chosen One: "{346}{}{All right then. Download the information into my Pip Boy, and I'll log it into the patrol computers.}"
    Stark: "{348}{}{This intelligence looks good. Well done. Here's payment for your services, five hundred dollars... plus, you might find this useful.}"
    The Chosen One: "{349}{}{What is it?}"
    Stark: "{350}{}{It's a Vault-Tec Motion sensor. We were going to strip it for parts, since it's too old for our Pip Boys, but it looks like it's compatible with your model.}"
    The Chosen One: "{351}{}{How does it work?}"
    Stark: "{352}{}{Keep it in your hand and it IDs hostiles in your immediate area when you use it. Or you can call up the Pip Boy automap as normal, then just click the "scanner" button and they're lit up like a neon sign.}"
  12. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p. 22
  13. In-game, no local maps and the use of the Vault-Tec Appalachia paper map.
  14. [1]
  15. Simple survival gear, Pip Expansion Hardware: "All Pip Boy models can download and In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammartranfer data from holodiscs. All models can also accept expansion hardware. Expansion hardware comes in the form of data tubes, which are highly advanced, jam-packed vacuum tubes. Data tubes cannot be written to with Pip Boys, but their data can be accessed while they are connected. Pip Boy 2000 models can take six tubes, 2000 Plus models can take four, and Lil' Pip 3000s can take six."