Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Pip-Boy answer console is a Pip-Boy 2000 peripheral used in high technology settlements (such as Vault City) to provide answers to formalized tests. Vault City citizenship examinations rely exclusively on these.[1]


  1. The Chosen One: "{155}{}{Sounds elementary. I'd like to take this Citizenship Test.}"
    Gregory: "{166}{}{You wish to take the test? Excellent, excellent! Nothing pleases me more than testing potential applicants...but I must warn you, the test is several hours long. Do you wish to take it now?}"
    The Chosen One: "{168}{}{Sure.}"
    Gregory: "{177}{}{Here are forms 5028, 6112, and the Pip Boy answer console. Please be sure to fill in each circle COMPLETELY. Now, if you would take a seat over here...}"