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The Ranger vets are on their way from Baja. I've never seen one before, but I heard they chew nails and spit napalm.— NCR soldiers and engineers

The NCR Veteran Rangers are the elite members of the New California Republic Rangers in service to the New California Republic, encountered in Fallout: New Vegas.


Considered to be the best of the best among their peers, Veteran Rangers have served long enough and with such distinction that they have earned the privilege of wearing the signature NCR Ranger combat armor, also referred to as the "Black Armor,"[1] said to have been made from the repurposed remnants of pre-War equipment used by the L.A.P.D. during instances of riots and urban conflict.[2] The inscriptions ("For Honorable Service" and "20 years") on their distinctive Ranger Sequoia revolvers indicate that a Ranger who carries one has served for at least 20 years.

By 2281, a contingent of Veteran Rangers had been deployed to Baja under orders from President Kimball, doing what Chief Hanlon describes as "chasing ghosts," but as the conflict with the Legion draws to its climax, a distinct force of them are slowly deployed to boost the NCR's presence in the Mojave Wasteland.[3]

The Courier hears about the Veteran Rangers from various individuals both in and outside of the NCR military, as they have a legendary reputation among the republic's citizens as well as its enemies. NCR military officers, such as Captain Parker or Major Knight, will occasionally compare a platoon of them to a "tactical nuke,"[4] and most rank-and-file NCR troopers may admit to being intimidated by them. Similarly, members of the Fiends inside Vault 3 advise the Courier to run the other way if they see a Ranger in black armor, remarking that they are capable of picking off entire raiding parties from distances too far to even see it coming.[5]


NCR Veteran Rangers can be found at most major NCR military outposts, such as Camp Golf, Camp Forlorn Hope or any of the Ranger stations, after one has activated or destroyed the Securitron vault underneath Fortification Hill. They may spawn upon reaching Level 16 and prominently appear in the few quests just before the Second Battle of Hoover Dam; a pair of them serve as bodyguards to President Kimball during his visit to Hoover Dam during You'll Know It When It Happens (NCR, House, Independent) or Arizona Killer (Legion).

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Other interactions[]

  • Depending on how many of the listed tasks are completed during Restoring Hope, the attack force sent with the player character to retake Nelson can consist of four Veteran Rangers, but for them to appear, one must have achieved the highest threshold for morale in Camp Forlorn Hope before starting the assault.
  • Two Veteran Rangers accompany Aaron Kimball during his visit to Hoover Dam to protect him as he gives his speech. Depending on which side the Courier is on, they will either stand out of their way as they protect the president, or attack them if they attempt the assassination during the quest Arizona Killer. If the Courier climbs onto the stage at any time while the president is there, they will automatically attack.
  • Siding with the NCR in the final battle for Hoover Dam, a squad of Veteran Rangers is sent to ensure that the Courier arrives at the Legate's camp. They can provide sniper support, follow or, after passing a Speech check of 85, pave the way.
  • If the Courier sides with Yes Man or Mr. House at the Second Battle for Hoover Dam, Veteran Rangers appear flanking General Lee Oliver after he enters the legate's camp. If the Courier orders the Securitron army to attack Oliver and his Rangers, the latter will turn hostile.


Notable Veteran Rangers[]

  • NCR Ranger Veteran commander - A Ranger officer who leads a squad of veteran rangers to aid the Courier (provided they sided with the NCR) during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam.


  • A Veteran Ranger appears on the box art of almost all versions of Fallout: New Vegas.
  • One Veteran Ranger makes an appearance during the New Vegas intro, sniping a Fiend with an anti-materiel rifle from atop the Fabulous New Vegas sign.
  • Weapons found on Veteran Rangers are typically at between 30% to 60% condition, although their hunting revolver or anti-materiel rifle can be as low as 15% condition at low levels.
  • A noticeable number of Veteran Rangers are ghouls, appearing randomly wherever other Veteran Rangers are stationed. This is in contrast to normal Rangers, where the only ghoul members seen in the game are limited to three ghoul Rangers at Ranger Station Echo and at Camp Golf.
  • At higher levels, Veteran Rangers posted at sniper towers surrounding Camp Forlorn Hope are incorrectly labeled as simply "NCR Ranger."
  • After patch, NCR Ranger hit squads sent to kill the Courier can include Veteran Rangers at higher levels.
  • The members of Alpha Squad, the Ranger team sent to assist the Courier during Eureka!, are labeled as "Ranger Veterans" instead of "Veteran Rangers."
  • During You'll Know It When It Happens, a squad of NCR Veteran Rangers can be seen wielding 12.7mm pistols. This is the only time they are ever seen carrying them.


NCR Veteran Rangers appear only in Fallout: New Vegas.


Magic: The Gathering[]


  1. Courier: "Tell me about the Rangers."
    Ranger Andy: "They're the NCR's finest. A one-man platoon, each of 'em. You got a job where even thinking about it would scare a man senseless, that's when you bring in the Rangers. And if you see a squad of the veterans - guys who earned their black armor... well... you won't find a more beautiful sight."
    (Ranger Andy's dialogue)
  2. Josh Sawyer Formspring June 11, 2011 answers
  3. The Courier: "How is NCR doing?"
    Chief Hanlon: "It's no secret that we've had better campaigns. Holding this whole length of river isn't easy. We're stretched thin and the Long 15 just keeps getting longer. Slow to get supplies. Slower to get reinforcements. NCR's senate has got funds tied up at the Boneyard and President Kimball ordered our most experienced rangers to chase ghosts down in Baja."
    (Chief Hanlon's dialogue)
  4. Generic greeting by members of vNCRMilitaryOfficerDialogueFaction: "A platoon of veteran Rangers is like a tactical nuke, only tougher to scare."
  5. Generic Fiend greeting: "You see a Ranger in black, run the other way. Take you out from a quarter mile off."