Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Gerald was a member of a fraternity in the Commonwealth.


Gerald recorded a holotape with instructions for the initiation of new members pledging into the fraternity. Gerald instructed the members carrying out the initiation to retrieve "substances" (chems) the fraternity stored in the Malden drainage for use on the initiates to "open their minds." He ended the holotape with the Latin phrase "Ordo Oblitus Ossa."[1]


  • The holotape's subtitles only display "Male Voice" as the speaker. Gerald's name only appears in the game's technical records, as well the credits for his voice actor Wayne Frazier.
  • Gerald is one of several holotape voice NPCs who have unique actor models in the game files, as shown in the infobox. Other such voice-only NPCs, such as Technician Rand, use actors with default appearances.
  • "Ordo Oblitus Ossa" is Latin and translates to "Order of the Forgotten Bones".[2]


Gerald is mentioned only in Fallout 4.

