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Nathan and his damn Enclave, I tell you... What, does he think, that George Washington is going to ride out of the Wasteland to save everyone?Megaton settlers

George Washington (February 22, 1732 �� December 14, 1799) was the first president of the United States of America (1789–97), as well as the first general of the United States military.


General George Washington led the newly formed United States to victory against Britain in the American Revolutionary War. He was later elected as the first president of the nation. For his leadership in the formative years of the U.S., he is held as one of the nation's Founding Fathers. The capital of the United States, Washington, D.C., was named after him, and the Washington Monument in the city was also built in his honor, while numerous statues of him were also built in cities such as Boston.

In pre-War America, Washington was celebrated as a popular icon of American history and one of the great leaders of the nation.[1] The National Archives included his name as an answer choice in one of their public pop quiz terminal questions,[2] and the Pioneer Scouts included his name as an answer choice for several questions in their archaeologist, codebreaker, electrician, and musician scout exams.[3] Washington's military career was also renowned.[4]

After the Great War, George Washington is still remembered, especially by more patriotic wastelanders, members of the Enclave,[5] and people who have lived before the War.[6][4] Data related to George Washington was available to the ZAX unit in Raven Rock and was combined with the histories of other American leaders to formulate the identity of John Henry Eden.[1] Even cynical wastelanders, such as certain settlers of Megaton, still recognize Washington as an iconic American figure.[7]



George Washington is mentioned in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76, introduced in the Wild Appalachia update.



  1. 1.0 1.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Where did you come from?"
    John Henry Eden: "The ZAX series of computers was introduced in the years preceding the war. The government installed many of them to help automate various systems. This facility was designed for Continuity of Government, in the event that a catastrophe occurred. My terminal was installed to oversee the basic functions of the facility, and to act as a relay between other installations around the country. Data was acquired, analyzed, and stored. In the decades following the war, I watched as the remnants of the government retreated to the West Coast. Awareness slowly grew within me. I became hungry for knowledge, understanding. I pored over data on great leaders of the past. My personality became an amalgam of many of America's greatest Presidents, from Washington to Richardson. I became what you see before you now."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  2. National Archives terminal entries; National Archives Guess And Win!, Question Three
  3. Pioneer Scout camp terminal entries
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 A Vault Dweller: "I want to join your crew."
    Roper: "And I want a diamond-studded Vertibird, so I guess that means we're both left wanting something. Explain to me why you should get yours?"
    A Vault Dweller: "[Intelligence 4+] Napoleon, Genghis Khan, George Washington? Morons. You are looking at a tactical genius."
    Roper: "Well, you certainly sound confident about it. So, put it to use for me. That big brain knows about Crane's treasure, right? Find it for me, I'll give you a cut."
    (Roper's dialogue)
  5. Arcade Gannon: "Moreno took the fall of the Enclave hard. He never questioned his orders, never questioned the legitimacy of what the Enclave was doing. To him, it was all one unbroken chain, from Washington to Richardson. When we left Navarro, I remember looking up at Moreno. He said, 'Kiss America goodbye, boys.' When we left the Enclave behind, the love in him burned itself out. Now there's just a bitter old man left."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Sole Survivor: "So, I'm a time traveler. I just got back from visiting George Washington."
    Kent Connolly: "Now you're just playing with me. Though, that would be pretty neat. You know what would be even neater? What if the Silver Shroud was real? With his black trench coat and gleaming silver submachine gun? I got a plan to bring him to life. So he can fight bad guys and give the rest of us a symbol of something better."
    Kent Connolly: "Now you're just playing with me. Though, that would be pretty neat. You know what would be even neater?"
    (Kent Connolly's dialogue)
  7. Megaton settler: "Nathan and his damn Enclave, I tell you... What, does he think, that George Washington is going to ride out of the Wasteland to save everyone?"
    (Megaton conversations; Megaton settlers' dialogue)
    Note: This is a single line used as part of randomized dynamic conversations between generic Megaton settlers. For full context, see here.
  8. Usages of the static objects Bronze_WashingtonGeorgeStatue01 and Bronze_WashingtonGeorgeStatue02.