Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Weapon decay formulae[]

The weapon decay formula for FO:NV is pretty straight forward. Each shot takes .2 item health off of all weapons in the game. Example:

  • 9mm pistol - Health 150, 750 shots to fail (150/.2=750).

FO3 uses a different formula. Each shot decays the weapon by a percentage of the weapon's base damage. Also, there are different percentage values for different weapon types:

  • Guns = .03%
  • Energy weapons = .04%
  • Big guns = .06%
  • Melee = .05%


  • Terrible Shotgun - Health 350, DAM 80. Decay per shot = 2.4 (80x.03=2.4). Durability = 146 shots (350/2.4=145.8333)
  • Laser Pistol - Health 350, DAM 12. Decay per shot = .48 (12x.04=.48). Durability = 729 shots (350/.48=729.1666)

I'm 100% certain (tested across multiple weapons and types) that the formula for NV is correct. User:Zerginfestor and I have completed the tests. FO3 uses the formulae listed above. The Gunny 380px-USMC-E7 svg 01:05, January 19, 2012 (UTC)

This is some seriously good stuff! Thanks for your efforts. -ΣΔLet's talk! 01:06, January 19, 2012 (UTC)
It's what we do. I'm not a very good editor, but we can deconstruct all the damage formulas (with the help of the Weapons Wizards over at the BSW forum). I'm just glad to be able to make some concrete contributions, other than spamming peoples talk pages and blogs with inane musings. The Gunny 380px-USMC-E7 svg 01:10, January 19, 2012 (UTC)
Something about the New Vegas guns though, even though the formulas result in X number of shots, something about the programs results in the weapons breaking within 5 or so shots of that total. User:Great_MaraMessage 01:11, January 19, 2012 (UTC)
Yes. I thought that maybe that was the "slightly less than 100%" condition you can get them to, but I added fully 100% condition weapons in by console and I still got a few shy of the mark. Since the actual fired numbers I've gotten were close, but not consistant, i.e. 746 shots, 745 shots, 739 shots, I personally feel we should just use the formulas and the modifier "about xxxx shots until it breaks". What do you think? It would save a ton of time testing and the test results do vary some anyways. The Gunny 380px-USMC-E7 svg 01:20, January 19, 2012 (UTC)
Max condition for FNV is 99.93%, even with console commands, that is why. User:AvatarUser talk:Avatar 03:30, January 19, 2012 (UTC)

Furthering the project[]

I would like some feedback on the inclusion of additional information regarding weapon decay under the scope of this project.

  • I would like to include a "Durability" sub-section of the Characteristics section on the Fallout: New Vegas weapon pages that would include a slightly more detailed description of weapon decay and a table on all weapon pages that have multiple modes of condition effect that plays on weapon decay. I propose to include the effect of all condition modifying ammo effects, weapon condition mods, weapon magazine capacity mods and possibly Raul's perks effects on decay. Here is an example of the subsection I propose:


Durability listed as the maximum number of shots fired and associated reloads (approximate) from 100% weapon condition before complete weapon failure:

Unmodified W/ capacity mod W/ durability mod W/ both mods
Ammo type Shots Reloads Shots Reloads Shots Reloads Shots Reloads
Standard & HP 995 166 995 124 1495 249 1495 187
SWC 328 55 328 41 495 83 495 62
.44 Special 1328 221 1328 166 1995 333 1995 249
  • On Fallout 3 weapon pages, I propose a similar table (I'll build an example as time permits) to show the effects of V.A.T.S. usage on weapon decay (which is quite large).

I'm interested in feedback on the table organization, the entire sub-section as proposed and if I've missed any weapon condition/number of reload effects. The Gunny 380px-USMC-E7 svg 02:56, January 31, 2012 (UTC)

I've decided to not add these tables as part of the scope of this project. After I get done moving the rest of the FLNV notes to the new "Durability" sub-section, I'll finish off the last few stragglers. All we need is for these to be reviewed for consistency and mistakes. The Gunny 380px-USMC-E7 svg 23:20, March 12, 2012 (UTC)

Peer review[]

All FO3 and FONV weapons pages need to be checked for:

  1. New "Durability" sub-section of "Characteristics" section.
  2. Consistently worded durability infomation, e.g. "The hunting shotgun can fire a total of about 995 standard shells, the equivalent of 199 reloads, or 125 reloads when modified with a long tube magazine, from full condition before breaking."
  3. Ensuring that all links to the Condition page are correct (I put a few on incorrectly). They should look like this, with appropriate capitalization: [[Condition#Equipment condition in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas|condition]].
  4. Spelling, punctuation and formatting errors.
  5. Other durability related notes or information on any other part of the page that I missed and move them to the "Durability" sub-section.

If you find any pages that are still missing the data, put up the project tag {{Weapon condition project}}. If they have incorrect data, PM me. Check and update the progress table on the project page for what's ready for peer review and then when you've completed them. Thanks a bunch, The Gunny 380px-USMC-E7 svg 23:39, March 12, 2012 (UTC)
